If the blue wave continues or the red/ blue flip floping typical of American elections continues not much right wing gets done. That's why it's key to Mr. I like Beer or others of his ilk into power. Notice how much they hate Ginsberg? She is a threat. How it was inappropriate for Obama to nominate a judge? If you have the courts you want then the senate and president mean very little. Unless a state makes its own laws like they have with weed there is no change on abortion or any other issue. Effectively even if the majority of people want change there is no change. As the Republicans do with gerrymandering and the electrical college they create numbers in a "silent majority" that do not exist. It's all a manipulation to present the idea Americans support these ideas on mass. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. A person unhappy with a company tells 10 people. A happy person tells one or zero. In general the outraged speak up more in society.
The electrical college? Is that a trade school? The electoral college exists for a reason. It ensures every state is represented in national elections. A better solution to eliminating to electoral college would be to break each state into districts so it's not an "all or none" proposition. Maine and Nebraska are the only states that do that. It's far more representative while still allowing every state to have a say. It would hurt Dems more than Republicans though, so I don't see them ever going along with it. California has 55 electoral college votes, far more than any other state (Texas is #2 with 38, and Florida and NY are tied for #3 with 29 each). If you look at a breakdown of CA counties the vast majority are red with blue counties centered around San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco which means they'd lose a lot of electoral votes. The same would happen in NY because outside NYC, it's mostly red. Texas has 38 electoral votes but that state is mostly red so Democrats wouldn't pick up that many votes. It's really only in their best interest to eliminate it altogether. But, if you eliminate the electoral college only a couple of states would matter. Politicians would pander to those two or three states and ignore the rest. I also saw a breakdown where instead of pandering to two or three states, they could take the popular vote just by pandering to six large cities (they actually came up with a list but I don't remember them all). That's not representative of the country as a whole at all. People who live in the city aren't representative of rural populations, yet the vast majority of the US is rural. The founders had it right with the electoral college. Ideally the popular vote follows the electoral votes, but that's not always the case.
The electoral college doesn't present any advantages or disadvantages by party affiliation. I realize it seems to, but that's the result of other factors that have nothing to do with elections and more to do with where people choose to live. I fail to understand what anyone hopes to gain by gutting the governing documents of our nation. Improvements I understand, but eliminating provisions entirely seems more like an extreme response to a particular situation (like Trump winning the top seat). How long would it last before becoming an advantage to the other party (like the so-called "nuclear option)?
Yes the states with the majority of the population. It exists only so people with opinions the majority do not share have a say. That is not democracy. If 51% of the people want it even if all 51% live in New York it is done. This is a nightmare to small town con life though. They need to fight with their town of 5,000 so much so it's Un-American.
Any talk about disbanding the electoral college is just coming from the "blame anyone but Hillary" camp. She was a terrible, terrible candidate. She won the popular vote by a slim margin against...well, there's no nicer way to put it, Donald Trump. If the DNC had chosen not to rig the election and had made the person who was beating Donald Trump by wide margins in the polls (Bernie Sanders) instead of losing to Donald Trump in the polls (Hillary Clinton) this wouldn't even be a topic for discussion. All it is is an attempt by establishment democrats to run another shitty, unpopular candidate to beat another shitty, unpopular candidate. God forbid they actually back someone who truly wants to do good for this country. The pockets must be kept full.
Sure mainstream Demarcates want it gone it has cost them the white house several times. That is the same reason the common man wants it gone too. Republicans complain about the media mocking them. Everything is an attack on their values. They don't see the values have changed.This is why things can be joked about now. In the 1990's it was a huge deal for Ellen to admit she was gay on TV. And you would NEVER joke weed is OK unless it's a adult Cheeh and Chong kind of movie. Now late night hosts talk about enjoying a Thanksgiving meal and sneaking out to the garage with your cousin to smoke. These things are OK now to most Americans. They are not OK to Conservatives which as the name implies do not like change. Society does not need to evolve we figured it out and anything is else is rocking the boat or a way to ruin a perfect class and economic system America Fuck Yeah! America does not want to live in in the present or past we want to live in the future. Some things do need to change. With several Republican presidents including Trump have not won the popular vote. 51% of the country does not want them as a leader yet they are the leader. When you look at a map of how the US votes politically the coasts are blue the center red. The coats have more population but the rural states are greater in number. They have an unfair advantage and that feeds into the identity. Everyone picks on them but they are the "real America". Well not according to statistics which says you are not the guy. States are an odd way to divide a country. They are in their own way just gerrymandering and rigging a democratic system. Same idea as a white man's only vote counts or a property owner's. Because I was born in a state/ white I am just more entitled to make Democratic decision. It's gate keeping and is not right. And even with all this then they barley and only occasionally puts their politician in power. If it were flipped and under 50% of Demarcates got anything how would Republicans feel? They keep the system because without it the party would be gone or changed policy decades ago. Even with the corporations owing politics the people still have power. The mainstream of both parties fought Trump and Sanders respectively. Yet the people demeaned them and they had no choice but to shift. If we demand a fair election system it can come too. If we all know the rules sometimes you might win at the game I suggest too. There have been popular Republicans that win in this system just not the last few presidents.