Hey sorry to carry this over from old thread.. But since Darkness said to Glen "I doubt she meant it like that" and I'm thinking... What's "that"?! How is what I said misinterpreted so badly.. Haha. Well, however it came across.. I would, in real life, been smiling and probably playfully punched Glens shoulder. I seriously have no idea how you read it, Glen. It was a tone of "rolling my eyes" but in a friendly way. Because I meant total strangers going above and beyond to help me out and you made it sex. But yeah. TotalDarkness is one of the few members here who seem to always get my vibe, haha. Thanks TD.
my arm hurts much today. feel like my neck is pinching a nerve, been a little since I seen the chiropractor. try and get in there tomorrow for sure.
Really taking a liking to Sabaton at the moment well the one Album I listen to. every song is like this awesome wall of noise, power and anthem. I've seen them once before but before I knew who they were so I couldn't really get into it. Traitors hand! Secret passage through their lands Know his name Know his shame It lasts foreverrrrr 000000 AHHHHH Sparta! Hellas! Then and again sing of 300 men Slaughter! Persians! Glory undead! Spartans will never surrenderrrr
And we've been singing this one lots. The song is actually talking about a battle I've taken a lot of interest in and that's when the Turks tried to invade central Europe. The Mongols has recently just been defeated on the border of Germany and Poland, they just could no match the enthusiasm of the Polish cavalry. When the Turks invaded through Austria to besiege Vienna, they used the Mongol army as an ally but when the Mongol lined up across the valley they quickly turned their backs and retreated when they realised that... The winged Hussars arrived!
It was actually my grandfather I remember explaining the Hussars to me when I was a little kid. He said they wore big wings on their horses which made a small army appear large from a distance and when they charged into battle their wings would all bang and clang and make noise which would effectively throw the opposing cavalry and horses into disrepair when the WINGED HUSSARS ARRIVED So there you go a little history lesson, the Mongols weren't as good as the Polish, nor their horse warfare. To conquer Europe! Ghengis Khant.
https://nypost.com/2019/12/31/wild-video-shows-violent-vigilante-beatdown-of-bronx-subway-abductor/ thats pretty crazy and thens he says he was trying to help her. I think he got off easy
I like peanuts in the shell rather than unshelled in a jar. I think it has something to do with the work in retrieving food out of something for a reward that has me fixated on peanuts in a shell. I have no idea what a ghost in a shell is.
I'm pretty sure its a book or a movie. It's also a horrible, horrible Playstation 1 game Probably based on the above which doesn't make me want to read the book or watch the movie.
I bought the mini NES, SNES and PS1. I played the SNES the most maybe for a combined couple of hours. I tried playing Syphon Filter on the PS1 on our 65" TV and I got a headspin and my eyes went to shit and it was blury and shit I was like I don't even know how we played these back then lol.
Way of the Samurai was great on ps2, too. Except there was no way to win. But all you had to do was press the same button over and over the whole game and no one could stop you. I like games like that. Makes me feel like a big man.
Metal Gear Solid Resident Evil 2 Tekken 3 Tony Hawk Pro Skater MLB Those were my favorite Playstation games
Metal Gear Solid was pretty good, as well as some Tom Clancy games but I hated that they were so much sneak around can't be seen stuff. Sometimes a girl's just gotta get her hands around a mini gun and start mowing.
I was thinking the same about the N64. And probably also the first xbox: that its probably worthwile to get an older TV to enjoy the games properly. And I tell you what: people are giving them away for free around here (on those second hand trading sites for example). Probably in your neck of the woods as well.