The Twilight Zone

Discussion in 'TV' started by backtothelab, May 19, 2004.

  1. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    I love this show, and I cannot understand why anyone would disagree. Some of these episodes, if not all are so completely mind blowing. I know it's kind of late, but i just found some tapes my buddy and i stayed up and recorded last new years eve. Did anyone watch? It was like all new years day, and all all the day after. We watched six hours that night, stoned the whole time! Ah, the memories. +1 to the twilight zone
  2. xaosflux

    xaosflux Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Just loaded the TZ ring tones on my cell!
  3. SharyBobbins

    SharyBobbins QPR Football Fan

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    it must have been very good for so many people to copy the concept for a fun episode of their series.
  4. TerminalMadness

    TerminalMadness Member

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    Who would disagree? Rod Serling was the master of storytelling, a trailblazer, pioneer, and twilight zone was the anthology series.
    At times It was funny, scary, fascinating, quirky, and could pack one hell of a surprise ending and plot twists when it wanted to. It is, was, and always will be the quintessential anthology show.

    My favorite? The Purple Testament, Five Strangers in search of an exit, the living doll, the perfect pitch.

    This show was incredible. I agree.
  5. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    yeah, i really like midnight sun and to serve man. Have you seen the one where the two astronauts are going to another planet, and one is freakin out like, "what are aliens like" and the confident one is like, "they're just like us, chill out". So they crash on this planet and the confident one dies in the crash, and the freaked out one is left alone, and he's in the space ship and can hear all the aliens outside talking and stuff, but eventually the aliens open the door, and they turn out really cool. So they Fix him up and stuff, it's a nice house on this planet, like the average fifties house, and he's all relaxed and stuff and feeling comfortable, and he decides to open the window, cause it was stuffy, and when he pulled back the blinds, there were no windows, and all the doors were locked, and as he's standing there, all the walls open up, and he's in a big cage with the aliens staring at him like he's an animal in the zoo, and he says, "i guess they really are like us"
    I have no idea why i wrote that all out, but that episode really blew my mind.
  6. paix

    paix Senior Member

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    I love the twilight zone, my folks used to tell me about it all the time, and then my brother and I finnaly started renting the tapes when we got older, and the movie that they made I guess around the 70's or 80's, that was totaly amazing!

    The revived the sieries fora bit a couple years ago, even re-made and updated a few of the old ones, made them more current, totaly awsome.

    I love the one with the woman who supposedly so ugly, and she's on her last try to become "normal", and they go through the whole thing and at the very end they reveal her face and she's stunning, and the doctors and nurses all have these grotesque faces, I love the social commentary ones.
  7. TerminalMadness

    TerminalMadness Member

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    o yeah, this series blew my mind backtothelab, i love that story with the zoo.

    I grew up watching this show. On channel 11 here in NY, they used to play a 48 hour marathon every New years and fourth of july and I'd always watch it; it was excellent.

    The night caller is a particularly scary episode, and "Time enough at last" just screams ironny, especially in the sick ending.

    the 80's revival was weak, but there were two good episodes, the remake of the one with the stop clock that stops time, and the darkman where the boy uses a demon as his guardian to kill other kids. That was scary and had a great surprise ending.

    The last revival was weak and kind of lame.
  8. SharyBobbins

    SharyBobbins QPR Football Fan

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    I saw the new one recently. it was one where the girl turned her baby sitters into barbie dolls. creepy.

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