
Discussion in 'True Confessions' started by Biggen, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. Biggen

    Biggen Banned

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    Wasn't sure where to post this. Seemed like a good place...

    I have made an appointment to see a phychiatrist. After two months of trying to get over a broken relationship, and feeling like the lonliest person in the world, there is nothing else I can think of to do.

    I've been breaking down at the drop of a hat lately...even at work, which is not good. I called the local crisis center three times this week, just to talk to someone...anyone. I'm so lonely, I miss my girl who hates me, and I can't get any lower. So, before I do something stupid that would hurt my friends and family, I am seeking help.

    I've come to realize in the last few weeks that i have deeper problems than just getting dumped after two years. When I think about it, I have not been truly happy since childhood.

    So, maybe none of you needed to know all this, or maybe you don't care. maybe you think I'm an ass who should quit feeling sorry for himself and get over it. But, what the hell, that's OK. I won't hold it against you.

    OK, wish me luck as I journey into uncharted waters. (For me, at least)

  2. 2cool

    2cool Member

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    (I know I'll get jumped on for this) But please don't see a Psychiatrist. Nothing they do can really help you. All they will do is give you pills that make your brain too slow to comprehend you problems. And if you have a halfway serious depression or problem going on, the medicine won't even work. As soon as your off, and your brain is back to normal, your problems will come back. You need someone to talk to. You say you haven't truly been happy since childhood. I find that sad. That means you have changed. You are no longer able to be happy doing everyday things without your girlfriend. You've lost an ally. Talk to friends and go out in the town. Go camping, or to a concert or a club. Anything but just sit around and mope. Life is short man, don't waste a second more than what's necessary. But whatever you do don't see a Psychiatrist. Your problems won't be solved, and may even get worse. Well I may be less than 1/2 your age but that's my say.
  3. Bikshu

    Bikshu Member

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    dont listen to a 15 year old about psychiatry. Young people especially resent it.

    Here are a few thing to remember about doctors.
    A Not every doctor is good.
    B If you don't like the shrink your'e seeing, find a new one.
    C They can only help you if you are honest
    D They dont give you pills, you choose to take them.
  4. YellowBellyHippy

    YellowBellyHippy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I wish you the very best on a new journey to peace. I know you will find happiness and it will come when you least expect it.

    Cheers Babe!
  5. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Anyone who has the good common sense to seek help, when they recognise they need it, will always get my respect...i think actually asking others for help, especially when yer really down, is one of the hardest things to do.

    take care well :)
  6. 2cool

    2cool Member

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    I have never seen a Psychiatrist in my life but I have strong personal beliefs about their practice. Seeing what there "Treatments' did to my sister strengthened my beliefs. What the Psychiatrists did was turn her into a Zombie over "seperation anxiety". First it was Prozac which caused my sister to become suicidal. Then they used Zoloft which mader her a Zombie. She did exactly as she was told, and nothing else. Everything she used to do like play musical instruments and read and talk to friends stopped. She just layed around. My mom took her off the medication and lo and behold her problems re-ermerged. There teatements did nothing but waste our money. So please don't speak on my behalf, I have my reasons for disliking Psychiatry, and it's not because I'm some resentful teenager.

    But everyone has their beliefs, that is just mine. I guess some people think a visit to a Shrink can do the trick. And it's their decision to do so.
  7. Bikshu

    Bikshu Member

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    Was she sent to the shrink(s) or did she go voluntarily? Was she receptive to the treatment, or did she fight it? These are all factors in the success of psychiatric treatment. Its not like going to a regular doctor.
  8. white ginger

    white ginger Senior Member

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    I had the same experience as your sister when I was sixteen with the drug Celexa. I began to heal once I flushed the pills down the toilet and decided to heal. They made me into a numb, bored person. Thanks for posting your experience, 2cool.

    To the OP: You are going to a psychiatrist. I suggest that you set your intentions so that you're really clear about why you're going. Are you trying to heal? Are you seaching for a way of life that supports your happiness? Are you going to put a lot of energy into learning about yourself?
    I don't think you realize what a gift you are creating for yourself by deciding to not settle for mediocrity.

    Fare thee well :sunglasse
    White Ginger
  9. Biggen

    Biggen Banned

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    Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I didn't really expect any repkies to my post, but I'm glad you all did!

    I'm going to be up front with the psychiatrist...I really don't want to be put on any meds. If after a while, I am not making progress and he/she thinks it's a good idea, I am open to it. I'm not looking for a quick fix.

    My sister is on Prozac, and she too is a zombie. I've seen her nod off in the middle of a conversation, and she was the one talking. I guess not all meds are the same, but I'll feel more comfortable trying to figure myself out without them, if I can.

    I don't know really know what my problem/problems are, but I'm giving this a try just the same. I don't even know if I actually have a problem, but feeling down all the time can't be right. We will see what happens.

    My first visit is tomorrow after lunch. Wish me luck, and if you remember, say a prayer for me. (if you are the praying kind)

    Thank you All!

  10. RxHEAD

    RxHEAD Member

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    Best wishes to you. I would say to be careful and not take medication until you have really learned EVERYTHING about it. I seeked help back in 1994 now am on disibility and on over 22 prescription medications. I dont even know what is real anymore including myselves. Be careful not to get caught in the Community Mental Health 'System' I'm a lifer, the 'System' owns me I'm saying seek private practice. God be with you. Peace.
  11. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    I prefer for people to work on problems by themselves, but if you need a psychiatrist, you need one

    I cna't relaly say too much that hasn't been said here or won't be by your psychiatrist, but good luck
  12. fulmah

    fulmah Chaser of Muses

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    If you don't want to be on drugs, don't go see a pscyhiatrist. Go see a pscyhologist. They can't write prescriptions.

    I've been where you are: getting over one hellacious breakup. I too knew I needed to do something about it, and being a pscyh major, I got help. My psych recommended I take something to lift me from the dismal existence I was living, and after about 4 tries I found something that worked. It gave a ray hope, and the psych used it to help me turn things around. As soon as progress was made, the need for drugs was gone.

    Bikshu gave four things to keep in mind, and it's excellent advice. As long as you're determined to find happiness, you're on the right track. Just be honest with your psych and with yourself, and don't give up. If it's not working, go to someone else; try something else. Research. There are so many options out there for improving ourselves, it's only a matter of figuring out which path is the right one for us.

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