In case anyone who doesn't have to live under the fascist rule of these cunts, here's an example of just how odious this party are. At the tory party conference yesterday, our foreign secretary Boris Johnstone said this: "There's a group of UK businesspeople ... they've got a brilliant vision to turn Sirte into the next ... Dubai. The only thing they've got to do is clear the dead bodies away." And they all laughed. Tory. Scum.
Ken. Jeremy **** stood up two days ago and told the crowd that it was the tories who founded the NHS! Boris reckons the election in 2017 is the greatest victory for the tories in 25 years, and May doesn't want a party of yes men... but she'll hand over £1.5Billion to the DUP in exchange for votes. Time will soon tell if that's even going to happen, and the DUP are withholding their support because they know as well as everyone else does that it's not got a hope in hell of surviving the coming challenge through the courts. We're all just waiting for the whole thing to crumble... The amount of bullshit coming out of the mouths of these bastards these days is off the scale.
This MAY help(s) the Country
Our tory scum leader posted this today on twitter. Can anyone spot the slight faux pas in the way she has worded it?
No because the way she worded it is so confusing, that I don't know what she's saying. WTF is the impact of ethnicity on people's lives? I don't even know what that means. Is she talking about different ethnic groups living in close proximity with each other? The labeling of groups? What?
I assume she meant prejucide and inequality suffered by ethnic groups, but the way she worded it implies that ethnicity is a negative, being from an ethnic background is the problem. Vaccuous sentiment from the woman who has lied and blocked any attempt to discuss reform of the UK drugs laws for 7 years, and she posts this on the day Paul Flynn passes a motion in parliament to legalise medicinal cannabis and the day after the SNP demand to have the power to control their own drugs policy. Equality for everyone unless you're a scummy cannabis user. There are no words to describe the hatred I have for this woman.
Insofar as that's what she intended to say. I don't believe for one second she gives a fuck about anyone apart from herself.
The Tories = The Party that adhere to the 'Animal Farm' credo - "all are equal but some are more equal than others" - to slightly paraphrase
The thing is whenever any of those goons speak, it's never sincere - it's all calculated.They only say what they imagine will win them brownie points. In this case not very well thought out - but that seems to be characteristic of this current lot of tories. They can't even be bothered to attempt to construct the lies in a plausible manner. Such conceit.
What an absolute shower of useless bastards who all need to be dragged out of office by their necks. Labour's bill to scrap the 55p per minute charge on the Universal Credit shambles helpline just got voted through 299 to 0. Yes that's right, ZERO. Hardly any of the tory scum could even be bothered to turn up and vote, because they just don't give a shit. And one of them couldn't be there because he was busy working in his other job as a football referee.