The unrecognizable

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by travelguy61, Jan 9, 2021.

  1. travelguy61

    travelguy61 Members

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    Having been born here, grow up here. This country I once knew is no longer. Hatred has filled are streets and the divide is tearing us apart. The sad part not many seem to care. It's like the Nazis and the Jews all over again. And we know how that went. Millions died and at the end no winners. If we can't find away past this and try and come together like American's I once knew, this really is the beginning of the end. We play right into there hands, like Russia, and China. For most of my life I really never cared much about who was president. Things seem to move along, but only in the past 20 years have things really began to change. Money seem to be the common denominator. Why would some one spend a billion dollars for a job that only paid them 400k a year. Money and power.

    Our country is lost and not sure there is away back. I really believe that we all are after the same things. But just have gone down 2 different roads. But with the same destination in mind. For myself it has always been a better life for my kids then I had. But that is far gone. Not sure if that will ever be possible. We put up so many barriers to cross, it makes it impossible to reach our goals. For the very few life is good from there ivory towers. We are just ants on a hill, we build it all for the queen. and then we die.

    When did all the hate come into play, why so many with so much hatred. I grow up with respecting everyone, was how I was raised. Respect for our fellow man and neighbors is gone. Now everyone has assault rifles, and pretty sure there not for hunting animals, just neighbors.

    So many voted for the current president, with all that has gone on lately. I don't understand the mind set some have to do that. Goes to show you how far apart we are, and not sure if there is away back.
    randomdude1983 and mysticblu21 like this.
  2. Calibabe39

    Calibabe39 Members

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    Politics is certainly polarized between Dems and The GOP for sure.

    I am astounded that people still defend trump, guiliani and others at their rally before the attack on the Capitol buildings. I know the Dems can be hypocrites and seem to tolerate violence when it is BLM but none of those protests were against the Capitol with senators trying to fulfil their constitutional duties.

    i think these divisions will continue unless the Dems realize people are hurting economically even before covid.

    it’s a mess for sure.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  3. wrat1

    wrat1 Members

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    It ended when Politics became a career choice rather than a public service IE PUBLIC SERVENT
  4. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    I turned off TV n Radio from June 2018 to August 2019.

    I missed out on a lot of stuff going on, but in that time span, America was great again.
    wrat1, Happy Guy and Calibabe39 like this.
  5. Totally Yoda

    Totally Yoda Members

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    I completely agree with you!
    Calibabe39 likes this.

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