The Witching Hour

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Irminsul, May 2, 2017.

  1. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Most commonly known as midnight, 12am, 0000hrs they say is known for the name The Witching Hour as belief has it that witches and other creatures of the shadows such as demons and ghosts are at their most powerful at midnight.

    Yet in all the ghost movies this really more so appears from 2-3am but mostly 3am seems to be the most haunted time according to the movies and popular ghost/haunt stories.

    To me midnight isn't that special nor is it scary, I think more things stir around from that 2-3am time frame. Most of my experiences have actually come in the day which leads me to also wonder well what happens at midnight in the arctic circle when it's daylight?

    Just seems cliche to call midnight, the witching hour.
  2. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    I agree, Irmi. In fact, I even looked up the witching hour on google - wondering if that hour would be different in Germany than here! I just KNEW it was 2-3am. Then I read 12 midnight. WHAT?

    I read a series by Anne Rice about the Mayfair was a GREAT READ. A number of books - and each one excellent!!!! Anyway, I'm bringing it up because I remember specifically that they considered the witching hour more like what you and I think - between 2 and 3am.

    So we are right.

    I miss that thumbs up emoji.

    edit - I also agree that towards 3am it seems more "witching" than around 2am...but here in the Twilight can get pretty lively around 2am. :-o
  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Ohh I love Anne Rive vampire chronicles and read them all and they dealt with the Mayfair Witches a little bit in one later book but I never read the series but I know what you're talking about. :D

    Just usually Midnight isn't the middle of the night. Like when the in for down at 10pm, 2 hrs away isn't scary to think about.
  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  5. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I think of the witching hour as 3 am, too. Everything seems different at that time of night--reality becomes a little bit more flexible, noises and colors a bit more surreal, thoughts get muddled, and the world seems covered with a veil. It's strange and sinister and a bit wonderful, too.
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  6. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    why does the unknown have to be scary when it is the familiar that is readily observable to cause far greater and more consistent harm?

    to me the only thing that makes any hour any different then any other hour, is all the different things that other people might be doing during it.

    i find the quietest and thus best time to sleep, are those when most people are away at work.

    so i often find the middle of the night being the middle of what is to me a perfectly ordinary 'day'.

    but then, perhaps, i've never been quite entirely human myself.
  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    The night is also my day. :)

    And the unknown has to be scary because that's my imagination of the unknown.
  8. expanse

    expanse Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    A call at midnight? A call to a person, or a soul?
    A person checks to see if is soul has answered the call

    Can you get it back
    Can you cut it loose
    Will you find it an illusion/soul

    Irmi made the call. The souls of 3rd fled.
    A second call drowned the first. Souls stood still as mortal bodies rrrrippped away from their souls.

    Irminsul stopped, holding her sword at her side, point in the sand

    As all tremble in confusion, thinking of a plan, a trick, fucking riddle even, that may save them...

    Irm sets aside her sword, grabs her trusty ax, raises it above her head and asks, "is there anyone who will dare say they are a match for me. We look raised our hands thinking she meant a match for going out to a movie or something - maybe netflix and chill. Irminsul set down her ax, to think about what had happened. All of a sudden, an old man walked by, listeningto he recent events. Irm said that she's committed to her girlfriend, and none of these people are matches for me in any way(not even for a quicky in the boom closet).

    The old man finally said, Irminsul - you've defeated them all without blood ahead. You've control ofthetrsoulsby taking their hearts. Dont hurtbthem

    Sorry. I took zolpidem again, and can't sleep
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  9. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I must have their eyes...
  10. autophobe2e

    autophobe2e Senior Member

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    This may be a cultural thing, but over here the phrase "Witching hour" in folklore generally refers to 3am rather than midnight.
  11. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    one hour is just as witching or otherwise as another.
    i am my soul, so i don't go anywhere that i'm not.
    if my body goes somewhere without me, that's another matter.
    i would prefer it not take me with it when it goes to the grave.

    i really believe people are imposing a needless anxiety on themselves, when they insisting on making something to be feared of the unknown.
    your imagination is not the unknown. though of course you can always imagine things not known to others.
    you mostly get to choose those things, and they don't have to be harmful or things you don't like.

    what other people do, you don't get to choose, and sometimes they choose to do harmful or distructive things,
    often under the mistaken impression they are doing themselves or the world some favor by doing them.
  12. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    2-3am is probably the scariest hour. it's when all the drunks are driving home from the bar.

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