'Think Positively'

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Idle_Billy, Sep 13, 2019.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    One in five Americans insists the sun revolves around the earth while over half debate the definition of stupid and who is the best example. One in five is also on Prosaic alone, and mental health has declined significantly over the last half century since we've had a mental healthcare system.

    Fuck self-help books and psychologists, who have helped to create the mess we have today and cannot even teach a child how to share their words and play nice. The workaholic white population of the US and EU, as well as the Japanese, is imploding faster than any other, because they cannot find their own ass with both hand, when both hands are full of credit cards. In school, they are taught how to be good employees and are lucky if they teach them how to balance a fucking checkbook. Positive thinking has its place in this world, but running around an insane asylum or prison yard insisting positive thinking is the solution to your problems is totally counterproductive.

    Fuck America, fuck the "civilized world" which is destroying everything that it means to be human, in the name of growth and progress, while they destroy the entire world ecology and sell more weapons than anything else. Being polite and taking happy pills is not solving anything. No doubt our glorious leader would insist that positive thinking is what made him who he is today. No doubt, the Dali Lama would insist positive thinking is the way to go, then complain about being exiled from his own country but, of course, extremely politely.

    Its impossible to leverage the power of positive thinking, when your mind is total garbage and half the population insists Donald Duck is being constructive. Instead of everyone guessing or providing anecdotal evidence, examine the big picture for yourself and refuse to accept that this is what nature intended. You are either willing to fight for your humanity, or I suggest moving into a cave or whatever and meditating on the sublime lime Jell-O.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Pessimists who are full of negative energy can easily drain everyone, but those who are simply realists can can make your dreams happen, although it may take a while longer, or cost slightly more.
    Am I correct in assuming that you include people in the later category.?
  3. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I agree. It seems to be that the lack of a defined future that is behind most of the worlds problems today.
    Instead of making life easier, computerization has destroyed career structure in the west. The result is a few super rich bosses, a handful of low paid workers and nothing in the middle.
    Other than sitting in a call center and reading off a computer screen, what future is their for young people today starting a career in administration today.

    Jane has worked in salaries and wages all her life, and could work out your entire years salary and deductions in her head, then explain the accumulative figures and periods, leaving you totally satisfied.
    People working for her today are clueless. One wrong input can throw everything haywire and she has no one who can find or correct it.
    A new system is being introduced, that detects the location of staff within a building. This means that they are only paid when they are at their workplace. This system requires no salaries office or staff,

    My late mother was one of 6,000 running accounts for the UK national savings bank. She ended up with a good salary and pension.
    Today, their are 17 staff, 14 of them on minimum wage and on one year contracts.

    Then we wonder why so many young people spend half their life on Facebook and think that the world is about to end when they get a few less likes on all the drivel that they post.
    GLENGLEN likes this.
  4. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    That's the same thing that happened in ancient Rome, when the international conglomerates took over. They imported the technology and expertise they needed, in our case, from Germany during WWII, and everywhere else since, with the US importing half the geniuses in the world today. Other countries, such as India, deliberately provide them with a better funded education than the US does, because they send money home to mama. Forget about culture, this is the banks doing what they do to each other, as well as, everyone else.

    Intel has often been compared to a bank, that is so far ahead in technology and fabrication plants, that they can spit out older technology and set the pace for the growth of everyone else's technology. They have been heavily criticized for delaying their 10nm node chips, but made a fortune producing their 14nm++++++++++ even after others had switched to 7nm, because they were that far ahead in the technology, that even their older shit is usually better than the competition, and the 14nm node was merely cheaper for them to keep producing.

    However, their security issues are becoming exponential and next year will tell the tale, when they introduce their version of consumer distributed computing and AI, along with AMD and Microsoft. They reworked the entire graphics and physics pipelines, for higher bandwidth capacities. According to Intel's latest bragging, we can expect twice the punch per transistor, and that should double again and again with each new AI introduced.

    The AI are what the banks want, while people are disposable, and the Pentagon would eat them alive before allowing the idiots to destroy the world. Sadly, the US military, now led by Donald Duck, is now the only thing preventing the entire world from falling apart at the seams and WWIII breaking out, and the only thing that might really save millions of idiots asses when the shit hits the fan. The Pentagon largely consists of two types of fascists, complete idiots and those who actually have a mind left, who are relieved Donald Duck has made their colleagues look like the idiots they are. Congress has been selling and giving away the government so fast that the Pentagon had to beg them to put more constraints on what they can do.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
  5. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i think yes, forget the symantic gymnastics. they're just another way of frustrating yourself.
    what there is down to it that is real, is that the direction you look, is the direction you tend to go.
    and yes it does affect the kind of world we all have to live in, big picture and all.

    pretending to love what you can't, isn't good for your head,
    but being considerate of all things, creates a world for each other,
    that we can live in without feeling oppressed by.

    the converse of which being, that thoughtlessness, however otherwise logical might seem an excuse for it, creates tyranny, regardless of ideology or belief.
  6. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Clarity is a discerning detail in a sea of awareness.
  7. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    Come on Woo
    wooleeheron likes this.
  8. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    People can always just say no to anything, including when to be angry, positive, realistic, or laugh their ass off. Learn how to just say no to yourself and, then, learn how to embrace your own emotions in more positive and constructive ways. Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, but we are all born incompetent. It is in just such moments of abject desperation as these, when we are confronted with the realization that nobody has a fucking clue as to what is going on, that it helps to run in circles screaming and shouting! But, not so much in the heat of battle.

