It can't be more than 8 feet, maybe 5, maybe 10 at the most and theres a fire escape to catch. I think i could do it. I'm Batman motherfucker on PCP!:sunny:
I've been in those other buildings and shit, came in thru the roof walked down a shitload of stairs trippin' face and came out on the street and I didn't know where I was what street I was on or even if it was the same block lol And nobody even gave an odd glance or nuthin'
Maybe a bungee cord for fall protection just in case I didn't make it. But it looks like u'd have to try to not make it. With a running start...most def! but the consequences of failure would most def be certain death! So of course before attempting I'd be sure to get a real good look at exactly what I'm fuckin with.
Be careful "KickAss"... maybe you should measure how far you can broad jump on-the-ground first? Ahahaha!
Good idea lol I don't think I'll be doin this, but might one day just for the hell of it...and I'd probably be fucked up too so I should probably go over there and check it out real good when I'm real sober with a tape measure and shit. Then measure how far I can actually jump. I don't wanna die lol!
don't do anything stupid while on drugs, especially.....maybe on those drugs, you will think you are Batman or something, for chris sakes.
People seem to be more durable on drugs tho, the drunk driver lives cuz he was drunk....I know people have survived falls from 20 stories or so and lived but they got pretty fucked up. I know 4 stories or more is instant death, and people have died just falling less than 1 floor. I usually get lucky tho, I kno I really should be dead but I'm still here!
Remember that shit, I know i shouldn't laugh but I still think that shits funny I'm an evil person aren't I?
For some reason I think if I didn't make it, then I would just wake up and it would be a dream or something. Or have never happened in the first place? Is death real? To all of Yous it would be, but maybe to me it never happened see? It could be like that maybe? And in my world you would see me as alive. Cuz I have reason to believe I have died before. Bullet went thru car window, through steering wheel into dashboard. It should have gone through my head I don't see how it didn't. They say it was a miracle. That wasn't the only bullet that went through that car either. And when it happened I wasn't even shaken by it, I didn't even realize anything had happened at all.
The worst thing that can happen is that you die. In which case you don't remember not making it. The best thing that can happen is that you reach the other side.
Ace don't do it man. The risk is not worth the reward. Just chill out here. Edit: or the reward is not worth the risk. Whichever makes more sense. Just don't do it.
Not gonna do it, just thinkin crazy shit when my mind is in crazy places. It would be a real bad trip.... Nobody worry about me (awe people care )
If you don't take everyone's advice here, make sure you wear a helmet. Or, ya know, some elbow pads or something.