this is so wrong

Discussion in 'Pets and Animals' started by Sugar Magnolia, May 13, 2004.

  1. Sage-Phoenix

    Sage-Phoenix Imagine

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    I agree with Maggie (and Otter by default).

    It certainly seems very cruel and I suppose it is, but really there isn't much else that can be done. If the animals are kept alive they would need to be housed fed etc. Shelters are stretched enough as it is. Give them some credit.
    Being stuck in a shelter for years on end would be like going to prison for a crime you never committed. It really would be better for the animals who for what ever reason will never be rehomed to be put out of their misery.

    This is why people should adopt more animals from shelter and stop funding the breeders and/or puppy mills who indirectly cause the problem in the first place.


  2. SamuraiSeahorse

    SamuraiSeahorse Member

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    You would advocate releasing MORE animals that are blatantly not supposed to be in the wild eco system into it to screw it up even more??????!!!!!!!!!!!

    Look at our Rock dove in the UK.....slowly dying out cos Feral Pigeons are hybridizing with it.

    Look at Dingoes in Aussie land. Pure bred Dingoes are now an EXTREMELY rare thing because of ignoramoses allowinng their dogs to run free and breed with the native dingoes.

    Cats and Foxes in New Zealand. since they were introduced many of the native species have jumped on the train to extinction cos they cant cope with these foreigners.

    Them anti fur campaigners with no brains or concept of how Nature works who released a fur farms worth of Mink into the British countryside to ravage our wildlife!

    The entrance of the darling Grey Squirrel into the UK to drive our Native Red Squirrels to near extinction, rob nests and destroy our trees that have not evolved to cope with Grey squirrels.

    The domestic cat whos not even gone feral who causes severe damage to Songbird poulations. Can u imagine what a can gone feral and a hunting EXPERT can do????!

    And MANY more examples.

    Jeez man , its not so much a matter of whether or not they can survive.....they blatantly can. Its a matter of the damage releasing a large number of these animals into the wild would do to the eco system.

    I agree with the euthanasia of these animals ANY DAY over them being shut up in prison there entire lives to go insane.
    Theres to much human sentimentality these days.

    We have all become detatched from our roots as human ANIMALS. Before we got civilized and SOFT...we would have faced death on a daily basis. It was a part of life.
    Remember in Nature that individual poor doggy is not considered. Nature considers the effects on the WHOLE population and acts accordingly.

    And in trying to fix what Man has broken...
    We have to think and act like Mother nature.
  3. Cosmic Butterfly

    Cosmic Butterfly Member

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    I definately do not advocate the release of any animals from another region into any area domesticated or not. You are just jumping to conclusions. Just the capture of feral animals to kill them. They know that these animals will not do well for adoption, so they just kill them.
    We have a wonderful feral cat community in our area, and an older couple controls the population through nuetering and spaying. The cats are quite happy being free. When a new cat entires the area it is taken to the vet for a check up, and then fixed. They may have fleas, and sleep in trees but they are not captured to be killed.

    What I was trying to explain is that animals prefer life over death. And that it is bizarre to believe in animal rights yet euthanize. Those creatures are better off on the streets than in a trash can.
    Fortunately the shelter in our town is a very decent place compared to others. Once and awhile I volunteer at my local shelter and help clean up feces, and take the dogs on long walks. A couple of the dogs have been there for a year or more, and a have great relationship with the staff. They are not depressed, and dont deserve to die just because someone they can not be adopted. I really enjoy spending time with the cats the most. The cats at our local shelter do not live in pens. They live in rooms that are 8' by 10' with other cats. There are cat play palaces that go up to the ceiling, and live wheatgrass. I wish alot shelters would model after the really nice ones. There are excellent no kill shelters out there, and the animals arent sitting in their shit staring at wall. It just makes me sad that people catch ferals to kill them.

    BTW Seahorse Samurai, wasnt the dingo orginally a domesticated dog that turned wild again?
  4. Omniwulf

    Omniwulf Member

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    Well then. If Killing is the right thing to prevent the spread of a species beyond its Natural boundrys then we really need to start killing alot of people... ALOT of people. and as for any of the natural animals left in this world...well as we humans continue none stop breeding and taking over the land , they will all vanish.. the only ones left will be in some cage in a zoo.
    And..if all you murdering worshiping types have your way.. even the ones we call our friends will be done away with because there is this very very small chance that one of them my harm another human..god forbid.
    Dogs have no problems roaming free, Only people have problems with it.
    Murdering them is not the right solution to the problem. Cause if it is..then Murdering people who are homeless is also the solution to that problem.
  5. SamuraiSeahorse

    SamuraiSeahorse Member

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    Like I said....we humans have become too.......seperated from our own place in Nature.....too much away from the rules of Nature....and too soft to realise the harsh realities of Nature.

