Theory Of Sex

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Heterogenic, Apr 26, 2017.

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  1. Heterogenic

    Heterogenic Banned

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    We all have lips, but only men have a shaft

    All of the following can be confirmed via google but keep in mind this is not intended to offend

    Premature birth causes homosexuality, heterogenics is the purpose of sex, all sperm start heterosexual by default, homosexual procreation and parenting only removes the freedom of children

    Gays have more than double the rate of depression and suicide so how would their kids fare any better?

    Single parents have more than double the rate of depression and suicide so how would adding more of the same gender to a childs life improve anything?

    When gays neglect and invalidate the sexual needs of the opposite gender how would their kids value their own sexuality?

    When gays have inherently fewer dating options and the overwhelming majority of the LGBT community is female (females are more likely to survive premature birth) how would their straight children socialize when the religious majority rejects them and knows they can only create children with less ability to enjoy sex

    When LGBT females remove themselves from the dating market their sons are forced to work for what their parents already took away

    There are no heterosexual pride parades promoting sexual deviance to children, homosexual parenting forces children to obsess over sex from a very early age

    Opposites are always intended to attract, homosexual procreation removes all the mystery of socializing and forces children to question their worth before they even start puberty

    Gays are more likely to have unstable relationships and unstable financial security which very negatively affects children

    Aside from the endless negative first hand accounts of gay parented children on sites like, recent studies by professors Mark Regnerus and Paul Sullins indicate 51% of gay parented children experience severe emotional disturbance and mental illness in adulthood compared to 19% of hetero parented children

    Male homosexuality is impossible without injuring the digestion tract either the anus or mouth which is required for survival

    While premature birth which modern science has increased the survival rates of may very rarely contribute positive mutation, its safe to say homosexual procreation and parenting is overall detrimental to children in our already overpopulated society, sex is the highest form of empathy, id go as far to say children of homosexuals may deserve reparations from the reckless governments which encouraged homosexual procreation creating a massive wave of social incompatibility

    Gay parented children are much more likely to suffer obesity and abuse drugs which only taxes the healthcare system

    The most notable gay parented children in the world at the moment, Rosie O'donnells children: her son is said to have been obsessed with war ever since childhood and begged rosie to send him away to a military academy as a teenager likely to get away from rosie and then he joined the military at 18 despite his moms 120 million net worth, rosies adopted daughter ran away from home after being publicly labelled the pseudoscientific term "bipolar" by rosie (happy and sad? no just depressed living with rosie) and recently overdosed on drugs which usually happens when people want to erase their memory, rosie recently declared her youngest 3 year old daughter autistic before the child couldve ever even learned how to fully speak and with clearly no ability to behave autonomously, despite most doctors refusal to diagnose girls with autism rosie is said to be obssessed with autism and seems to believe everyones children are autistic likely to reconcile her own socially maladaptive worldview

    Very few have a problem with gays who keep to themselves but procreation needs to be saved for women with functioning clitoral bulbs who are able to sustain clitoral bulb erections for men, stronger female erections translate to stronger erections in male offspring and better sex for all, a woman who is able to associate strong male features with larger, stronger erections is also a sign of intelligence

    Bisexual lesbians figure sleeping with who they deem the least attractive men a couple times affords their exclusive homosexuality later in life while gaining male protection for the overwhelmingly female LGBT community, to counter this men should feel for a tight vaginal entrance caused when clitoral bulbs fill with blood which allows clitoral displacement during penetration and indicates true arrousal

    Aside from visual arrousal women can also become truly arroused if men do a good job with clitoral foreplay, if she loses blood flow during sex return to foreplay or combine penetration with manual clitoral stimulation, keep in mind the top of mens faces are really only a bigger version of a female face and scissoring is next to impossible

    Sex fine tunes the muscles of the vagina to prepare for childbirth minimizing pain and injury, the more sex the better it feels for women after the hymen is broken, though sex before the end of puberty likely interupts development

    Lesbian sex only wastes the beauty of a womans full face and body while also wasting male orgasms which are required every 1-2 weeks else men risk injuring their erection during sleep eventually leading to erectile dysfunction

    Male foreskin which is analogous to the clitoral hood is intended to increase clitoral displacement during sex while protecting the penis head from injury, the hood attached to the labia increases surface contact with the clitoral head while the labia is tugged into the hole during penetration

    Visual stimulation only enhances orgasm but all healthy individuals are capable of orgasming with no visual stimulation which allows focusing on the sensation more and women are the only ones without a refractory period

    Men have stronger more precise tongues, facial hair begins where the face cuts off from the licking angle indicating men with facial hair tended to lick more, also there are men with naturally no facial hair and facial hair has always been removable

    There will always be an ideal physical form regardless of gender, were all programmed to be attracted to physical health including muscle and fat, men have the backside proportions of a teenage female

    Kissing during mutual orgasm is only possible when feeling the sexual contractions during heterosexual intercourse, oral stimulation is inherently less personal though of course enjoyable

    The majority will always be heterosexual even if one gender begins devolving back to singularity, if the opposite gender isnt worthy dont create more of them, self lust or desiring what you already have is always pathological

