There Is Only One Type Of Tyranny

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by themnax, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    Until you eliminate the dominance of aggressivensess, let alone the romantacizing and rewarding of it, you will never elimitate tyranny, because the dominance of aggressiveness, whatever ideologies, beliefs, or anything else is used as an excuse for it, is what tyranny is.

    The problem we are facing now, is that there are some people, not a majority, but with a majority of influence, who knowing all that, still seem to think, tyranny is what they want. And they call doing so conservatism. Which is, yes of course that's insane, but that's what we have in the u.s.

    Why this should even be, for people to have to struggle and sacrafice their reputations and sometimes even their lives against, is beyond any sense. Yet it is the combination of beliefs, and how easily aggressiveness is romantacized, that seems to be making this possible. Greed, which is also a form of aggressiveness also makes this possible. Yet most people are not rewarded for this, and most people could see that they're not if they would only look.

    But instead, the real perpitrators tell people to go kill muslims, or jews, or black and brown people, anyone they can convince people are unlike themselves. Or god help us, lizzards from outer space, as if, what the hell did they ever do?

    no. there is only one reall enimy, and that is aggressiveness itself, and those who promote it.

    And again why? Because its dominance, is what tyranny is.
  2. Wu Li Heron

    Wu Li Heron Members

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    We are comparable to ants climbing the Empire State building often in complete denial that we can never grasp the reality of our situation by merely climbing higher. Yet, the obvious truth remains that to be aware we must first embrace our own awareness, to have a friend we must first be a friend, to appreciate any greater humor and beauty in life we must first embrace them in ourselves, to actualize more of our potential we must first be willing to embrace our mortal limitations, and to truly live we must first embrace living. For no man is an island nor can he be the measure of all things lest he embrace virtue as its own reward and wonder as the beginning of wisdom. The real tyranny is, as Allan Watts said, the taboo against knowing who you are.
  3. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    I thought this thread was "there is only one type of tranny"


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