Just for balance, because I see the "mad" thread a lot : ) Maple syrup, freshly picked salad leaves, clean bed, intelligent rational debates, hearing someone else express something I feel too, music..
I wake up every morning full of the joys of spring! Internal contentment is a wonderful thing! It's just a shame that some **** always bursts my bubble
.city bus and senior discounts on it. .that you can still download blender for free (though an increasing percentage of extensions and tutorials no longer are). .having only one wall with a neighbor on the other side of it, and no other decks above nor below me. .that there are bus stops no more then a block away from me for both directions of five different bus routes. .that i can hear trains go by, .and if i'm outside, see them. .that there are feral cats and almost tame pigeons i get to see occasionally, .(and if i go for a slightly longer walk, reticulated ground squirrells other four leggd's and winged's) .the blue flip of at least one house of congress, yes that for me too. .my pension that pays my rent and .allows me to not have to eat with alkahaulic fascists. (though it COULD be just a little bit enough more to actually cover things like replacing my eyeglasses and refrigerator, maybe eat a bowl of noodles i didn't microwave myself more then once a month, maybe even a movie crawl with some of my furry friends, or even ever actually get a chance to hang with them more then once a year) .the internet, and the places i hang out on it and post my art. several things slightly beyond my reach would greatly improve my life however, if by some myrical, the surrounding pavement, other then the sidewalks, could be replaced by parks and gardens, that would of course be heaven. and no second hand tobacco smoke, nor ever having to hear twitoid conversations about mundane boring crap. (it would also be nice for there to be non-reserve seat intercity buses and trains, and for them to run more then once a day if there were) (i would really like to be able to ride to another town that had a real brick and mortar model train hobby shop and computer store too, like without having to reserve a seat in advance, without being told how much it was going to cost before i do? oh yah, and also being able to afford to.)
I feel like after reading your post I finally know you a little better....been waiting forever for this brother...thank you
- the sound of rain and thunder - waking up completely rested before your alarm goes off - going to bed all tired but feeling good and accomplished after a long day of working/working out/being outside/whatever, and feeling that good type of soreness - the scent of freshly mowed grass - swimming in the sea and then drying off in the sun - taking a shower and climbing into a bed with fresh sheets and stuff