Has anyone heard the new song "Ride" by the vines? I love it, so i started downloading some of their stuff and it's pretty good. I also like a song called "Get Free" which probably everyone knows. Does anyone else like them? They look a pit spun, hey whatever you want to do. lol
I sort of like them a bit but I just dont like the "90s grunge and Look At me I'm so Fucking pissed" image they have. They're still good though.
The only song I heard by them is "Fuck The World" - got a free cd with the French magazine called Rock & Folk. I like it... it's nothing very original but it doesn't sound bad!
i think that it is really nice you are democratically thinking about this Skip... i voted "NO WAY"!!! and that goes for philosophy/religion too
I ve got just the 1st LP and its one of the best of 2002 "Autumn Shade" ...is from another dimension..."sunshinin" and his sick guitar who can hypnotize anyone...and "1969" is the perfect end ..."grand" there is no other words... Ive heard 3-4 times their last lp ,"Amnesia" with is guitar solo who any other young band can do & "fuck the world" is n apocalyptic who end with furry...i regret that this song is not finishing in the style of the Who in a total cohesive chaos...even the calm songs are good... Great band but i m not sure of the future of this band...with Craig Nicholls who go more & more psycho (or mental) every years... i dont want another Barrett in rock n roll...God only knows the way of everyone's future
i dont know alot about them but i've got two of their albums.... Highly Evolved, and there new one called winning days. Ride is a cool song really gets you in the mood for just running around and getting your feet going. Get free is another good one of theirs..... Have you heard "Outtathaway" if you havnt i recommend you do Damnit! you've got me in the mood for listening to the Vines now !
The Vines are great. 'Highly Evolved' is a masterpiece, and 'Winning Days' is just beautiful. I love em.