The Swastika (non-racist topic)

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by gendorf, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    This is a heavy topic.... Something I cant talk about with the ppl around me.

    So.. what is the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the word? or when you see the symbol?
    Death? Birth? War? Peace? Love? Hate? Genocide?

    But what is this symbol, really? Anyone knows? What are your thoughts on this subject? Should we de-mystify the symbol or should we let it stay taboo?

    What do you think about the swastika?

    Peace and Love!!
  2. dreadzyahhmann22

    dreadzyahhmann22 Member

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    im too ingorant on the subject, so i dont want to speculate
  3. M2D

    M2D Member

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    first thought? Nazisim and the Aryan race, of course, like most people

    I do however know there is more to it than that. But I havent done a whole lot of research. I also know that for a brief period of time in western culture it was considered a symbol of good luck.
  4. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    Basically its a symbol that has been used for thousands of years and has been a symbol of peace, love, light and luck. It is still used all over the Eastern regions. like Japan, India, Tibet, China, etc... Where it has no racist meaning! it was used all over the West too before the wars but has been removed because millions of ppl were slaughtered under it.

    its a heavy subject.
    But I think learning about it, and understanding what is going on here is a form of enlightenment. That should be shared :) Im very afraid of the topic myself. but I wanna see the views of ppl. maybe somebody has something on the topic :)


  5. Eavesdrop

    Eavesdrop Member

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    The Indian woman in the apartment above mine has one painted on her door. She says it symbolizes luck.
  6. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    It has been around since before the ankh and originally it came from sanskrit meaning to be good and it was considered a luck charm. It has been found in many cultures including native American. It was used often up until the 20th century in a positive way.

    In the past, it has been represented two ways, clockwise and counter clock wise (sauvastika). Clock wise was considered to be good and counter clock wise considered to be evil or of bad fortune.

    Today it stands more for the symbol of the Nazi movement and has no positive (by the majority) meaning.
  7. M2D

    M2D Member

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    Also technically the Nazi use was on a 45 degree angle, which isnt the traditional way of displaying the symbol.
  8. dreadzyahhmann22

    dreadzyahhmann22 Member

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    wow i totally have a different opinion now. thanks :D
  9. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    my first thought is Nazi of course

    then i think of the town,_Ontario

    then i remember a short documentary i seen about the word and its origins..probably on the learning channel or the history channel
  10. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Maybe in India and other eastern cultures it retains other meanings, but for westerners its association with the Nazis has wiped out any other significance.

    In one way the symbol is like a piece taken out of a medicine wheel or crossed circle and straightened out. But its sometimes seen in a more circular form.
  11. inthydreams911

    inthydreams911 Senior Member

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    If its in all these religions you have to think of what this symbol actually means. What does it represent?

    Its got to be some representation of the flow of energy. Like a chakra, it seems to be a wheel of energy, something representing the spin of life. Everything spins, the planets, the solars systems, the galaxy, everything is a constant cycle. This is the cycle of our life.

    Its sad that its been a racist symbol, its nice to know thats not what it stood for, and people can begin to remember the real reason for this symbol.
  12. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    You do? Cool! That means the thread had a point!
    Thank you!

    I feel like this is just something that should be shared with the people!

    A little bit of enlightenment.

  13. dreadzyahhmann22

    dreadzyahhmann22 Member

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    i agree :) shedding ignorance one person at a time :D
  14. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    I saw a version where the dots between the "wheel" were standing for the realms Heaven, Human, Animal and Hell.. and it also had spots above it representing higher dimensions and a "crown" like the aum symbol.. Ill try to find it..

  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    It's most likely based on the movements of the great bear (ursa major) constellation.

    When I first think of it I think of the scandinavian/germanic use of this symbol (not germans or nazis) and how it essentially got raped by the Nazi's in the last century.
    Second thought I get when I think of the swastika is an old internet pic I saw of a black guy with a big swastika tattoo on one side of his chest. I probably remember that one because it was one of the first times I noticed it had not a solely european origin. And it looked pretty retarded to be fair :D (that's associations for ya)

    I also think of the first time I had a chance to see Skyforger (a latvian band) but it got cancelled on the german festival I was because it had a swastika in their bandlogo and they're really anal about that in Germany.
  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    The four wings of the sun.
  17. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    ...which is pretty logical since it is apparent pretty much all ancient civilizations were busy with astrology.
  18. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    you know it is unfortunate that there is this history of this symbol of having been so horribly abused. but there it is. its one of those things like you can't unsee it.

    and long before that abuse it did have some good meanings even.

    the problem is, what that abuse of that symbol, represented, hasn't gone away. much too far from it.

    until it does, and until long after it does, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to dissasociate that symbol from that terrible abuse of it there has been.
  19. deviate

    deviate Senior Member

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    81"]American History X - Full fight uncut. - YouTube
  20. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes, sadly whatever the swastika may have originally symbolized (The Navajo considered it a good luck charm) for the past 80 years it has been immediately associated with evil, and perhaps it always will be, and maybe that's for the best. The world must never forget Nazi Germany or we will risk the rise of something similar.

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