No posts since December? What gives? Come on girls, you must have SOME sort of lesbian issues you want to discuss lol
Lol. I guess we are all happy in our relationships for now or in my case, I have no relationship to whine about. Phewww.
Been years since I been here. Decided to check it out because it keeps popping up when I Google myself. lol
I don't think there are too many lesbians here. Also, seen quite a few homophobes here too which surprised me.
Most lesbians are inside with their cats, I think. N tbh it could be we don't really have a space. Even here I bet. I mean who really wants to go over lesbian concerns here where dudes can chime in? I feel a little tense, naturally like this forum is a place to be objectified by onlookers. Idk. Idk of any lesbian sites. I seen a few but then I realize I'm probably not supposed to talk about other sites here. Most lesbians probably don't know they're lesbians. Or just hate the word lesbian so gravitate to queer etc. No way I'm not gonna be afraid of the word lesbian.
Also hate to send two replies n a row but this forum is boring. It's all am I gay am I gay etc or weird porn stuff.
I wouldn't say it's dead but after a certain hour it seems to be rather deserted at times. Normal I suppose. I realize some people actually have lives. Me, not so much.
They're all getting so regulated. I got banned from the last one I was on for opening a thread about step parent families. WTF?
I hear you. If you think this forum is bad for being objectified by onlookers, trust me, the trans forum is worse! I try to call out all the gay men looking to score, but it's a losing battle.