Most scientists conclude advanced aliens have never visited the earth. Certainly not in the form of flying saucers that have crashed or something. To them, that is just silly. But that doesn't mean they (i.e., advanced ET's) aren't watching us. I read an interesting article in Discover magazine when I was still in high school, that wondered if they aren't putting surveillance equipment in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. But I mean, think of it. Watching us. They see you when you eat. They see you when you bathe. They see you when you make love. I don't let it bother me. But does it bother any of you? Just wondering...
everything that can connect to the net isn't really data isolated, and most of what it records is collated and sold back and forth. that old joke about russia, now really is true in the u.s.. the tv does watch you. not with a camera, that's in your phone, and alexa listens, but your viewing habits, your metadata as its called, yes, that is noted and recorded. ok, maybe not e.t.'s, but anyone who has or knows how to make, a backdoor to your isp can. as for e.t., nooo, your meta-data doesn't travel faster then light, but it sure ends up in a whole lot of places you'd probably rather it didn't.
How friggan powerful are these telescopes they have that they can see you eat from 100 million miles away? I can't even make out people from 35,000 feet from the ground in an airplane.
The vast distances that scientists "see" which lead them to infer the beginnings of the universe are based on radiation maps, they do not claim they are crystal clear images of galaxies and the stars and planets they contain.
No, it doesn't bother me. I hope they are. For humanity's sake. They might not destroy us if they realise there are a few worthwhile humans. : P
In the movie the Explorers they watch our TV broadcasts, and they see all of these shows about wars against aliens and mere children have to explain to them that what they're seeing isn't real. Then it turns out the aliens are children, too.
it is true they have held off for this reason. but you must realize also, they have the entire rest of the universe to protect. now tell me, would you trust humanity, knowing its history, as a species?
In reality I don't think a species watching us would destroy or protect us.. I imagine them more.. Quietly cheering us on when we seem to be doing well and being disappointed when we fail.
the internet of things is watching you though. your coffee pot, your tv, your home security system. most of the time no one is watching what they "see". just recording and recording and recording. so called "meta" data. kind of like what a blind man sees with his ears. record and collate enough of it, and a pretty clear "picture" is revealed about how you live, who your friends are, and pretty much everything else. that is of course, only things that can be remotely programed or observed. but any more, just because there aren't visible wires coming out of something and connecting it to something else, is no guarantee it isn't sending something somewhere. this stuff, when i was growing up, it was all science fiction that any of this would ever be possible. that was then. now its here.
The collective unconscious is everywhere! Everywhere I tell ya! They hide in the shadows and within the sounds of silence! They're inside my computer....
Don't forget people are willingly paying ancestry agencies to hold and catagorise their DNA for them so aliens have even more information now than ever. They aren't just watching you, they literally have you.
By The Balls The bank has you by the balls, If you make, a sperm donation! Cover your ass anyway you can! Its never easy in a hospital gown! Hide any traces, of your own DNA! Beware the insidious alien anal probe, Mindcontrol conspiracy behind the Illuminati! Only sex can reproduce the marching morons! Only sex may produce a zombie apocalypse! Whilst, Yoda, is the illegitimate love-child! Of Mr Spock and an Andorean sex slave! Jim Henson is rolling over in his grave! Ms Piggy is really Kermit’s half sister! LaLa Land has moved to Washington! Where they strut around like roosters!
i'm less concerned with who's watching what, then i am with what they're likely to do with what they've observed. as for et's watching, yes, there are several ways in which i could be considered one of those watchers. so is a small orange cat, who seems to have bonded with me and loves to sit high up on a shelf. and as mentioned the "IoT" IS watching, and relaying and compiling, to whatever end, those with access to the accumulated data, might wish it.
not watching from that far away, but watching out of your own eyes and your cell phone, by tapping into the network from that far away. tinfoil hat warning ahead in my case its kind of voluntary, but don't worry, they're not concerned with local ordanences, just with how the species is going to act when it gets the capacity, and if you think humans have a devine right to the rest of the universe think again. all it would take to wipe out earth if they had to, is a rock tossed from beyond the orbit of pluto where nothing earth has could reach to do anything about it. nor would it be moving slow enough for any "space force" to see it coming.