Guns don't kill people, people do? Well, cyanide doesn't kill people, people do. But cyanide isn't freely available. And there aren't cyanide stores like there are gun stores. Department stores would never sell cyanide the way they freely sell guns in the US. And people don't say they have the right to unlimited access to cyanide. Because they claim a 240 year old amendment they are probably misreading gives them that while most countries have banned it now.
Don't forget pick-up trucks, like the N.O. a couple of weeks ago. 240 years ago, people needed guns for food. Times have changed. The fact is evil people will find a way to kill. It's not a perfect world, and never will be. My opinion taking guns away from honest people will not stop killings. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
The second amendment is an incredibly pernicious relic of a time when we owned slaves, were a confederation of states, had no standing army, and the standard infantry weapon was a .72 caliber smoothbore musket with an effective range of 100 yards and a rate of fire of four rounds a minute. Today we garrison a global empire and spend more on militarism that the next ten largest militaries combined. The sole raison d'etre of the second amendment; to maintain "a well regulated militia", has been a completely moot point for over 100 years. Since 1968, more Americans have been killed by domestic gunfire than in all of America's wars combined. Any attempt to rationalize that level of carnage based upon reverence for a legislative fossil which should have gone out with buggy whips and high-buttoned shoes is nothing short of obscene.
The 2nd amendment doesn't even mention guns. That's the funny part. It says our right to keep and bear arms is protected. Arms is never defined and plenty of of rights around arms are infringed. Try and get on an airplane with a bomb and tell me where your precious 2nd amendment is. The way I see it, based on the wording, ALL arms--including chemical, nuclear, and biological--should be free and legal, and if not, then it's totally logical to introduce certain types of rifles, handguns, magazines, etc. into the discussion.
Sure, then before you know it Big Brother will take away our butter knifes and spoons and our children will be forced to have secret sex changes in public schools run by communist dikes and we'll have to drive around in Russian Scaldia 407 Diesel cars.... ...instead of our $100,00 F-450 Fords! It's a slippery slope!
Ban all guns. And a while ago I thought, why not ban all weapons? Knives meant only as weapons. Nunchucks and brass knuckles too. Steak knives I don't know. Because you need them to cut food. But the other stuff for sure.