Hi, how many words can you made out of 'hug'? You can use all letters of the alphabet to make a words, but you have to use the letters 'hug'. Only one word per person please. I will start with: 'Shrug'. Have fun!
No, it is not a real game dear friend. See of it as an intellectual challenging yet fun way to increase your general knowledge about the alphabet and increase your vocabulaire at the same time.
skip doesnt approve of these kind of games. this is what got the whole games forum deleted. but what the hay.... o shoot, i cant think of anything. that is a weird combination of letters!
It is biblical And god said: He who has many nuggs and nuggeth his friend, much pleasure will I take in him, he who has many nuggs and nuggeth not his freind displeaseth me muchly. heed the these words my children he who has little nuggs yet STILL nuggeth his friend pleases me greatly, and if he nuggeth his friend with a pure heart (not simply wishing dankness from his friend) his nuggs shal never run out.