According to my accuweather toolbar, it is currently 38 degrees but it feels like 49. Why do they do that? It just doesn't make sense lol
When I was driving Dad to the doctor something was trying to come was bouncing off the hood of the car. Supposed to be rain at 40 degrees but this was some kind of ice...or plastic.
What's weird about it? The sun shines. Air currents bring warmer air, even if the net temperature as taken in a controlled setting is colder. This works in reverse too.
We talking Fahrenheit or Celsius? If you ever experienced 49C you'd know its nothing like 38C So you are really saying 3C feels like 10C, lol, still flippin cold
PS, might as well derail this into a Global Warming thing If Global Warming was actually a thing, it would have, hit by now and be a lot more devastating. First predicted by scientists as far back as the 19th century, all models from the 1950s thru to the 1980s have turned out not to be true
We're not having fog today .. we're having FDG. lol what? And it still feels warmer than it actually is. So weird lol
Are You Female ginalee14, And If So Are You Middle Aged, And If So I Diagnose A Mid-Life Crisis With Hot And Cold Flushes... Cheers Glen.
lol Well I'm not the one measuring the temperatures and I'm not the creator of RealFeel® It's sort of remarkable that it can be 38 degrees but feel over 10 degrees warmer than it actually is. I remember years ago being surprised to check the temperature and people would say, "wow, it feels warmer than that". It's actually an established part of weather reporting now. Today's typo in fog was just amusing. By the way, it's reportedly 38 degrees right now but feels 31. lmao In less than an hour, the actual temperature went from 35 to 38 but the feel went from 38 to 31. How the heck can people plan for their day with these sorts of jumps?
OMG, you were talking Fahrenheit. Seriously, whats the difference between 3 and 10C, both are "fuck its cold, brrrrr"
There is a difference between 38 and 49. It's just strange to me that it can be 38 degrees but FEEL 11 degrees more than that. That is all.
After this winter I am finding it difficult to match proper clothing with the temperatures. It does not help living in a college town when you can see people in shorts and flip flops on any given day. Today it is getting colder and we are expecting 2-4 inches of snow or slush.
Hopefully that'll be the last of it for this year .. it was a great winter. And as much as I love winter (it's my favorite) I'm definitely ready for spring! My eyes are honed in on the budding of the trees. So far, this season.. they're sort of slow. I gotta check the predictions for what sort of summer it will be. They got it right last year .. I was impressed.
It's been snowing and miserable here for 6 fucking months. Longest God forsaken winter I can remember and I bloody hate it. This global warming thing is not working out the way I wanted. They say humidity can make it feel warmer but I never hear about unless it's 90-100F somewhere... not here, nothin' but windchill here... blow your fucking nuts off windchill!
Like this?: I think you're right about the humidity thing. I was out at 6 am in Flagstaff last week scraping 3/4"s of ice off my windshield, but it didn't seem as cold out as it was (low 20s F). The humidity was in the high 80s.
Today's temperature is 50 degrees but it feels like 44. lol. If RealFeel is 44 then the temperature must REALLY be 44 lol