    That is why this planet is in the shit....because humans screw up the laws of Nature. If things were as they should...Old people and their related illnesses would not exist because they would not be surviving long enough to get these illnesses . Sickly children would be STRAIGHT out the genepool and the Human race would be a lot fitter, a lot healthier and above all...a lot SMALLER.
    Thus ensuring our gradual evolution and better quality of indiviuals in the species.

    However. We evolved this super intelligence thing which is the downfall of the entire PLANET. It allowed us to literally take over the planet and screw EVERYTHING up.

    Now we all know realistically that a cull of the Human race is NOT goingh to happen.
    So we have to do what we can to attempt to at least partially fix what we have broken and fucked up. Try and restore the balance we destroyed. And that involves species management.
    Where we have eliminated predator species we have to cull prey species because without predators they grow and grow and grow....the sick, weak and stupid are not killed and the genepool grows weak. Overpopulation ensues and starvation and disease happens.
    So before that happens a selective cull is performed. Like on Deer.

    Basically my point is that nature is not pretty. nature is not friendly and if we are to even BEGIN to attempt to put ANYTHING right we must accept that fact and ACT like Nature.

    And again. The key issue is NOT about whether these animals would be happy living free......we all know they would be more than fine....
    It is the effect on the eco system they are unnaturally living in.
    Do you know how many birds a single cat can kill in a year? Its high in the hundreds.

    Multiply that by thousands of cats.

    Then consider all those feral cats that have become EXPERT hunters with wildness.

    Predators in the wild are designed to be in the minority with prey animals highly over numbering them.
    The amount of cats and dogs we constantly put on this planet is EQUALLY as bad as the overpopulation of humans. Its just a smaller RANGE of damage.
  6. Oklahoma

    Oklahoma Member

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    Ok, first of all, you can't claim to know what an animal is thinking. Nobody can.

    Second, these are not fucking wild cats we're talking about here. There is a BIG difference between a feral cat and a wild cat. Cats, dogs, horses, etc, have been domesticated for thousands of years and have come to depend on humans. Yes kids, you heard right, I said that my dogs depend on me to live. You see, there are, what is it, seven, eight thousand years separating my cute little terrier from his wild cousin? He wouldn't stand a chance in the wild.

    Third, when a dog or cat goes feral, it is not "in the wild". It is in the middle of a fucking city, more often than not.

    Now, I'm not saying we should kill all the stray dogs to end their suffering. I agree with Otter almost 100%, and it would take me aeons to finish talking about my opinion on animal shelters and euthanasia, so refer to Otter's posts for that.

    Oh, and would you rather die by getting steamrollered by some idiot's SUV, or by a lethal injection?
  7. Cosmic Butterfly

    Cosmic Butterfly Member

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    Oklahoma, cats are a wild species, and they are still out there. I can tell when you think about wild cats you think cougars, panthers, and tigers. You really should do a research on cats, and realize that there are many small species of cats all over the world. Cats are very much different than dogs, and not very dependent on us whether you like to accept it or not. So dont try using that excuse when it comes to cats locked up in homes for the rest of their lives. If you have an indoor/outdoor cat and you stop giving it food and water. That little kitty is going to take care of itself.
    Hmm steam roller or euthanasia? They both would be quick so I guess it would not matter. Luckily animals dont worry about suffering like we humans do. They are being here in the now.
  8. Oklahoma

    Oklahoma Member

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    Hmm, sorry, but I have to say that my cat wouldn't last more than a month as a stray. She goes outside most of the day, and she is still not much of a hunter. In fact, she's only caught one bird. Ever.
  9. Omniwulf

