This is the same as the infamous 'Active Threads Game' on the old fora. If you played before you know the rules and if you did not you will have to look for that other thread. The first question is: "what time do you get up in the morning?" Have fun!!
Funny thing is, if you copy/paste the link it is clickable. Oh, and a free bump ofcourse for this amazing thread.
Actually I didn't respond to this before b/c I thought it was a joke I didn't get, I just found the new posts option though. I'll try in a second. Rules are to ask a question from the subjects yeah sorry i can't put it into such good rules just watch and see.
Hooker with a penis - tool i'm glad to be back in the game, bird! Would assassination of bush/cheney help our country?
Would assassination of bush/cheney help our country?I don't think that assassinating anyone is good karma for anything... What's your favourite type of cheese?
"So now that the Muslims BEHEADED someone, you still think we're the badguys?"[/QUOTE] uh. i dont know. i dont wanna take sides... Weirdest place you've ever had sex?
I got it! I was just saying.... Let's just see how this affects the election... I don't know how to link it. I'm dumb.
Fine! I quit! Aren't you supposed to be having sex with me in a janitor's closet or something! That's all I'm good for!