Things Learned In The Process Of Cancer And At The End Of Life

Discussion in 'Ask The Old Hippies' started by thismoment, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. thismoment

    thismoment Member

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    Hey old-timers! I hope everyone is doing well.

    I’m writing to ask for help. I’m working on a short guide to having cancer, and another one on terminal illness. There will be some degree of hippie orientation in what I write about, e.g., using cannabis, MDMA, and psychedelics at the end of life. My qualifications for this include many years working in healthcare and teaching and writing about these matters. I’m writing with whatever wisdom might have stuck to me over these past 70+ years of life.

    Many of us by now have cared for a loved one with cancer and/or had loved ones pass away. Will you please post about things you learned through the process of having cancer or caring for a loved one at the end of life (please, more than “cancer sucks!”). Questions to consider could include any of the following. Detail is good so people can get a good sense of your experience.

    What did you learn about life, yourself?
    What were the greatest personal and institutional problems you or others encountered?
    What suffering was there and what do you think caused or contributed to it?
    What helped the most; the least?
    What would you do differently? The same?

    Thanks, brothers and sisters!
    The NY Haus likes this.
  2. Toasted Oats

    Toasted Oats Members

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    I'm terminal and have been able to do less and less as time passes. Luckily for me, I have no bucket list and have done everything I've ever wanted. The worst thing about dying is thinking "Shit, I should have done that!". I learned that assisted living facilities are a scam. Marijuana helped the most. The least? People. Family will betray you more than others; trust no one!
  3. Pepper!

    Pepper! Members

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    How did manage to do everything you ever wanted?
  4. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Sorry that you are going through this Toasted Oats. I hope we can give you some support as you go through the process
    Spilled-Patchouli likes this.
  5. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Sounds like you are coping rather well under the circumstances. People can suck, life can suck, and its best to know who and what to avoid!

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