The World The Individual Created; The World I Hate For The Frustration At A Broken Heart.

Discussion in 'Agnosticism and Atheism' started by Anaximenes, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    It finally gets down to this; for the world, the one true God created how does one fatally end up hating this World you created yourself?

    But the chips aren't really down; the bet is still on whether some God could create that socially observed world of the disgraced creation.
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  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Leave it to beaver
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  3. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    We live from eternity to eternity and we have for all of ever to get it right. When humanity gets it right, the universe will be ALL LIGHT. That's something most people couldn't fathom, let alone understand. But it's true. In perfection, there is no black dark universe. It's all light.

    God isn't a person.
  4. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    We're not human; we're just Conscious that we moved to the wrong part of town for good civil action. God is the human being telling us that the electorate was claiming our vote useless. :D
  5. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    Nothing in this world is more truer and more right than the person that is experiencing it....

    YOUR experience, is the exact truth of it all....

    Philosophy makes me want to cry though, for serious.
  6. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    You're not telling me that the civic action did really exist for the authorities hiding themselves in dark boardrooms, and planing the communications strategy of even the occupy movement when it happened. Did god create History, or did history not create God?
  7. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    As always, im confused as ever Anaximenes...

    Civic action? Could you define?

    The occupy movement was good while it lasted but uh.... The people who were in it are mostly ill informed, which is unfortunate. The only people who really knew what they were protesting for were the people coming up with 'cute' chants and power to the people fliers.. Nobody has a very 'loud' voice.....

    As a believer of god, I cannot imagine time existing before god. Only, fuzzy nothingness.
  8. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    Gizooogle translated as:

    "Yo ass aint spittin some lyrics ta me dat tha civic action did straight-up exist fo' tha authoritizzles hidin theyselves up in dark boardrooms, n' planin tha communications game of even tha occupy movement when it happened. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Did OG create History, or did history not create OG?"
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  9. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    Do you work for the post office; you sound like an old parented friend who works in the post office.[​IMG]
  10. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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  11. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    the world each of us has to live in, is not created alone by any one person, even a god, but by all of us together, living in it.
    however wonderful invisible things are. THIS world, they have left up to us.
    we are purfectly able to stop destroying it. i share the confidence gods have in humanity.
    that we are perfectly capable of doing it right, and not doomed to anything.
    but only doom ourselves directly by our own ignorance and greed.
    no intervention of anything required either way.

    there is no other thing wrong with this earth, then is created by the human ego.
    there's plenty wrong with human society, but even that is the sum of individual choices and does not have to be.
  12. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I had to try it myself :afro:

  13. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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  14. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Most people don't create the established dominant religious, economic, and political models of the culture in which they are born. In a culture, particularly one which allows freedom of thought, some people see a disconnect with the established models and the ever evolving situations which face society and themselves.

    Furthermore most cultural models are static, which doesn't lend itself to public or individual satisfaction very well if there are significant changes and advances in areas of society: political, educational, medicinal, technological, so on and so forth.
  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    essentially, the existence or non existence of one or more gods, has absolutely nothing to do with what people think they know about them, being bullshit, made up by people, not gods.
  16. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    In an infinite universe there are all possibilities from the good to the bad. God or the Absolute(to get rid of any religious associations) is infinite therefore does not have a plan or desires.
  17. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    reality is much too complex and diverse for any one true anything to have created on its own.
    making its having haphazardly created itself (or even having always existed), far more reasonable and likely.

    (i'm not saying any one planet or any one solar system has always existed. those come and go.
    on a much greater time scale then any species nor the beliefs of any life form, are capable of conceiving)

    no we don't require an infallible creator. and if something god-like does exist, it is unlikely to be infallible either.

    no physical thing, can prove nor disprove the existence of any non-physical thing.
    the existence or non-existence of any non-physical thing, cannot be proven at all.

    because non-existence cannot be proven, non-physical things CAN concretely exist.
    their potential to exist, simply does not however, bind them, to any preconceived notions, as to the nature of their existence.

    i favor the existence of non-physical things, because they can be experienced non-physically, and i believe i have.
    having experienced their existence, does NOT equal knowing jack about them.

    the only words, i have ever seen, read or heard, while living on this earth, were written or spoken, by other human persons.

    yes i can and do believe some things, solely on the bases of their 'feeling right' to me. abrahamic monotheism is not one of them.
    the existence of some one or many, nonphysical things, that give great nonphysical hugs, without being infallible, micro-managing, nor being at war with anything at all, is.

    no, i don't have names for them. if i did, they would be my own names, invented by my own imagination.
    i cannot give you their descriptions nor locations for the same reason.

    you might find some little ones living down by the creek though. or dancing on the breeze between the blackberry leaves.
  18. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    You say the only words you've seen, read, and heard are from other humans persons, which I'm assuming we are in agreement are physical. Your suggestion is the senses are the way in which we have physical experience, how then is it that we can experience something non-physical? What switches this apparent dualistic mind/body interaction to non-physical mode for experience?

    Regarding infallability, Perhaps non-physical God does not require that character in a traditional moral way but if God is interacting with physical beings in any sense that can be considered physical, then God is potentially restricted by that certain dimension bound by the particular laws and constants. God itself would have to be infallible in the sense that it does not succumb to those laws upon interacting with the physical world.
  19. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    too much diversity for one individual, no mater how unlimited their power. all of us together participate in creating, what each of us, individually experience.

    "God itself would have to be infallible in the sense that it does not succumb to those laws upon interacting with the physical world."

    not infallable, simply outside of time and space. being non-physical is outside of time and space.
  20. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Another scenario that qualifies is the sun and the solar system. Doesn't need to be non physical.

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