They Get The Cake While We Get The Crumbs

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Carlfloydfan, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    Those who truly wield the power (hint not the politicians we elect) claim no allegiance to any one country and are causing the slow ruin of many countries including the USA. Does anyone actually takes these debates seriously anymore? Just look at this republican debate, or whatever, the other day. These debates being shoved in our face are so stupid at this point, it is almost an insult to our intelligence and yet people still talk about them as if they are supposed to mean anything. How is it possible people can not tell this whole process that we call "democracy" is an absolute sham? The select few international bankers, etc.) who truly run the show (Roths., Rocke., etc. and probably even higher up) from behind the scenes have the cake and enjoy watching the masses fight over the very small crumbs. The masses of course are so warped in their thinking, they blame one another for being "selfish" enough to want a few extra crumbs or even anything at all, while the few with the cake are content to sit back and watch. As long as the masses will not come after them, which is unlikely because the media (controlled by the very richest) does such a good job scaremongering, brainwashing and confusing. Nothing at all will be solved by voting within a system that is so warped, even if it is some guy who seems "so good" like (in the past) Ron Paul or (currently) Sanders. The whole system is dysfunctional and they whole system needs to be broken down. "Change" by simply voting is not possible anymore. The system has proven it only runs on greed, cheating, lying, stealing and sociopathic behavior with no consideration for the masses.

    The media has done an expert job dividing everyone, race vs race, gender vs gender, lower middle class vs middle class or middle class vs rich (and by rich, I do not mean the powered elite, the ultra rich) that they are too busy to really wake up and see who is truly screwing them.
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  2. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Are those who are speaking their power. If your power is conflicted you war with yourself. The world is the way it is because you say so.
  3. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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  4. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    TBH I have very little sympathy for a substantial number of people in Britain.

    They do such a "good" job of fucking each other, that any Establishment group hardly needs to break sweat.

    Anyone who embraced exploitation and subservience, or attempts the excessive exploitation of their peers, I cant help but feel that they don't really deserve much support.

    There are some sections I will always try and help. But others, I sort of wouldn't care less if their lives imploded. Too many people are in a trance. I'd rather help those who don't get off on being someone's gimp.

    You can take a horse to water. But there's not a lot of point, if they're only gonna shit in it...
  5. broony

    broony Banned

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    I love eating homemade crumbs after the cake was ate...

    always have..

    you buy that cake at a store, well you can eat all that shit.
  6. SnakeOilWilly

    SnakeOilWilly Members

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    That's a really good quote. I might hang that on my wall...

    Something like:

    "The elite get the cake while you get the crumbs, but buy that cake at the store and you can have every last piece"
  7. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    There are no better slaves than those who think they have a say within the system. We go through this charade every four years, but things never change for the better. The ones in control (which are not your so-called elected officials) know that over time some people will become disillusioned, so they will periodically offer people who speak to that disillusionment. It acts as a way to neutralize discontent. As long as people see hope in some political figure that's been given to them, there will never be a real rebellion or true change. Things will simply continue to head in the same direction, and the only changes that might occur are in the political rhetoric that's used. If people become resistant to the direction in which things are headed, they will simply instill more fear into people using things like terrorism, or the threat of terrorism, as they pose as our saviors that are here to protect us as they further strip us of our rights (for our own good, of course). The direction in which things are headed should scare the hell out of any relatively aware individual, but most people will simply attack you if you encroach on what they want to believe is their reality by simply stating the obvious.
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  8. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    Or respond with a bunch of nonsense/miss the point entirely, as evidence here, minus your response. Thanks for your input.
  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    if you were the one percent of the one percent, you'd still think there was someone else getting all the cake and leaving you only the crumbs.
    it isn't just the fortunate who screw everything up by being indifferent and inconsiderate.
    it is everyone who acts that way, however high or low their fortunes in life might happen to be.
    you tear everything up, you're left with a world of everything being torn up to have to live in.

    if you're going to sabotage something, never take the first target of opportunity that comes along, you only end up screwing up yourself, every time you do.
    there is power in numbers. its a statistical thing.
    power structures exist, because some want them enough to support them, usually imagining some bennifit to themselves by doing so.
    no one can sell what no one buys.

    everything is a trade off. how badly do you want something that creates a market for something you don't want?

    you can't change a behavior you don't like of someone else, not directly, but you can look for, and often find, ways to avoid rewarding them for it.

    while the seats of power might never be blameless, every mindlessness, plays into the hands of corruption.

