The Technology Of Mind Reading.

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Jimbee68, Aug 7, 2024.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    I brought up this subject in another thread, mind reading. As a parlor trick, it's easy to do. Usually the simplest explanation is the best. Maybe you and the person you read were both in on the gag.

    But I wanted to ask. What kind of technology would be involved in the real action? My HS chemistry/physics teacher told us it would have to be an incredibly sensitive EEG-type scan, and close up too. Not even in the next room, or a couple of feet away. What technology and laws of physics would be involved? And how soon will be before we get it here? I don't if they even had that yet in the Star Trek universe. In "Wolf In The Fold" (22 Dec, 1967) Kirk told Minister Hengist the federation had methods of recording of the registrations of people's memories and thoughts. What does that mean? How would that work?

    I know in the Bible, Jesus read the minds of the Pharisees. So I know the idea is an old one. In Star Trek, Counsellor Troi used ESP to read minds. That's nonsense, most Psi phenomenon has been dismissed by credible scientists.

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