    Everything is dictated by physics, homosexuality can only be the result of incompatible genital structure or brain structure both of which change
    throughout life

    Anything gays can do straight people can too with sufficient imagination
    but the reverse isnt necessarily true due to incompatibility, spreading
    incompatibility only decreases freedom, parenting requires empathy for both genders most importantly their purpose which is sex

    Humans have always had access to primitive birth control in the form of natural material condoms such as animal organ tissue, ovulation timing and pulling out, and diet induced miscarriage


    DNA converts organic material into electricity ultimately powered by photosynthesis in plants, we can scale this process up to create unconscious DNA power plants

    Magnetically contained nuclear fusion appears to be impossible, gravitation contained nuclear fusion is likely required
    2 people like this.
  2. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Too long, and too much crap!
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  3. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    love it when you talk dirty [​IMG]?
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  4. bft4evr

    bft4evr Senior Member

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    I hear that all the time! [​IMG]?

    3 people like this.
  5. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    * taps her toe at you two above* lol
  6. Emanresu

    Emanresu Member

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    Since the above ramblings do not meet the criteria either for the scientific sense of the word theory or the ordinary use of the term I would like to suggest a revision to the title: Some Hilariously Misguided Rants About Sex.
  7. bunnygirl

    bunnygirl available in taiwan

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    this guy should work for fox news to spread hype for pay
  8. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Man, I usually grouch over wastes of trees, but I'm feeling the electrons that had to move for this tripe.
  9. autophobe2e

    autophobe2e Senior Member

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    I feel significantly more stupid now than I was before I started trying to make sense of this utter shite.
  10. psymon*

    psymon* shadilay

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    Show some respect woman for the time he took to write this and express himself. This topic is not about crap. He is not into scat, are you? If you do not want to read something, so be it, but why be rude and comment at all?

    Your response is flippant and rude, Heads up, witty is not rude.

    Lessons here is how to make a noob unwelcome and driv noobs away.
  11. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    You gonna have a go at everyone else now? Thought not! Lol
  12. Adamskiffle

    Adamskiffle Members

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    This almost reminds of something I once read in a 1950's psychology text book!

    When you say 'Google' can verify these statements don't you actually actually mean LSD?
  13. psymon*

    psymon* shadilay

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    spoke too soon, thought so!

    The clique is too kewl. Let's all jump on the bandwagon and drive noobs to this forum away.

    Peace, love, dope,

  14. Heterogenic

    Heterogenic Banned

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    Chromosomal siblings

    Homosexuality is chromosomal incest, now that women have all the power in society they should do all the social pursuing

    The vagina evolved to work as a trapdoor/pully system during sexual penetration using the clitoral bulbs located on either side of the vaginal opening and connected directly to the clitoris, the clitoral bulbs fill with blood during arrousal causing the vaginal entrance to tighten allowing clitoral mechanics during penetration combined with the labia being tugged into the opening which pulls the hood down allowing indirect stimulation of the clitoris, the pubic skin/flesh is also slightly firmer than other regions of the body. The skenes gland/gspot also provides sensation. Optimally thrusting to increase downward tug of the clitoris during sex would appear worthwhile

    While potentially considered less aesthetic(which I disagree with), or harder to clean before soap and showers were invented, male foreskin which is analogous to the female clitoral hood evolved to protect the penis head from injury(warning: partial severance) while also providing more sensation, girth, and better thrusting for both male and female during sex, the foreskin increases surface contact with the clitoris as the penis penetrates the vagina pushing the clitoral bulbs outward forcing the clitoris, clitoral hood and labia to tug downward toward the hole proportionate to the girth of the penis. Mutilation of this vital organ is especially tragic in western society where men are often less than ideally driven to become angry masturbators else face wasting their orgasms during sleep every 1-2 weeks and injuring their erection
  15. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Hey, you mean you read it all, and now this new exciting episode 2?

    Didn't put them off, they need a platform, they got it, eventually we will find out the reason for it. I hope! :)
  16. psymon*

    psymon* shadilay

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    High five bro for lack of compassion

    Yes I read it all, and while I don't agree with it all, there are some interesting concepts and theories. I am open minded.

    Peace love dope,

  17. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    I'm not your bro!

    Why you picking on me? You wanna pm me?

    Compassion for what? Seems your the only one with a problem!

    The op hasn't complained, or is that you?

    Because the theory of sex so far. Has just been a discription of genitals so far..

    So go read the other posts Psymon! Oooh your a newby! Did i upset you in a past life? Now let me see! Who can you be? Lol
  18. psymon*

    psymon* shadilay

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    Sorry, they shoot the messenger. You started the negative vibe in this thread. Very sarcastic and critical. It irked me. You did not read his post but you were negative about it. When you start a thread how do you like it received? The way you responded to him or with some feed back given in a constructive manner? After your response the vultures gathered. It is like bullying with you the leader

    Good job. ^5bro
  19. psymon*

    psymon* shadilay

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    Trapdoor pully system, I like it... the trap door can pull me in at any time.

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    ........Popcorn......Popcorn.....Get Your Popcorn Here......[​IMG]

    Cheers Glen.
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