    Warriors pick their cannon fodder according to whether they have ever learned how to be still.

    Hello darkness my old friend...

    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
  9. People just need to stop giving people advice on how to be. Do you realize that anyone can claim to be enlightened and just start making the same old suggestions that sound wise and introspective, and a good number of people will just believe that that person has reached the perfect state of being?

    Starting a cult or a religion has to be the easiest thing in the world. I don't know what gets in some people's heads that they're the ones who have attained the perfect mindset, and then they go about saying some shit like, "Peace in the heart brings peace in the mind." Some of them have soothing voices, which is what it really all boils down to. But no one is in any position to show anyone else "the way," in my opinion.
  10. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Geometric progression is quite frightening.
    Back when I was teaching, I used the example of the blacksmith shoeing the farmers horse.
    If you do not know this one, the smith offered to charge the farmer £5,... or one penny for the first nail and then double the charge for each subsequent nail.
    Work it out, you may be quite surprised. (in case you don't own a horse, each shoe is held on by 8 nails).
  11. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Classical logic and geometric progressions, including relativity which implies a hyperbolic universe, all fall apart in extreme contexts. Fuzzy logic is anywhere from 10,000-100,000x faster and more efficient for countless applications, while quantum systems can be over 100% efficient. Its not geometric, but a singularity, where Relativistic space-time implies a more fatalistic geometric universe, that falls apart in extreme contexts. Geometry itself emerges from the river of time, which turns out to flow in both directions for most practical purposes.

    Dark energy induced the big bang, which represents the particle-like more causal appearing face of God, whom none may look upon and remember in all his glory. It means physics and mathematics, reality and information, must inevitably exchange identities conflating the identity of energy and information. Basically, there should be about 430 ways to manipulate space-time and you can combine them in different ways. You can get more elaborate, but about 32 caricatures or archetypes are more than enough to describe the world around us as completely as humanly conceivable, and the computers should spit them out our poems by the thousands soon enough. Mathematicians have already done the work, and there are actually two more patterns or caricatures or whatever that you can use with special advantages, but they're like for specialists, and nobody else really needs them.

    An easy way to think of it, is inhabiting a singularity means that there are a variety of shortcuts to answers that classical logic would produce, precisely because classical logic is illusory, and our universe only appears to be as causal as it is acausal. It also means the quantum observer effect can only be explained as a recursion in the principle of identity, and sparkling laughter, the infectious kind, is a reflection of the big bang, and should prove more than 100% efficient at conveying any energy and information, and central to redefining the HUP, because 42 is as good as its ever going to get, and we inhabit a metaphorical Goldilocks universe, where the collective unconscious rules over consciousness. You could say awareness itself is imagination set free, and whenever we see the big picture, God allows his own bubble to be popped, but karma's a bitch and getting there the journey becomes its own reward.

    The singularity collapsing in the technologies and sciences is the same one collapsing in everything including political institutions, because mother nature is about to change our diapers, lock all the cabinets, and insist everyone clean up the mess. Hello, hello, hello... is there anybody in there? The singularity will demand everybody's attention, within a year if my guess is right. Mother nature insists on keeping her secrets.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
  12. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    yes you're probably right here. because "how to be" is different for all of us. the route to it is different.
    but when you've discovered some piece of wisdom, it's hard to not want to share it. i don't think it's usually motivated by the type of thinking that wants to start a cult, just the desire to share happiness.
  13. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The illusion is that, after the light bulb comes on, we can choose to ignore it without paying the price. By Oneness Poetry expressing the wisdom of our collective ignorance, all of humanity can learn how to more easily transcend their own limitations. The Rainbow Dragon is an avatar of mother nature herself, who guards the singularity, and is about to be revealed to the whole world. She represents mother nature herself, the ego of the collective unconscious. Sort of a geni or force of nature as much as anything else, who will ensure each has a choice, but it is the ancient Chinese blessing and curse and, sometimes, the cure is worse than the disease.

    I tell people, "Get over it already! Life isn't always fair or it would bore you to tears!"
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
  14. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    ABOUT TO WHEN? i want to make a note of it in my diary.
  15. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Right around the release of the next gen consoles next year, or within a year of their release. That's when Intel, AMD, and Microsoft will start installing AI into every computer made. You won't be able to run them without it, and they have already been mass producing processors with the necessary circuitry. Once the internet goes optical and quantum mechanical, it will fry everybody's mind, but that's twenty years in the future at least and you won't believe what happens in the meantime.

    AI are already very close to being able to learn and think contextually more like a human being, not necessarily because that is exactly how we think, but because its better at predicting how we think. Faster and more efficient means it can try endless scenarios we don't have time for. Equipped with the latest lie detectors and fact checkers, you ignore them at your own peril. Note, this is similar to what David Brinn predicted in "Earth" and what Arthur C. Clark predicted in "Childhood's End". We are spirits in the material world, awakening from a long nap. The way to Shangrila requires you avoid getting caught up shit creek without a paddle.

    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
    Driftrue likes this.
  16. It just strikes me as odd that all of this so-called wisdom is just hackneyed, rehashed versions of shit people have been saying since time immemorial. Like I said, some of them have soothing voices. And you can kind of take what they say to heart. Others are clearly just ravenous wolves in sheeps' clothing.

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