SO, throughout my teen years I was able to partake of LSD a couple of different times. First time was "double-dipped" blue gel, the second time a simple, red blotter. BOTH were a very, very light threshold experience, with the buzzing, the wildfire creative energy and what led on one trip to one of the greatest piece of arts I ever achieved. Fast forward 15yrs, We live in a sad world run RAMPANT and TRAMPLED by amphetamines everywhere I look. Wether its ths kid pushin his kidneys to a choke hold with some insane "He has no idea how much were on the 5 he ate" of 25-I or this perpetual plague of meth smokers further reprograming their brain a bit further with each and every day...... BUT I digress!!!! A month or so back I was given 3, 200mic blotters, laid on an avatar the cartoon print. Previously a little friend had eaten 6 of these and............ got onto the wrong site, heaven' and got his head fucked and stuck on the annonachi amongs other stuff, thought it was time for his energy to leave the body aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that led to his parents saying No its time to go to the loony farm... Ah, miss that kid. But he's another of this generation that has had all these silly designed chems to play with and can't appreciate the true power of LSD. That Night I ate all three, and had up to then, the heaviest acid trip of my life. Visuals were beyond just kaleidoscopic and beauitful, I had entire walls and part of the room(whille skipping those in it), shifting a sudden transparent cerulean. It was amazing, looking back I didn't realize the moisture on my cheeks for what it was, as I cried at the sheer beauty of everythinng that I was seeing..... Fast forward; Monday my stock for bicycle day has come in, 25x200's, a green smiley face print. I'm STOKED, I've heard he uses some of the best xtal out there. Give a few birthday presents away, and head to my close friends house to spend some time while her mans at work. Couple hours later the curiousity is JUST KILLING, the cat, SOOOOOOOOOOOO we decide to cut one in half, and share it. 4:40PM we drop our half tabs, wasn't expecting much, a single of the last 200's hadn't provided visuals for me or my roomie, even candyflipping with ir 5:05 Things are getting a little................. WEeeeird. by 5:30 I have whispy ghosting, a little warping. there's that oil effect on everthing and the light is really playin with my eyes while i try to look for things between 6-8 This is the the most unexpected, clarity of headspace ever imagined. The thoughts, and concepts whose framework could barely begin to manifest as an abstract idea let alone a coherent theory amongst her jumbled thoughts begin to assemble themselves and pour from my lips freeing this caged belief shed felt alone in her entire life. It was like two spirits flung out through the dimensions for lost aeons had somehow fallen back into sync....... It was all to unbelievably weird. I love psychedlics, I'm a very new age thinker and believer, and after that I can't help but Know, in some different world, some different lifetime or maybe it han't happened yet, that me and her have known each other and spent an uncountable, inexplicable amount of time with each other. By the 9-10 point I can feel myself sliding past the peak, but the mindfuck is still hard to shake. Awkwardness when you develope such a sudden never expected connection with another man, a friends, woman. LOL. However she, was nowhere near done yyet. Roughly after nine time dialation effects began to ensue, there were moments looking at me that she couldn't hear the words from my mouth, times it seemed I was walking backwords past her and wouldn't talk(happned to me before, but not usually on LSD, but the effects of time dilation--especially somehow outside of the ego, where I shouldn't have a perception of time even though it feels like time, on me are often far out of the ordinary compared with most peoples experiences I've had compared. GREAT, awesome trip but something just DIDNT strike me quite right........ having done those other two hundreds and seeing people not visual off of 200 then I either had onen of two situation on my hands. Either those First set were WILDY underpowered, or THESE, were massively overpowerd, and the only one up from the 200s is the 400s.....and one thought about that was I can NOT just give that to someone withouth knowing for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So she went to bed about 2 after our long, wonderful night of conversation. I waited to 3:30 so It was nearly 12hrs since the last does, And dropped a whole two so i could know exactly what I was dealing with. I don't know if that could have played any factor with tolerance, I don't believe so. The comeup was SOOOOOO much harder, than that half tab. Felt like the couch was on rocket on its way out of orbit. High was coming on SOOO much stronger than the last time and the fractals were beginnning to eat up eaverything. With the lights dimmed all the way there was a bit longer, going in to like 7-8 were I was able to see a bit to walk around a make a fphone call. Directly after that I got my Gramatic playing and turned on the fractal visualizer in the dark. At frist I couldn't close eye, it just wasn't working. And then as I could tellI was no longer saaying anyting LIKE what was going on the screen, thats when I could feel it start to let go. the dethachment began slowly but surely, the moment the visuals took on their own life. the screen was gone, so was the room, it was just the luinescent threads of reality and infinity slowly unravelling to open me the way. I blacked a good bit out of while I was out there, only glimpes and flashes that have a very.very, very long feel of time to them. My frieed got up at like 10something and found me facefirst into the keyboard on the laptop with the visuals, eyes open and totally unresponsive. Coherency was slow coming back. Painful. Felt like rippinging something out of my chest, leaving them all behind. It felt like I'd been gone for years is the only way I could describe it. It took me nearly an hour to get my first sentence out clearly and even after a xanax at 5 I was still glowing and feeling the lucy til almost 10 o clock at night. And I've been reassured and gaurenteed, that these are the legitamate 200ug doses, I was just totally unaware that you could go so absolutley hard at 400, this was my frist ego-loss with LSD, first time doing it open-eyed, and it was the smoothest, most comfortable transition of any such thing in my life.... it was like being welcomed home. I DO plan on going further.