That story is all over the news. But if you ask me, the media is just giving ISIS a new target. ISIS and Al Qaeda would love to disrupt global communications. And I'm sure that they have enough million$ to buy a few submarines. If the drug cartels have them, ISIS can get them.
Where the fuck do you come up with this shit? On second thought, I don't want to know. But seriously dude, stop watching before you blow a gasket.
Ok, so you did a screen capture of a google map and then scribbled all over it in MS Paint..... dude...put...the...crack...pipe...down
OMG, how will we survive without our international cat GIFs? :bigcry: Putin is going to destroy our souls! This story is actually legit; internet runs mostly on fiber optic because of satellite time delay, according to NBC.
I know it's a legit story, but the likelihood of such an attack having a big impact on North America or most of Europe is highly unlikely as there is so much redundancy in the system. some areas may be impacted by a single cable or two being cut, but they would have to do a lot more to actually bring the internet down. it makes much more sense that if anything they are looking for the cables used exclusively for military purposes. Not saying it can't be done, just that from all I read, it is highly improbable.
A submarine wouldn't be the best method as most are not equipped with external scissors and getting out of a submarine next to an underwater cable seems like a bad idea.
Russia has been testing specialized remote controlled machines that crawl on the ocean floor. NBC had pictures.
Color me stupid but what would be the benefit to Russia or any country or group to do this? Wouldn't it hurt them in the same way it would hurt anyone else?
Who needs a sub when the cables can be destroyed where they come out of the ocean? Think they're guarded like Nuclear missile sites?
Am I the only one who read stuff about this? Cables are broken on average one every 3 days, the most common cause seems to be fishing boats dropping/dragging anchors, after that natural causes account for the rest. So severing the cables that are not really deep is a rather easy feat and all that is needed is a drag line with some device to snag/snap the cables. Other cables such as fiber optic trunks and military systems are laid out at much deeper depths that would most likely require a sub to locate and sever.
I will venture a guess that they would actually stand to gain more by cutting off some of the areas where they are contending for control. That would be much more feasible and effective than trying to bring down North America and Europe's internet. not gonna happen.