There Are Four Things, That Together Screw Everything Up And Keep It That Way

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by themnax, Aug 2, 2016.

  1. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    number one is the hatred of logic.
    (and while some religious, and other organizations encourage this, neither it nor they, are the work of any god, or even mythical anti-god)

    second is the idea that aggressiveness does this world any favors.

    third is equating thoughtlessness with freedom

    and fourth is trying to make everything have to be about money.

    this isn't about any one small secretive group conspiring to do so,
    but it is, some or all parts of it, what motivates most, if not all, of them
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  2. Jupiter3030

    Jupiter3030 Banned

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    If I could have a second chance at life I'd put logic maxed out at 10 points from the beginning. But the question is whether to sacrifice luck or charisma?
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  3. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    There is a deluded quality to all authorities. They do hate reason and logic that is contrary to them. So they set up a power structure that cannot be beat. You can leave it but not beat it. Money does reason a little better with them.

    When I was young I didn't like authority and I still don't. A teacher wanted me to retake a test once cause she lost mine. I was very pissed cause I knew I wouldn't do better. Now it's that money buys people, it gets shit done.
  4. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    For most of us, it takes time to develop skills and understanding in logic.

    I think we are largely dictated by emotions, logic occupies a very small portion of our experience of reality, even for those who have developed a keen understanding of logic. We literally come into this world kicking and screaming and then throughout our lives mostly function in accord to seek advancing positive feelings and diminishing negative feelings.

    So since logic generally takes time to develop, we utilize other characteristics, aggression being one of them. I hear aggression used in a wide array of contexts, so I'm not sure what, if any type of aggression you are describing. The extent to which aggression is exhibited today has probably gone way overboard, but I doubt any of us would be here today without aggression.
  5. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I'm not sure hatred of logic is the problem. More that some people build up logical structures on the basis of faulty premises.
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  6. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    The hatred of logic seems true. Look at some bat shit crazy conspiracy videos like flat earthers and they're 80-90% thumbs up. Then there are logical and factual debunker videos with only 40% thumbs up. Having the bulk of our population believing in bat shit religious fantasy nonsense is counterproductive to the progress of our species. We are quite literally, and for the most part, a retarded race of idiots.
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    That's because we are in Europe ;) but OP is probably in the states.
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  8. Chigurh

    Chigurh Members

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    number one is the hatred of logic.
    (and while some religious, and other organizations encourage this, neither it nor they, are the work of any god, or even mythical anti-god)

    second is the idea that aggressiveness does this world any favors. ​If men didn't aggressively pursue women; if men didn't aggressively compete; if women did not aggressively fight men for equal rights...

    third is equating thoughtlessness with freedom

    and fourth is trying to make everything have to be about money. As opposed to some mythical barter system where man trades seashells for a degree in Chemical Engineering?

    this isn't about any one small secretive group conspiring to do so,

    but it is, some or all parts of it, what motivates most, if not all, of them For good reason.
  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    fear that the world would end if we didn't have enough to bitch about, and that if we didn't keep everything screwed up, we would, is a "good" reason???

    sorry, there are NO "good" reasons for keeping things screwed up deliberately.

    gods there may be, and things we know nothing about almost certainly are, but:
    there is no good thing that wishes to be feared and nothing that wishes to be feared that is good.

    (and no, barter, and or slavery, are NOT the only alternative to making everything have to be about symbolic value, nor the only ways of doing things before symbolic value was invented.
    you can even have symbolic value without making everything have to be about it. but you can also have a motivation to make and maintain everything you need and enjoy without it too.)

    the america i grew up in, this was after rosiveldt and before raygun, didn't have a problem with someone being able to enjoy life, without having to be super rich, or a slave to credit.