    Omniwulf Member

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    Cats are the least controlled by the killers of th is world. I agree that better efforts are needed in controling thier growth. Dogs on the other hand have very little impact on the echo system unlike cats. The few things that a dog can catch would at best only help a ongoing problem with over population of vermin. Do you know what a Terrior was bred for btw? They where not bred the way they are for sitting in your lap at home. They are hunters. a working dog. bred to hunt rats and other vermin. To tell anyone that a terrior could never survive without you only proves how little you know or are willing to understand about your very own dog. Few dogs where actualy bread for nothing more then human companionship. its only been the past few hundred years that people have giving up on breeding for better hunting skills and more for just good natured puppys.
    Look.. all I'm trying to say here anyway is this.
    We do not need to kill all stray dogs or even round up all stray dogs. By rounding them up we only create the need for shelters and then death row .
    I beleave only the truely ill and old K9s need to be sheltered and humanly put to sleep.
    As for cats, the loose dogs will help curb the cat population..provided we can only restrain ourselfs from wanting to kill said dog for disposing of a PEST. :p
    yea I'm all to aware of how devistation a well trained hunting cat can on the local birds. Just 1 cat can wipe out a bird population in a block area.
    So shoot me..I'm all for killing cats. At least dogs are not wiping out every living thing around like they do.
    But we sure as hell are wiping out the dog population.
    Look we can all go on and on about this. and there are some bitter lines drawn in sand..
    I think my way of handling it is far nicer way of doing things.. but I'm guessing it wont happen cause all you pussy woman will be sooooooooo scared to see a strange dog walk past your house or in your yard and killing it will be YOUR best solution to the problem.
    Yea thats right.. I'm blaming WOMAN for all this. Guys have always cared less. except for a few sheep herders or chicken ranchers.
  10. Oklahoma

    Oklahoma Member

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    I know what terriers were bred for originally, but that doesn't mean my dog is capable of catching enough rats to keep himself alive. Like you said yourself, people don't use dogs to catch vermin anymore, they use traps, so people have stopped looking for that instinct when breeding dogs. Even if he was a great hunter, which he's not, I still doubt he could survive on his own. You should read "Call of the Wild," it does a good job of explaining how modern dogs really aren't suited to survive without humans. (Buck was an exception, of course, but then there are exceptions to virtually every rule) Even if they are bred for hunting, just because a dog can hunt doesn't mean he can survive on his own. Why? Because we have, for as long as dogs have been domesticated, been breeding their wild instincts out of them. We needed them to depend on us so they wouldn't run away.
  11. Omniwulf

    Omniwulf Member

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    Asking someone to read some Fiction to base reality on is silly.
    stray dogs would indeed still depend on mankind to help feed them, Just not dirrectly. they will forage off of road kills, garbage cans and so on.
    all suplimenting thier sparce diet of wild game catches such as grubs, mice, birds and anything else they can lock thier choppers on.
    You should see GA..the people here have not taken to murdering dogs with zeal as so many others have. This state has alot of strays running around.
    Lord help them if you would have your way. Lord help stray humans if these types of views on life continue.
  12. Oklahoma

    Oklahoma Member

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    First of all, Call of the Wild is very realistic, Jack London lived in the Yukon. But I'm not basing reality on the book, all I'm saying is that the book agreed with everything I already knew about dogs.

    Second, would you want to live on roadkill and garbage? I'm not saying all the stray dogs should be killed, just that we need to solve the stray problem. Not necessarily by euthanizing all the stray animals, but, like otter pointed out, by fixing all our pets, and by finding homes for as many as we can.
  13. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    If you really think that a pampered Perisan Blue is equivalent to a Pallas cat, I want some of what you are smoking!

    Contact with humans dulled the feline and lupine/canine instinct.
    Cats are a bit better at short-term survival, but even feral, most are depending on a human construct to survive.
    Trash bins, granaries, food left for other outdoor cats.
    Fleas carry plague, especially in the Rocky Mountain West. Prairie dog colonies die off every year, and many parks in Colorado have warning signs for companion animals' owners.
    Now, if a shelter is killing because of a budget shortfall, why aren't the "animal lovers" (like the Dumb Friends' Leauge supporter who is munching a bratwurst at a dispaly table... um... animal cruelty?) coughing up the bucks?
    Put your money and time where your mouth is.
    Some shelters must "liquidate " because of distemper or parvo or other diseases.
    I have written about shelters that had a kill day simply because the city could not afford to air condition the shelter over the weekend.
    A nearby no-kill would pick up anyone not ill or mean.
    I will NEVER forget the smell of the chemicals and fear.
    Some municipalities euthanize certain breeds (wolf-hybrids and pitbulls die in Denver and surrounding counties) or animals who have attacked.
    Some shelters network very well to get anyone who is slightly "adoptable" to someone willing to care for that animal.
    But the number one thing is to spay/neuter.
    it is the truest expression of love your animal can have.
  14. nightmarehippygirl

    nightmarehippygirl LEVI'S MOMMY

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    i volunteer for the spca in my area. i will agree that it is nuts to euthanize animals because of their color. i don't think that is common practice.

