that is what my religion is called. we as jehovah witnesses are required by god to declare the TRUTH about God and his purposes and we do it to the ends of the earth. The Watchtower and Awake magazines are the #1 and #2 magazines most published in the world in almost every language. That means they are have seen them, you also have seen witnesses on your street, at the supermarket..we all believe the same thing..we do not vote or serve in the military..we adhere to bible principles and guidelines but it is not burdensome.. Jesus said And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come. so even Hip Forums is not know you love me
the truth, is what is there, when no one is saying anything. it does not to hide. people convince themselves and each other to hide it from themselves because they believe their very survival depends upon their doing so, or that they have something to gain by this. it cannot be contained in any word, or any number of them. it cannot be owned by any belief, though every belief claims to. where it won't be found, is where untruth is claimed to be excluded.
LornaDoom, could you give a short summary of how jehovah witnesses differ from other Christians? In particular, I am curious if you keep the Sabbath. So you know where I am coming from, I follow the Old Testament.
you will not find "THE TRUTH" in ANY religious belief. though you will find SOME truth, in ALL of them.
Hello, Yes, in quite a few different ways.. We do not believe in the Trinity which is that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one being.. Also do not believe in eternal torment (Hell) and believe that hell is mankinds common grave.. Do not serve in the military or police or any position that carries a gun Do not celebrate any holidays Believe the bible is harmonious and that there are some symbolic scriptures but take a lot of it literal. Use no idol in worship and as far as the Sabbath, it is not observed although our weekly public meetings are on Sunday.. there are a lot more things but i will stop there
most of that actually makes a reasonable amount of sense. however, taking anything in the christian bible literally, would only do so if by literal, is meant how its meaning would have been understood, by someone living at the time each scroll had been written, not as what its words, absent the inferances which they would have recognized, are taken to mean today.
i still maintain however, that truth is not about things which are inherently beyond objective knowledge, (as are by definition all religious beliefs), but rather everything we are distracted from observing for ourselves, by the persuasion of others.