It's all a ploy by the government. It's all fake. The oil companies control everything. Like there is this guy who invented this car and it runs on water man. It's got fiberglass air-cooled engine and it runs on water-Steven Hyde.
its not the government that has anything to do with it other then letting the oil companies get away with it, and refusing to invest more then a pitance in any real alternatives, because, yes, the oil complanies, who happen to be the highest bidders, who own the government which pretends by this means to call itself conservative. and here we go with the car that runs on water again. but you could run narrow gauge trains and busses on stored energy that comes from the sun, wind and falling water. if sweet crude were so abundant, there wouldn't be frakking, so its not entirely accurate to say we'll never run out, but it is the oil refiners and distributors who manufacture these 'shortages' every decade or so. have no doubt they'll be making and selling it out of coal when it actually does, unless we get smart enough to break our dependence on burning things to propel transportation. and of course until we do, there's no escaping the real end game of environment change, which i and others have described elsewhere. so if these manufactured shortages were to diminish consumption, that would actually be a good thing, problem is they haven't yet, just jacked up oil company profits. (might i also humbly suggest that threads sounding this much rather like ira 26165 and gru 74455 find their way to the conspiracies forum? yes crapitolism is no better then any other ideology, but hating 'the government' isn't going to solve THAT. and neither will trying to push that off onto "librules", which is blantant naked adgitprop.)
So you've gotta find guys named Steven Hyde and grind them up in water before you go out for a drive? Seems like a lot of work.
So if natural gas that took 200 million years to form is not going to run out, are aliens from the planet Zok arriving in the dead of night to deliver us some more.??? Regarding vehicles running on water, please explain how they work, since exactly (minus losses) the same amount of energy is needed to split water is delivered when it recombines. To make matters worse, since hydrogen does not easily liquefy when compressed, it takes more energy to transport it than it delivers when consumed, either by combustion or within a fuel cell. Do tell us more about that fiberglass engine that has the structural strength and heat resistance to run. Shipbuilders and aircraft manufacturers would offer you billions of pounds for your knowledge. For the last 50 years, claims have been made about engines running on water, but not one of the inventors have ever delivered an engine for test or evaluation. Will you please send me Steven Hyde's contact details, so that I can arrange for one of his engines to be fitted into a container ship for test. On second thoughts, perhaps my lawnmower would be a better place to test it.
It also takes far more energy to ship water to the desert, pump it into the ground, extract crude oil, ship it across the country to have it refined into gasoline, and have that shipped across the country to your gas station then is contained in a gallon of gas. Amount of energy isn't really as important as energy density.
The engine is fiberglass air-cooled. Instead of gas it uses water as fuel. Not sure how exactly it works though. A hydro car though would certainly help with the depletion of fossil fuels
We do have enough fossil fuels for many decades. Gasoline is not in short supply it's a controlled commodity like diamonds. A certain amount is released at once so prices stay high. A Capitalist society needs it and those that control it profit from that as Capitalism wants. We will run out but not in your lifetime. The real issue is that we will destroy the planet burning the fuels first. That is a whole other issue that some people don't accept.
This is also the problem with electric cars. Although they save air pollution in the cities, when you consider the fuel burnt at the power station. they return about 10mpg.
gasoline is way cheaper than it was in say, 2012 before the fracking revolution. Wondering how much $$$ Steven Hyde's vehicle will be? Will it come with government subsidies?
Which is why I say nuclear power is the greenest option, but all my environmentalist buddies don't like it because of a few disasters. I myself prefer small disasters every now and then over apocalyptic global warming. But what do I know?
As soon as anyone talks about scientifically testing his claims. he will probably vanish in a cloud of shattered fiberglass.
I see a problem with nuclear power. Not only is the heat generated in the reactors additional to heat generated in the natural balance of the planet, few people realize that the reactors are only 30% efficient in the generating process. This leaves 70% of the energy dumped into the oceans in the form of heat. This is around 7000 Tetra watts every hour. Enough heat to melt more than 300 thousand tons of ice per hour and we wonder where the ice caps are going. The only power that the human race can use without altering the balance of nature is solar and wind.