    as for the rest of the post, about putting animals to sleep for lack of money and room to take care of them, there really isn't an alternative. the organization that i volunteer for is funded pretty much exclusively through private donations, and there is only so much money to go around.

    the solution to the problem, as others have stated is to get animals spayed and neutered, so that they stop having unwanted offspring.

    i was working a booth at a festival this weekend for the spca, and this lady came up, and wanted to know if we put animals to sleep, if we couldn't adopt them. the reason she wanted to know was that she had a large litter of puppies to get rid of, but she couldn't bear to think about them being euthanized. we told her that we do eventually euthanize animals, because there really isn't any other practical way to operate our shelter. she seemed appalled.we asked her if she had gotten the mother dog spayed, so that she wouldn't have this problem again in the future. the answer: of course not. people don't want to cough up the fifty bucks it costs to get their pets neutered. allowing your cat or dog to have unwanted babies, to my way of thinking is like having unwanted children. you shouldn't do it.

    the reality of no kill shelters is that they aren't the panacea that everyone thinks they are. for one thing, they are ALWAYS full. once they reach capacity, they can't take in any other animals until they get rid of some. the downside is that since no kill shelters won't put less desirable animals to sleep, they may have to hang on to them practically forever while looking for a home for them. meanwhile, they are turning away perfectly adoptable animals. it sounds cold and terrible, and it is, but animals that are very sick, or have a history of aggression have to be put to sleep.

    wanna help the problem? instead of buying your next dog from a breeder, or *shudder* the pet store at the mall, adopt one from the shelter. and get the damn thing neutered.

    ok, i added my $.02. hehe
  15. redrum

    redrum Member

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    most of you have been conditioned very well in the very primitive fallacy of human superiority. I give you all the hitler award! Maybe next you may go on to further subdue more species in the name of progress, maybe even evolve to subdue even yourself. (well obviously most of you are).
    You have been conditioned well, your training is almost complete. Now please finish it off and now kill yourself.
    Humans have not been on this planet very long. And we will hopefully not be for too much longer. Plants and animals have been here a long time and would do best if we got a clue and advanced to the evolved state of them. We are so hopelessly pathetic to think that anything is dependent on humans for survival. If anything, survival for this planet would be the end of the human disease. We are the only pests. Your conformist factories (ie: "SCHOOLS") have trained your puny, insignificant minds well. Now get back to work, slaves. There is hope for you all yet possibly. fascist pigs.

    Let the animals free. And let yourself free while you are at it.
  16. loveflower

    loveflower Senior Member

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    somebody please explain puppy mills to me, what do they do there?
  17. sugrmag

    sugrmag Uber Nerd

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    Loveflower, there is actually a puppy mill right down the street from my mother's house. They have about twenty little caged in areas. Each breeder is kept isolated until it is time to breed. Then the make the area that the people buy the puppies all pretty, while the parents are in cages small enough to barely turn around. I think they turn out 2 litters/breed a year. I think that they have two or three different breeds.

    I know one man who adopted a stud dog. He had been made to breed so much, his penis was constantly on "red alert". It never went back into the sheath.

    The animal shelters are pretty much doing the best they can with a shitty situation. So many people don't fix their pets and let them roam around and breed at random. The animal shelters aren't the problems. The problem is negligent owners who don't fix their pets, who want a pure-breed rather than a mixed from the shelter.
  18. loveflower

    loveflower Senior Member

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    why dont we shut the puppy mills down?
  19. sugrmag

    sugrmag Uber Nerd

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    I tried. I called the "animal Police" and they said that they would look into it, but that was over a year ago. Nothing has changed, as far as I could tell. I really don't know what more I can do.
  20. The Smiling Frog

    The Smiling Frog Member

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    I think they should start euthanizing people. Especially ones that think animals should be let loose everywhere to overpopulate and die!

    I just like to read these posts because it amazes me how many brain dead people there are in this world. It's horrible that animals have to be euthanized, but even more horrible that they have to suffer.
    There will always be an overpopulation of animals as long as there are stupid people. There's an overpopulation of people too.
    The same people that believe animals should be let loose to breed and do whatever the hell they please are the same people that breed like rabbits. Welfare reciepient white trash that let their 15 year old daughters do whatever they want and get pregnant.
    I can tell how intelligent most of you are by the way you spell everything wrong!

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