Thinking about not getting my card renew

Discussion in 'Medicinal Cannabis and Marijuana' started by Jennifer19, May 24, 2018.

  1. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    I feel like it’s the end of an era for me Edibles versus smoking it’s just not the same before I got sick when I was smoking I did really good I was off my Valium for a year I wasn’t on any anxiety meds I was doing really good and with my recent health issues it’s just not the same I do edibles at night but all It does make me hungry they do nothing else for me I have CBD and THC oil that I put under my tongue but that’s not really helping me either edibles versus smoking it’s just not the same before I got sick when I was smoking I did really good I was off my Valium for a year I wasn’t on any anxiety meds I was doing really good with my recent health issues it’s just not the same I do edibles at night but all They do is make me hungry they do nothing else for me I have CBD and THC oil that I put under my tongue but that’s not really helping me there Why pay all that money to get it renewed when it’s not even helping I just sucks being on oxygen for the rest of my life and that I can never smoke again I have to collapse Lungs I probably had them since I was about five years old and all the surgeries I had all the doctors I saw no one picked up on it I don’t understand why I just had x-rays done on my back through an orthopedic and they told me that my heart was big so I’m very worried about that
    ZenKarma likes this.
  2. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    If it's not helping, try stopping it. Try going back on some meds.

    What you're using to feel better doesn't matter. What matters is that you feel better.
    ZenKarma and Jennifer19 like this.
  3. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    Yes I agree so you pot is not for me anymore?
    ZenKarma likes this.
  4. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    I know my lungs will never get better I just want too be comfortable and not upset all the time with panic attacks when I get upset my oxgen drops
    ZenKarma likes this.
  5. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Try the meds again. Your body chemistry changes sometimes.
    ZenKarma likes this.
  6. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    Im not on Valium anymore my primary doc but me on a low dosage of advain for my panic attacks and nightmares
    ZenKarma likes this.
  7. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Edibles dont do anything to my boyfriend either, he doesnt feel anything from them. He'll probably be relieved to hear someone else is like that too, but that doesnt help you. Sorry pot cant help you find some relief in edible form. I hope you find something that works soon
    ZenKarma likes this.
  8. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    There either too strong and send me into a panic or do nothing I mad brownies couple months ago did nothing but laugh my ass off don’t remember much Ells lol
    ZenKarma likes this.
  9. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Hey Jennifer19! How did your trip go? Hope you had lots of fun :)

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