You see what makes it hard for me to run for a long time is not so much the bodily stress as the bordom of doing the same old thing for a long time. So how do you run for long without getting bord of it. I, for example, day dream.
I think of reasons for why I would need great stamina. Like outrunning certain individuals for example. Or I just imagine the horrors going on amongst the earth, and keep my adrenaline high. Music is a good way to keep up the pace as well.
Oh geez. I couldn't imagine that thinking about the horrors going on amongst the earth is at all healthy... but to each their own ;p lol. I listen to music while running and day dreaming helps. Sometimes I imagine how great my body is going to look in a swim suit come summertime! lol. When I'm running outside, I make sure that I run far far away so I have no choice but to keep running! lol. Also, that helps with the boredom because the scenery is always changing. On that note... trail running is great to keep boredom away! There's always something to jump over or around or whatever.
for me, I always run on the road (track is boring) and listen to music but I don't go much further than 6 miles anymore
I used to run 5 miles every day, well... most days. But that was when I was like 21, 22... I have bad ankles and these days (I'm 36 now) I worry how it will effect my knees later in life. So now I walk on treadmills at an incline, use stairmasters, and elliptical machines. Anyway I used to listen to this mix every time. It's DJ Irene "Global House Diva". It's pretty well beatmatched to what your footfalls might be on a run, such that you can run to the beat. Not every song has a great beat for this, but most of them do!
running is hard on all joints...ankles, hips, and knees especially Good Shoes help lessen the impact but maybe not running everyday and mixing in some swimming, biking or "power walking" will help