I did not mention it before anywhere, but I think the pictures inside of your numbers and letters are so cool. I even thought I saw some eyes in there...what a neat idea!
It got my attention. To me there's an element of randomness, even though I know it's not actually random. Don't see that in a lot of stuff. Good tonal quality too. Love it.
Made in GIMP 2.6.12 - oh i don't think GIMP should be soft of choise for such work. I prefer IconXP from www.aha-soft.com or Osiris. They are much more powerful and allow to create really sophisticated pictures and graffities. This work is very good, colour scheme is very attractive and overally composition is unusual, but you can do it in more appropriate programm
why so much hate on GIMP .. it is very good open source software. Next time i'm in Windoze i'll remember iconXP and maybe check it out. They are really not the same type of program though. IconXP seems more geared toward pixel art, which i've been meaning to try to get into doing some .. maybe some custom smileys for this site edit: also, if someone made some good art in Windows Paint, and i liked it .. the tools they used to make it isn't that relavent but thanks for the tip.