    (at any rate, the money thing doesn't help, but its fourth and last. its the hatred of logic, especially logic in the service of consideration, of a world everyone could enjoy living in, and equating thoughtlessness with freedom, those are the really biggest ones, but its all of them together, that 'conspire' to screw up the environment, that even life itself, and not merely the enjoyment of it, depends upon utterly and entirely)
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    yup. precisely. i'm not good with languages and aren't aware of good or easy way i could relocate to another country. my retirement is paid by the u.s. and i've never lived anywhere else.
    i am well aware that many parts of europe and even some parts of asia have and exercise better sense about a great many things then the u.s.
    (not that i imagine any place is without problems, but different places have different ones,
    and some people, such as myself, might very well be more comfortable with different combinations of them)
  11. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    I took a logic class in college and I can honestly say that I don't understand why grade schools can't teach a lot of it; it's not that hard to understand. Naturally it would have to be tailored for kids. Of course parents might not like it when their kids start applying logic to "sacred truths", but tough s**t. [​IMG]
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  12. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    I try to stay out of this portion of the forum for the simple reason that I'm a logical individual. The main problem I have with most conspiracy theories is that their logic is flawed and in my eyes completely screwed.

    From a logical perspective the more moving parts there are the more parts to malfunction and the less chance for the conspiracy to work. Period! You can show me all of the parts that add up to a "New World Order" or "Shadow Government" or whatever conspiracy they are trying to cover up and I will turn it around to ask "If they are going to kill that many people to cover it up why are you still alive?" It's a pretty simple concept. After asking a simple question I just get some complex answer that there is no way to actually work. If you have so much evidence why am I able to stand here and listen to your bullshit?

    I watch the videos about the evils of the UN and the Trilateral Commission and the list of dictators involved and I have to ask the simple question "Did you pay attention to WWII at all? Have you seen how well dictators work together?"

    I look at the "Truthers" who think that every time there is a mass shooting in this country that it is a conspiracy so that the government can take our guns and ask "Did they take the guns after the last one? How about the one before that? Or the one before that?" etc. Then I ask about how many people it would take to actually do that, who would be in charge, how large the operation to do so would be, how do you get that many people on board. It seems like I can't get a sensible answer.

    I look at the whole "They're going to chip everyone on Earth" conspiracy and ask how will they chip 7 billion people without having serious book keeping problems. I point out the variations of this conspiracy from the Holocaust tattoos, to bar code tattoos, that all have evolved into the chip that haven't come to fruition. And I am the crazy "Brainwashed" one for asking these questions.

    The documentaries that I have seen on these are so badly done and disorganized that they sound to me like a paranoid schizophrenic standing on a street corner telling me that the world is going to end and spewing passages from the Book of Revelations, it is the same logic that fuels "The Christian Identity" movement.

    Here to me is the ultimate irony. One of the best/earliest known brainwashing tactics goes to the "Hash Eaters" who were brought into an oasis in the Middle East, given large doses of Hashish and Sex while given a repeated message about what was waiting if they died for the cause. And most of the people I know who buy into conspiracy theories spend hours getting stoned and watching conspiracy theory documentaries who view people who point out the holes in their logic as being "Brainwashed".

    Madness isn't the result of uncertainty result of certainty.

    Rev J
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  13. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    when i was a little kid in grade school in a small town in the mountains in northern california, there was an experiment with teaching logic to second and third graders. as you might have guessed, it was the parents and school board who nixed it.
  14. The Walking Dickhead

    The Walking Dickhead orbiter of helion

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    Screw drivers, power drills, fingers and telekinesis.
  15. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Logic, rationality and discernment are qualities woefully lacking in many people these days and sadly are not often encouraged to be developed.

    Holy Fuck, Donald Trump may actually get elected!!
    need I say more?
  16. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    So you're voting for Hillary I take it? If so, you're the last person who should be talking about discernment.

  17. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    ^^ To me it's the same old, same old lesser of 2 evils argument.

    Rev J
  18. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    where did I say that?

    Man, you really do need some classes in comprehension, logic, and rational thought so you can be more discerning.

    ....not the sharpest tool in the shed, are ya?.....
  19. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    classical example of a conclusion not following from its premis.
    there are at least four other alternatives, in addition to hillary, to voting for trump that come immediately to mind: stien, johnson, not voting, and the infinite non-empty set of more possibilities

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