The Top Three Gop Candidates Are Radical Extremists

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rjhangover, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    The more radical, the more popular they are. That is undeniable proof that the GOP is owned by nut jobs. Con voters elect the extremists that spew rhetoric like "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" and "We need to kill the families of these terrorist Muslims", and "deport all the Mexicans".

    There was a thread here on another forum by a con titled "MUSLIMS AND LIBERALS ARE THE ENEMY".

    Filthy liberals, stinking Muslims, dam homos, forking hippies, greasy Mexicans, and friggin "N" words are common language for so many of the GOP bigots.

    This is their "free speech", and now even Dick Cheney has said that Trump has gone too far. Well knock me over with a feather.

    Today Joe Scarborough (a republican) on MSNBC said that 58% of republicans now think that Trump is damaging the reputation of the GOP. Does that mean they think that Trump is actually trying to throw the election to Hillary?
  2. snowtiggernd

    snowtiggernd Member

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    I think some are realizing trump is a monster, that some people will abandon the republican party (far out!) But the ones that stay will be the very radical and violent ones. We are entering a very dark and dangerous period here, hatred spewing from politicians, talk raido. Look at the commentaries on the Facebook posts. It's even showing up in commentaries on YouTube videos... Pretty much anywhere you can comment. These people have always been here, its the big money in right wing politics that has given their people a voice and that has embolden them greatly.
  3. snowtiggernd

    snowtiggernd Member

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    We are looking at an ongoing insurgency.
  4. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Ah but throwing elections is something the GOP has become very good at. Look at 2008 when the republicans supposedly voted for McCain to face Obama who had just waxed Hillary with the race card (of all things). By propping up the fossilized McManchurian the GOP made it clear that throwing elections would be the norm. And McCain didn't even try. In the 2012 round we saw the same thing. Sure, lots of people were weirded out by Romney being a Mormon. But then we learned he was just another corporate asshole who saw profit in helping American workers out of their jobs and calling it "restructuring" or "downsizing". Obama had a better show, though I question the validity of his plan.

    A plan is only as good as its implementation and Obama seems to have overlooked how tight Washington's ass really is. He had a noble dream that was squashed flat by republicans and democrats to the point he had to use executive privilege everywhere bribes weren't working. And just look at the bribe he gave Landrieu in Louisiana! Obama was too new and paid dearly for his arrogance. But I expect arrogance from effective politicians. Without it, I sure as hell can't figure them out. Hillary really needs to double down on Trump.

    While I cringe at the thought of Trump in the top seat, he knows all about bribes and arrogance. If I was inclined to gamble, these would be the marks that put my money on him. His big fat stupid (at times) mouth and pure upper crust class arrogance are factors Americans have come to expect from the people at the top. Which is why I don't even know if Bernie is still alive or if it's just worms and maggots keeping that carcass moving. Bernie has always had the right message, he's just too nice a guy for the role. He's fine where he is now. And another thing Americans want is a healthy president. Reagan tapped into this with absurd pictures of him "working out" while wearing a tie.

    But during Reagan's time the nation was still on a down slope from Carter's years which were reeling from the damage caused by Nixon. A generational cascade of US government failures. It's why I vote as an independent, BOTH sides are fucked up. If we could ram them together and just keep the good parts, that would be cool!
  5. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    If there was ever anything wrong with Carter, is was that he was too kind hearted to call Reagan the extremist that he was. The dems have always been wimpy, that's why the cons have got away with demonizing everybody but the rich white men.

    The dems haven't learned the lesson of appeasement, that happened during the nazis and Mussolini.
  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    When politics gets frustrating enough just agitate against another group that you're not affiliated with :p

    But why do these people come up in american politics? I am afraid it is not just the 'cons' or polticians. That these people seem to have such great succes in the polls is a sign there's something wrong. When something is really wrong with a country how useful is it to shove all the problems on someone else's plate? Isn't it the american people as a whole who give people like Trump (among others) a chance? It appears to me the main use for extremist sounding people like Trump is to make other average candidates look more credible. This is not restricted to one party, it counts for people like Jeb Bush AND Hillary Clinton.
    It all seems so ridicilous it almost gets hard to believe this shit. People who throw their vote away are morons and basically tearing down their democracy but I can almost gather some sympathy for americans who are doing so.... Disturbing on itself :p
  7. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Exactly, Carter seemed to think he could just smile his way out of shit. Reagan slapped Carter around like a doll the same as Obama did with McCain. One thing we all need to keep in perspective though is that most white men in the US are not wealthy. Most of them are poor.

    I think the real problems we face in the US are more about class than race. Race is how the upper class keeps people occupied so they don't lynch all the rich people.
  8. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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  9. dutchtrade

    dutchtrade Members

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  10. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Are you really saying that the Jews should take some of the blame for the creation of the Nazis? Or just that I point my finger at the parallels of Trump and Hitler, to easy my frustration?
  11. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    No you are misreading me if you think 'I really said that' :p

    About you being frustrated about your country's politics and shove it all on one party's plate: can't argue with that. It is exactly what we are all reading. I don't think anybody cares what you say about Trump. Trump spouts a lot of ridicilous and exaggerated bullshit and so people say stuff about him in return. It's like elementary school.

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