    to serious? maybe. but the mechanism isn't that hard to see or understand.
    it mostly takes looking, without making assumptions first.

    within or without 'the system'? the only "system" is conning people into rewarding aggressiveness and despairing of consideration.
    its cultural, not ideological. every ideology is just the excuse. its lack of impartial consideration, that sucks hierarchy into existence.
    that creates all of the requirement for it, that would otherwise not exist at all.

    every car payment, every mortgage payment, every gallon of gas you put in a car, these are the things that support and payroll the seats of power and corruption.
    every frivalous purchase made with the use of credit too. not saying everyone or anyone can avoid all of these. but almost everyone is making at least one of these they could trim out of their life, and by doing so, make the world a better place for themselves, along with everyone else by doing so.

    i'm not saying there's a magic want here, but there's so many things that we say we don't like, that continue to exist only be cause we continue to support them.
    there is so much more we could change by just not supporting, then by point fingers.
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  10. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Our money that we GIVE to "them" in exchange for what "they" have convinced us that we need,is the only power ANY of the monied class has. Here and most everywhere else. The money stops--it all collapses. Hey---look over there up against the wall--an agent of wall street blabbing commercials endlessly. IT'S TOTALLY RIGGED and I guess--we love it.

    But, as usual --we're going to-------------BUY MORE. BUY MORE NOW.
  11. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Yes but who the fuck are YOU talking about?

    Who runs everything.

    If someone gave you 100 billion dollars. What would you do? Would you be aable to run anything? Have to follow the same rules as all the other ultra rich i.e get paranoid about getting fucked over by the others

    And a year later, would you be able to turn that 100 billio into a 110 billion, or would you lose 50 billion becuase you never pushed yourself to get the experience or qualifications to hold onto it ?
  12. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Money is a magic trick. It equals power because enough people believe it does. But what is money, who controls the flow and issuance of it, and what gives those people the right to control it?

    Simple questions that are rarely asked because it isn't talked about -- not in school and not on the television. If you do question it, you're somehow seen as strange. After all, if something was amiss, surely someone would have told us along the way.

    When you control money, you basically control everything. This isn't about people who simply have lots of it, but those who have the power to literally create money from nothing and get the entire world to use it, as they have for thousands upon thousands of years.

    Everyone is born into this system as a debt slave. When you're born into a system and must work and be taxed on your labor to pay of the debt of previous generations, that is essentially slavery. Because we have the freedom to work and buy things, we think that somehow makes us free.
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  13. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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  14. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    "there you go mon. keep as cool as you can. it riles them to beleive that you perceive, and keep on, thinking free" - moody blues

    its that statistical thing again. how many can be kept loving it, expecting to get something out of it, when their nose is being rubbed every day in the simple fact that they don't?
    only time will tell. you could say there has been a china for three or four times as long as there has been a christianity, but, has it actually been the same place for even one of those thousands of years?

    (btw, i'm just using christerism to give a sense of time scale there, that too has changed its face so completely every few hundred years, that its first followers would never recognize what it has become)

    there has only been a place called america for a few hundred, and even the powers of western europe for a few hundred more.
    our lives are so short, we don't see many of the things that change, yet everything does.

    even the dust beneath our feet, may grow weary of our tread.
  15. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Believing in the illuminati is just as dumb as beleiving in aliens or global warming
  16. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    You're one of their chosen ones. :p
  17. storch

    storch banned

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    Yeah, but what do you call it when you make reference to the dumbness of believing in the illuminati in a thread in which the illuminati hasn't been mentioned?
  18. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    creating money out of nothing for thousands and thousands of years?????
    prove it with REAL historical documentation
  19. thefutureawaits

    thefutureawaits Members

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    Federal reserve. Central banks, Rockefeller, rothchilds, gates. War on terror.
  20. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Who the fuck are you? I don't have to provide you documentation of anything, one reason being that I quite frankly don't give two shits about trying to convince you or anyone else of anything. You have already shown you are content believing the things you want to believe, and that I am an idiot for not holding the same views as you.

    Most people like yourself are conditioned to get all their information in two minute sound bites, so I am sorry but I don't have any Anderson Cooper clips for you. But I would start by telling somebody who wants the truth that power is never truly lost, and that the people in control have interbred throughout many, many generations that can be traced back to the beginnings of what we call civilization (which has always went along with a hierarchical system of money). The banking system is a very old con that goes back to the Sumerian and Babylonian priesthoods (and much likely before that since mankind is far older than we're told), and really nothing has changed since those times in terms of how the system functions to keep the few in control over the many.
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