the stats that only 8% of people achieve their goals

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by B0babOy, Dec 7, 2019.

  1. B0babOy

    B0babOy Newbie

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    Today we are Saturday, for someone who does an office job like me, it is an opportunity to dedicate some time to things that matter to us.

    I love listening to music and podcasts. I have been wanting to record a podcast myself for a while already. I've purchased the equipment, discussed with some friends on the idea how and where to start.

    Few days ago, I watched a video on addiction to social media networks and decided to try to impose some limits to myself. Now that I have time to work, I was able to brainstorm properly for around 1h and 3h I've spent trying to reach out to people. Problem: on instagram, telegram, WhatsApp, I was asking people to hangout. I wanted to share my ideas for the podcast. I feel like the urge to talk with someone, and this urge was constantly there, disturbing from focusing. I though vaping Volcano would eventually help me to launch my creative process. But is this how social media are impacting us and generate this feeling of "anxiety"? I I would like to know how to control this feeling and the desire of benchmarking ourselves with what others are doing. How to gain motivation on actually doing things and not seeking excuses not to start, Because it really exhausts me. People around me tell that I am quite smart and happy person and it is true. But I would like to start realizing the ideas that I have in my head and not just talk about them. Its really feel like the social medias made me in a way very dependable of other people opinions. How to control that?
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Social media tends to leave you feeling that you are on the outside looking in and it can leave you feeling very empty. The answer is to involve yourself in REAL life and become part of the bigger picture.

    When I was a child, I spent my first visit to the cinema sitting the wrong way around on the seat and getting mesmerized by the beams of light that were producing the picture.
    I went on to become the chief engineer of the theater company and ran 14 royal premiers. Unhappy with the design of the buildings, I designed a few of my own, one of which won several design awards.

    Be yourself and you will achieve your ambitions.
    The only 'down side' is that you will become a nutty professor like me. :yum::yum::yum:
    Orison and BeatrixPothead like this.
  3. Adamskiffle

    Adamskiffle Members

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    Ration out your social media usage + write down your daily, weekly & monthly goals on a chalk board or white board and mark them off as you achieve them.
    BeatrixPothead likes this.
  4. I don't need goals to fulfill me.
  5. Sounds like a good idea.. How about eliminate the social media and your goals will be met sooner...
    BeatrixPothead likes this.
  6. Adamskiffle

    Adamskiffle Members

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    Possibly, thing is though some people are able to moderate their usage, while other people need total abstinence (same with alcohol and other stuff really). I know for me with facebook I only go on once or twice a day for about 5-10 mins so for me it's not a problem.
    ncbumpkin likes this.
  7. Good point. .
  8. BeatrixPothead

    BeatrixPothead Members

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    You alternate in your posting between acknowledging the choices you've made and their negative consequnces, which is more healthy and constructive, and identifying social media as the actor and source of your problem, which is less healthy and probably less honest.

    Take full responsibility for the choices you make about how you spend your time. We all get the same 24 hours per day, and in identifying yourself as an office worker, you make it clear that you are not a minor child, prison inmate, or hospitalized person. Therefore, you get to decide exactly how you spend that 24 hours, each and every day.

    The suggestions and perspectives posted before this one are all excellent. Aspiring to podcasting probably isn't going to draw you away from your social media usage. If you are seeking numbers of visits, likes, listens, and downloads, and that is how you guage your worth and identity, you will draw yourself further in. Treat podcasting as a hobby, and not an important way of connecting with people, and you'll be fine. There's nothing wrong with podcasting as a way of connecting with people, but your social media activites now don't seem to be bringing you great joy, so this new one may not either.

    When any of the activities you mention in your posting becomes something other than a pleasant diversion from the cares and worries of life, and you become troubled that they are becoming your life, or too much of it, or there's too much negativity coming across your screen, the solution is to log off, shut down, or unplug. The same goes for your time, and my time, on this site.

    Dr. Seuss called life "the great balancing act," and so it is. Set as your next goal to restore yourself to a happy balance between what you say you value and how you spend your time, and take full responsibility for the choices you make.
    ncbumpkin likes this.
  9. I love your philosophy on life.
    BeatrixPothead likes this.
  10. BeatrixPothead

    BeatrixPothead Members

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    You gave sound advice, I just added to it.
    ncbumpkin likes this.
  11. Thanks, that's sweet of you to say.:kissingheart: I Iove the whole idea of self improvement and most importantly, self reliance.
    Dr. Seuss... Oh, the places you'll go. :blush:
  12. When what you think, say and do are the same, you are on your way to achieving your goals..
  13. lode

    lode Banned

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    Don't get me wrong, self improvement is a good thing, but I believe it's a very good thing to not have completed all your goals. What if I completed all my goals by the time I turned 30. Should I sit around and gather moss?

    You gotta always wanna keep improving!
  14. Then at 30, set new goals..
  15. lode

    lode Banned

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    My point exactly. The 8% of people who've met their goals are losers.
  16. That's a bit harsh. .
  17. I liken the sensation to that of realizing you're driving a very powerful car that feels like you're launching from a catapult when the light changes. There's a split second where the acceleration literally scares the hell out of you, but you recover quickly since your life depends on control. Eventually you become accustomed to the vehicle's characteristics and the salesman is more than happy to head back to the dealership!

    With social media this sensation is not from a sudden influx of G forces, but from the effect of so many simultaneous streams of contact at a given moment Even if you're in a chat room, you can be updating emails in your head before you switch windows. It's a relentless pace. Now add in the dynamics of the personal aspects of the conversations. In some you're on an even keel, others you're being oppressed, others you're the oppressor. All of this, at the same time. It's a massive bundle of simultaneous emotional stimuli that are not coordinated. So your brain is being banged around a room with pillows, razor blades, ice cream, kale, Trump and your God damned BOSS!

    And that's just 1 element.

    Now add a very addictive/compulsive factor; gossip. Gossip is as old as humanity, but its progress is still assumed to be 1-on-1 when it's anything but these days. In fact, the advent of media, going back to writing itself, has propagated gossip through the ages. Ancient Roman cities still have disparaging graffiti from centuries ago on the walls. But today this isn't 1-on-1. It's 1-on-everybody in the world. Which is why Tw!tter has been destroying careers for years. A guy can say something stupid at lunch with a coworker and it doesn't go anywhere, anybody can have an off day. But if the same guy does it on a global platform, he can embarrass his whole company and get black listed by a whole industry.

    I think that's the real beauty of sites like Hip Forums. The membership is global, but it's not viral. Farce Buuk is a fucking social cancer. I abandoned it years ago because it kept associating me with people I did not want to deal with, automatically. My favorite question for getting rid of most of them is "hey, don't you owe me $300"
    Driftrue likes this.
  18. Another thing; This is an example of multitasking, something we humans can do and computers cannot. However, we don't necessarily maintain tight control over this. Or we'd all be millionaires. Social media pushes a roller coaster of background tasks into our brains.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2019
  19. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    Computers can't multi-task?
    It was my understanding that human brains are not great at it, that it results in slower progress and higher number of errors.
  20. Total Darkness

    Total Darkness 100% Cocoa

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    Why??? Though completing your goals doesn't mean you have to just sit around. Life can be just as fun and interesting without expecting much or any desire to achieve. If anything more fun. You can enjoy the unexpected twist and turns with less worry and fear.

    Yep. That's me. :)

    Though i wonder where these stats come from. Do they have people going around asking others whether they've met their goals? I'm usually outdoors. Nobody on the streets stopped to ask me silly questions. I'm often amused on how easily people believe what some "stats" say.
    Driftrue likes this.

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