What's The Scariest Place You've Ever Been? Growing up IN NYC, it takes a lot to make me feel uncomfortable. I think a lot of the time, the fear is unjustified, out of one's expectations. That said, I was stuck at night in Ketama, alone waiting for someone, a Moroccan I don't know to show up. Him leading me down a dark street. I was very nervous. I'd heard some stories. When we reached a multi story building he led me up stairs, where I experienced the true hospitality of a Muslim family, including a great meal. I was impressed, and felt a bit foolish, especially since they wanted to do business, which I didn't. Leaving Ketama, we were stopped by cops, who didn't speak English, but made us get out of the taxi. They showed us a book full of actual photos of dead, tortured people. It was disgusting. As we were hoping we wouldn't get searched, or end up as the latest pics in their album, another taxi raced passed us hitting a spike strip getting 4 flats, as the police ran over to them, allowing us to go...whew that was close!
Late one night, I had a new young guy working with me, while we were checking a London theatre before locking up and going home. This included an unlit area that was under construction, so we were relying on dim old torches. He went off to check one area, when I suddenly realised that if he had walked through one of the doors, he would have stepped into a lift shaft with a drop of around 200 feet. I rushed to the area, shouting "Stop and don't move", before he got that far, but it was certainly a scary moment. Before sending this post, I was thinking back. It was 47 years ago. LOL
I had a few scary moments in Morocco, but the most scary thing I ever experienced was being on a jetliner being hit by lightning and then dropping five thousand feet or so as the pilot restarted the engines by diving down to increase air speed. Beverage carts were flying, Anyone not belted in was flying about screaming. We all thought we were going to die. They offered us a free drink. Whoopty do.
Windmill starting a jet engine is the quickest and most efficient way, but it is no fun for the passengers.
Drag racing at about a hundred MPH, when a truck and trailer pulled in front of our car. Did not end well.
The scariest place...hmmm? When I was in service I had to infiltrate an apartment building in Madagascar. I had to enter from the roof and find my way in total darkness to the third floor. To eliminate and rescue. Totally alone. I was scared shitless. But I accomplished this task without question. I'm still alive!
Yes that could be scary! Lightning flashing all round? I was always advised when hiking or camping to stay off of rocky crags, mountain tops etc. in storms. In Wyoming there was a hillside nearby covered with shattered rocks, all from lightning striking the exposed rocky crag.
Camping on that mountaintop is always awe inspiring. I have seen shooting stars there and have to say keep mountaintop camping to nights that are still. It's COLD on a windy night! Beautiful, though.
Stranded in the woods while CC skiing with my wife and our kids. 23 of December at 7000 feet…16 hours of darkness.
I was 19, just drove 16 hours straight, alone, on my way to Fort Benning Georgia to pick up my boyfriend from basic training, pulled into a motel for the night and the room they gave me had a broken lock and a shady looking night manager that I had to ask to give me a different room. Then there were the bullet holes in the store front windows as I was walking in the town the next day. All around, just not feeling very safe.
I seem to recall a night at Wichita Falls Texas in 1967, when I was stationed at Sheppard Air Force base. I was on fire watch at about 2 am when the inter com speaker came on stating "Inclement weather imminent," get off your beds and pull your mattresses on top of you. "Wait for the all clear notice." "Fire guards stand in the doorway and observe the events nearby." I watched a massive tornado whizzing down the road between two rows of Barracks. It was chaotic but no damage was done to the barracks, but several planes were damaged inside the hangars nearby.