The Shit is Gonna Hit the Fan!

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by skip, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. MrStiffy

    MrStiffy Member

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    Who elected you to criticize? No one. You have a right to criticize, and you have a right to think of what should have been done. You're telling me you've thought this through no further than to blame Bush for attacking Iraq?

    Oh, perhaps you haven't heard of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who bin Laden designated the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. Or Iran's part in supplying the enemies with military grade armor-peircing explosives, mortar shells, rocket-propelled grenades, cylindrical bombs, etc, or the 150 Iranian Qods Forces and intelligence personnel in Iraq who are training, funding and equipping Shiite militiamen in Iraq, or Iranian agents arrested in the Kurdish city of Irbil, or that the Iranian Qods Force is using Hezbollah to train and channel weapons to militiamen and that Iran is giving up to $3 million/month to forces in Iraq. And perhaps you haven't heard that 80 to 90 foreign fighters/month have been entering Iraq to fight through Syria. (Although the Syrian government is cracking down on that over concern that al Qaeda is jeopardizing their stability).
  2. MrStiffy

    MrStiffy Member

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    Ok, I guess if I have any Iraq questions I'll let you know. Does anyone else who does not support Bush's response to 9/11 have an alternate strategy they would like to share?
  3. MrStiffy

    MrStiffy Member

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    Bringing what up? Iraq? The problem is we're having two different conversations.

    I say:
    and then you said:
    with some more rambling stuff about Iraq. I only brought up Iraq to say 'forget about Iraq' for a while to answer a different question, but you wouldn't. You kept bringing it up and evading the actual question. If you don't have any idea what SHOULD have been done then fine. Kind of anti-climactic after all the griping you do, but fine. Say so, and I'll ask someone else.

    They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I am not going to keep asking you a question you have no answer for. You're an adult, you can simply say 'I have no answer to that', and I'll ask someone else.

    I'll discuss this topic with you when you're ready to offer your own solution. We all know you can criticize a plan, but do you have anything constructive to offer?
  4. wackyiraqi

    wackyiraqi Senior Member

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    Is it just the American forces that are failing, or is it the coalition/NATO? I have to disagree with you on this comment. I think in order to know its failures, we need to know its successes. I have tried to discuss some of the positive accomplishments several times here, but it never seems to be a very positive subject. Many have gone as far as saying that nothing positive has been accomplished, which is nothing short of ignorance. It is true that the Taliban has been conducting offensive operations, but I would not go as fas as saying that Afghanistan has been a failure. However, IMO, Afghanistan was denied resources due to Iraq that has slowed its progress.
  5. MrStiffy

    MrStiffy Member

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    They want republicans out of office. They will not acknowledge successes. They have set themselves up in a mode where America's successes must be denied and America's failures must be shouted from the highest mountain top - be they real or imagined failures.

    I have seen the same thing in reverse when Clinton was in office. But nowhere near the extremes they are at now, and I don't recall nearly as much revisionist history making before. Maybe it's because there's a lot more at stake now.
  6. wackyiraqi

    wackyiraqi Senior Member

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    I also think it is quite obvious that from the far left, the middle looks far to the right.
  7. MrStiffy

    MrStiffy Member

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    Yes. FedUpAmerican did accuse me of being republican. How many republicans do you know that are atheist, pro-science, and believe humans cause global warming? However I believe in lowering taxes, very limited welfare, the death penalty and deporting illegal aliens and putting up a fence.
  8. flmkpr

    flmkpr Senior Member

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    hahaha (puting up a fence)hahahaha!!!!!!!
  9. wackyiraqi

    wackyiraqi Senior Member

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    Not chastising America and Bush for every single thing is sometimes enough of a reason to get labeled a republican or neocon. Not sure if that is due to a lack of education, or lack of imagination.
  10. stonedmonkiwana

    stonedmonkiwana K9 Handler

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  11. MrStiffy

    MrStiffy Member

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    12-19-07 21:27 GMT
    It doesn't suprise me that if you can't be bothered to look up your own quotes that you can't be bothered to look up the information you seek in my profile. I see you're still obsessing over Iraq long after I've asked you a question in which your answer would have nothing to do with Iraq if you would have responded to 9/11 differently.

    Accuse others of things you are guilty of. THAT is HOW a left-wing liberal acts.
  12. MrStiffy

    MrStiffy Member

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    It is a shame that the principles of humanity, which I greatly admire, have not yet eradicated all forms of fanaticism.

    Do you try to baffle me? Your questions manifest your mean intentions! Oooh. Anything else?
  13. Higherthanhell

    Higherthanhell Banned

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  14. MrStiffy

    MrStiffy Member

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    What do you think I am communicating?
  15. wackyiraqi

    wackyiraqi Senior Member

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    I think that if the cause is just and the right plan is in place, you need to fight for what you are trying to accomplish. Afghanistan may seem like rocks and dust to most Americans, but the people there have been oppressed and live by very simple means. With a little help, their quality of life can be greatly increased.

    I don't think that anybody is trying to bring Afghanistan into the 21st century. Vaccinations, irrigation, a network of roads, basic education, etc... are just of the simple things that the Coalition is trying to bring to many parts of Afghanistan.

    No, but I don't believe it is worth less either. Why are you bringing up Iraqi lives? My response was a reply to your post about failure in Afghanistan.

    I am not denying that the US invaded and occupied Afghanistan. I hope you are wrong about it always being a mess. The Afghan people deserve more.
  16. wackyiraqi

    wackyiraqi Senior Member

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    Operation Enduring Freedom was planned with multilple "Lines of Operation". The two main lines that defined the operation were "Direct Attack of the Leadership of Al Qaida and the Taliban" and the provision of "Humanitarian Aid" to the Afghan people. These are two of several operation defined in OEF.
  17. MrStiffy

    MrStiffy Member

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    I didn't think you had a question, i.e:

  18. MrStiffy

    MrStiffy Member

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    Again with the republican comments. Why do you keep bringing them up? Are you a republican?
  19. MrStiffy

    MrStiffy Member

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    If you like.
  20. guy

    guy Senior Member

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    the idea is to shout down any reasoned conversation or logic

    it is to swamp the avenues of thought with garbage filled with denial, half truths and downright lies

    by shouting down any criticism the war continues. it is an old trick that hitler employed, when you are losing the debate swamp it with your voice, this way no matter what you say, even if you are wrong you come out the "winner" sheer numbers of posts wins the day.

    personally i think they should go to iraq to exercise their beliefs or afghanistan for that matter problem is - THEY WILL NEVER GO!!

    i wonder why?

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