The Ultimate Conclusion of the Meta internet?

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Jimbee68, Feb 25, 2022.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    They're already talking about the meta internet. Being able to virtually access people online does sound appealing.

    But I have to ask. How far, hypothetically speaking, can the technology take us? I mean, will you be able to access your entire mind to a future internet? It is a staple of movies, you have to admit.

    I know one interesting outcome of this, is that quadriplegic people will be able to get laid. So will ugly people, since your avatar can be whatever you want.

    Am I jumping the gun a little bit here? Or will these things all be possible in due time?

    Watson_ likes this.
  2. Echtwelniet

    Echtwelniet Visitor

    *Sigh*....imo the hole Meta bs and the interwebz of things.............why would you want to be constantly virtuallly accessebile online as person? the end live is still outside imo.

    Same as why the you want your fridge/microwave/house/ect to be online(hackers/ect)

    In the end,no resources/no energy/electricity/no interwebz.......coming from a gamer /interwebz addict:D

    Watson_ likes this.
  3. wyldwynd

    wyldwynd ~*~ Super Moderator

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    Yes to the first question they have made a chip for the brain that can heal a spine and correct dna to basically heal the body ....your already connecting to a techicnal base platform a large majority of people are online for hours ...streaming streaming streaming their minds already ...this is current xon1x
    Streaming money
    Streaming minds
    Watson_ likes this.
  4. wyldwynd

    wyldwynd ~*~ Super Moderator

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    It has changed the landscape it has changed the interaction with people as Technology keeps evolving ...

    scientist minds have done everything you can think of

    Prove me wrong and get off the internet and off your phones ...get back to basics and go watch a tree grow
    Watson_ likes this.
  5. Echtwelniet

    Echtwelniet Visitor

    There is a big difference between current interwebz/social media and science tech? A hive mind based on current intewebz/social media, no thanks.

    I absolutly believe in science/progression, but there are other problems to solve


    And we should keep in mind, we are also just nature and to not be so humans imo.

  6. wyldwynd

    wyldwynd ~*~ Super Moderator

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    In the most humble way I am as arrogant as they come..I know my worth and what is perishable..I am a Perennial in the garden of life ..a scientist refers to life as a matter of fact ...who has been seen heard and understood which define is as elusive as the invisible ..comprehend every molecule n fragment that the earth consists of and learn we are all fools...then times that past more galaxies and worlds of expand to discover how small of a crumb I actually am when arrogance comes to be magnified
  7. wyldwynd

    wyldwynd ~*~ Super Moderator

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    Ahh I am such a poet and nothing more or less
  8. Echtwelniet

    Echtwelniet Visitor

  9. VeganLadyAZ

    VeganLadyAZ Members

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    Nope, no thank you. People already don't know how to function in real life off line, unconnected to their phone.
  10. wyldwynd

    wyldwynd ~*~ Super Moderator

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    speaking of pearls-

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