The Spark (That Led To The Spaz Burst Of Light)

Discussion in 'Poetry' started by InIeternal, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. InIeternal

    InIeternal Member

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    Words can SPARK brain cells

    And these brain cells can SPARK a change in the world

    And that SPARK of change could be for Positive Resolution or Sociological Pollution

    Positive Resolution like treating all of humanity as FAMILY

    Or Sociological Pollution like teaching children to hate those with different beliefs or skin tones, clothes or ring tones

    Children of the LIGHT transformed into devils once they're grown

    Technology used for entertainment and mental enslavement instead of clean water, healthy but affordable food, and free higher education

    It's the presentation from nations through linguistic manipulation

    That's the SPARK of a negative charge that prevents the sheeple from becoming awakened

    Forever in a slumber, name turned into a number

    Whether it's through a birth certificate, Social Security Number, or Prison Industrial Complex

    Read between the text

    So you can SPARK your pineal gland and WAKE UP from the HEX

    SPARK an insight so bright that it illuminates the mind, body, and soul

    Then teach it to the children until the next generation embodies this spiritual enlightenment as a whole

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