ok, i am so fucking lost.......the red triangle thingymabob......... some have it, some dont, some say it is the ignore feature, when you hover over it, it says report bad posts. for those of you, who do have it........have you ignored yourselves or have you ignored others? dont mention names or anything, i am just curious, i have not ignored anyone yet, so if this is what the feature is about, that means i should have one of those when i ignore someone? damn!!! this sucks the big one!!
i have not ignored anyone yet and probably wont even though there are a few people here that i'd almost like to ignore. naaahh, couldnt do it.
okay then that is telling me trish, that it might not be an ignore feature, like everyone is saying. maybe i have disabled it? hell i dont know. i was thinking that if you had ignored someone,then that would show up.
I think that if there is a spam or something bad then you click on the red thingy and it will send itself to the admin or moderators. You could ask in the other forum and I'm sure someone else could answer that question for you.
there is only one person i would ignore, but they dont come here to often. and it isnt sbg, since someone already stole her name.. ha ha!!
I asked the same question about the red and yellow triangle. I was told everybody has one, but we can't see our own because it's to report spam and nasty posts.
ok then marc so you are you saying you see one by my name? and not one by your own name, i see one by your name.
whew..... i got it now. and i hadnt noticed you had made basically the same thread.. great minds think alike!!!
you know what else is cool peace? when you click the members profile, it tells you what they are viewing.
i noticed that i dont think its that cool, kinda freaky in a way, like someone is tracking you down...
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It sends an email to the mods letting them know about the post. Its purpose is pretty much what it says.. report a bad post.