Most people don't even ask themselves who most stands to gain from the perceived threat of an outside bogeyman. Most people are so far gone they actually believe the government will protect them from these "evil doers" they aided and abetted from the very beginning to give themselves more power. It truly does blow my mind how so many people can be so easily deceived and manipulated into getting behind what is ultimately their own demise. The fact that the biggest lie in recent history, which is 9/11, could be taken at face value by anyone with a modicum of intellect quite frankly scares the shit out of me, in light of the glaring evidence which proves that what really happened is not what we were told. The recent events in France are just a continuation of this same charade being played out to bring the world under the control of a global totalitarian dictatorship, and it won't be in the form of Sharia Law as many have been brainwashed to think. How many false flag events does it take before people wake up to the fact they're being lied to? Why do so many people blindly trust and parrot the lies they hear coming from corporate media?
rising totalitarianism is the biggest threat, and the one that will have the biggest impact for a long time into the future. i can see it coming... your business is the government's business. they are quite interested in the details of their citizens.
I think paranoia is just as scary, because it's present on both sides presented here But, tell ya what, I'm not gonna argue anymore. I'm not even gonna come here anymore. Have fun, m'kay?
disinformation is the devil . listen to the first reports on an incident before the news is manipulated . you will note the manipulation if/when it happens . it happened in the recent Paris action . the authorities killed the hostages at the grocery store . why ? the mayor wanted this day concluded . yep , in the news - then the story was civilized . freeze peaches !
It is hard for me to believe that we can get told what to believe. So much evidence, but who holds it and cares about it? Us, and we are minions in this cog. The media has lied, the news is not truth. Never, just scripted like Hollywood.
the sheeple are so stupid, why cant they just look up the secrete knowledge on google and youtube that the government is hiding. luckily for me, i did the research and now i am aware of the government and corporations brainwashing the masses. they have everyone fooled except for me, because i am smart enough to see through their evil plan. now if only i could get the word out.......
the totalitarian regime might be able to pull off false flag events in the most powerful countries in the world, coordinate hundreds of people without anyone knowing about it, manipulate the most powerful corporations and the media, but it only took me one bored afternoon on google (while i was high, mind you!!) to unravel their plans to take over the world. so yeah, i do think im special.
You can be sarcastic if you like. Your argument is often used to debunk conspiracy theories. "If the information is so available how is it a conspiracy?". It's simple even when that is true most people will not seek it or will choose not to believe it. The government knows people will be mocked and they depend on it. You would be amazed how often some one will shut up because they don't want to be ostracized. Humans are pack animals. Any farmer will tell you it's ok to loose a few sheep as long as the herd is in tact. The few people who will be brave enough to deal with being an outcast and smart enough to see the lie do not matter in the long run. For example in the case of 9/11 as Pressed Rat brought up it's much easier to believe your own government is not the enemy. The truth is just too painful despite all the evidence that does support the conspiracy theory. The need to believe the is so great people can even be lead to believe that the most advanced and well funded military in the world would allow a few people with box cutters to slip past. Truth is the Air Force did notice that day and was planning to shoot the planes down. Ask any pilot what happens when you go off course, the F-16's show up within minutes and tell you they will shoot if you don't go back on course. Even commercial airliners, they do not care. 9/11 was meant to happen, at the highest levels those pilots were told not to fire it's a drill. Plans to protect American air space fast and aggressively have been in place since the Cold War. Fighter pilots train daily for something like 9/11 and in the year 2000 every time they had a drill they were over the air space of that American city in minutes. Why was 9/11 so different?
People still have yet to even catch up with the Gulf of Tonkin incident, a completely documented false flag event that got the US in to the war with north Vietnam. Clip 1: Lyndon B. Johnson Monday, August 3, 1964, 10:30 A.M. (3:34) Telephone Conversation with Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense, Regarding the Gulf of Tonkin Incident(s) Involving the Destroyer U.S.S. Maddox
well of course the whole terrorism thing was a replacement for the red scare when raygun screwed that up. just like this whole making a war out of everything so pseudo-conservatives can pretend there isn't the money to build anything decent. the whole blame everything on the muslims thing is just the same as when hitler got everybody in germany to blame everything on the jews. i'm not saying some of them don't do bad things, its just criminals from every other ethnicity and belief does too. but you only hear about them doing it because that's who the tea nazis want you to blame for everything.