The rising gay population

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Hedgeclipper, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Hedgeclipper

    Hedgeclipper Qiluprneeels Nixw

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    I recently read an article (link in two paragraphs) in Huffington Post that got me thinking.

    Has anyone else noticed the drastic increase in the number of gay people in North American society (or elsewhere) recently?

    And, no I don't mean the increase we see because of increasing acceptance (that acceptance was around w or 3 years ago as well) or because of the increasing world population or any of that. I mean that I would be willing to bet that there is a disproportionately increasing percentage of gay people vs the overall population.

    I recently read this huffington post article: supporting homosexuality as a means of population control (they claim that restoration of balance and control of population helps give purpose to gay people's lives -- the idea of which, in my opinion, is nothing less than condescending to gay people). And the article made me think about my school. Pretty much half the guys you talk to at my school are gay (or metrosexual) at this point -- maybe 1/4. And there are always people who I remember having girlfriends and everything last semester that have become gay this semester. Maybe the increase is nature's means of population control -- who knows? Or maybe it's encouragement is purposefully being done to help with the population problem, like the article implies?

    "So why shouldn't homosexuality be seen as providing a viable option to overpopulation--to the point that the world's nations come to encourage its practice and esteem its benefits? " -- G. Roger Denson

    The prevailing belief is that people's sexuality is something they are born with, rather than something that develops later on, but if so many people are changing sexuality these days, as culture becomes more open and encouraging of it, then how can that be true? If sexuality is a neurological rather than a genetic phenomenon, than how can this be? (also note that the article talks about identification of FucM gene) Recent research has lead neurologist to the conclusion that the brain is highly changeable -- a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity; so if the brain is plastic, than shouldn't people's sexuality (and mental state in general) be plastic as well?

    I've always thought that many aspects of human psychology -- from ability to learn, to mental disorders & mood regulation, to sexuality -- could, like our brain, be plastic in nature.

    Do you think it is an evolutionary mechanism of population control, do you think it is a cultural and social effort to control population, or do you think that there is no increasing gay population at all (or that it is an illusion and misrepresentation due to increasing social acceptance), and why?
  2. lode

    lode Banned

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    Most people are down with whatever till you label it, then they divide into camps.

    This week being gay is cool, next week it'll be saggy pants. People are a silly animal.
  3. wiccan_witch

    wiccan_witch Senior Member

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    I think the same porportion of people have always been gay - it's just become a more open thing recently. So people will be more open about being gay whereas before no one would have known.
  4. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    Ridiculous. 'Nature' (whatever that means) has no intelligent design. It's just an athropomorphic spook, like Neanderthals imagining a vengeful god behind a forest fire or a thunderstorm.

    If you altogether ignore bisexual individuals, you're going to run into these weird mind-bending, quasi-religious rationalizations.

    Although, I agree with you that the "born this way" rhetoric adopted by the LGBT lobbyists within the Democratic party is too facile. It sounds to me like a sixth grade cliche in response to Bible thumpers' charge that homosexuality is 'unnatural', whatever that means.

    But, as usual, when you try to convert people who don't want to be converted, you end up banalizing your own experience. Then people look around as say, "I throw up in my mouth every time I see a vag."

    It's not a choice. Well, duh.
  5. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    That is probably one of the stupidest things I have ever heard.

    How exactly do you convince someone that they should "become gay"?
  6. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    Why is there so many gays in greenwich village. San francisco and pittsburgh. Do those areas need more population control? Anyone that gives the obvious answer there will have the reason.
  7. lode

    lode Banned

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    A banana sling.
  8. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Uuuhhhmm .... banana hammock?
  9. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    creepy gay dude at work, has a picture of himself and boyfriend and one those "What they would look like if they mated kids" his cubical ..

    I think this is distasteful in a workplace. but Im sure Id get shit if I came to work dressed in drag...
  10. skitzo child

    skitzo child PEACEFUL LIBRA

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    Be whoever you are
  11. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    NWO social engineering for the coming Aquarian age. It's being shoved in everyone's faces. It does have something to do with population control, but there are also other reasons as well. Plus, women and young boys are being exposed to chemical estrogens in the environment and food, so I think the fact men are becoming more feminine (because of said reasons) has something to do with it also.
  12. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    For all I care all guys except me become gay.

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    I'm Sure All Self Respecting Gays Will Be In Full Agreement With

    That Statement...[​IMG].

    Cheers Glen.

    PS:- Before Somebody Else Posts That I Can't Stand "Birdbrain"

    I Would Like To Counter That Claim...:).
  14. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    Then I met quite some gays who don't respect themselves....
  15. ryan!

    ryan! Member

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    I think people are are nothing more than part of the evolution cycle. The environment is changing constantly, population is growing, other new species are evolving. Bacteria have always re-produced asexually.
    Who knows but maybe humans as we know it may become a new species and develop means to re-produce without the need for opposite sex partners - and that would be many millions of years away - if we get there. For all you know a new species might already be evolving in front of our eyes just in-case we do not get there.
  16. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    This is exactly what I would say Pressed. Its a complex topic.
    Someone put up an excellent post a while back on my thread asking what the hell gay marriage was about.

    This pro-homosexuality agenda is just another face of the Establishment.
    They say "look what an open society we are developing". But the reality is that its all a smokescreen. Allowing homosexuals to adopt kids, does not take away from the fact that the Establishment (Republican or "Liberal" faces) aims to enslave.

    A good example is the former owner of the Huffington Post site. She's a Greek immigrant (maiden name was Arianna Stannopoulos), born rich, and married an influential Republican Senator or whatever it was. He was secretly gay, so it was a marriage of convenience.

    So Arianna Huffington promotes all this so called Liberal crap. But in reality she's just a far righter who loves the idea of mass immigration (to keep people in poverty) and homosexual/ transgender whatever stuff (to provide the smokescreen of equality).

    In addition to the environmental poisons side, there is a HUGE advertising of homosexuality and other alternative stuff - like transgenderwhatevers, even sadomasochist stuff. Russia is entirely right to say "no this shouldnt be promoted to kids".

    I saw a Justin Timberlake video recently. It had basically subliminals encouraging homosexuality. Google it, its called Tunnel Vision. You see
    beautiful naked supermodels. Then face close ups of them. So any straight male would think "wow thats hot". And then the faces *very slowly* become Timberlake's own. :ack2:

    So some young kids, who didnt know what was going on, could easily be "seduced" into this.

    Personally, I think his video SHOULD be banned. Not for nudity. But for subliminally attempting to promote homosexuality.

    I really think this homosexuality promotion is the thin end of the wedge.
    Perhaps the next "crusade" will be paedophilia. Or sado-masochism.
    I've only ever worked for someone else for a short time. I remember the boss of our company was a woman, a dull woman and an annoying woman.
    I remember she used to have her "favourites" to run little errands for her.
    This one young guy, it was literally like he was her bitch. It seemed like they both got off on this nonsense. I mean she had a control over this prick that a male boss wouldnt. I'd seen it with other guys too. Needless to say, I wasnt a fan of hers and got sacked after calling her a "dim arsehole" :hurray: Which worked fine, because it allowed me to start my business, with an extra grant.

    But yes, I think that this domination shit is being promoted too, as a way of control. You only need to see how Rihanna etc dresses up.

    PS population control. I think the Establishment considers Americans and Europeans as too rebellious to "be allowed" too many kids. (They're made to feel they cant afford them, and other things). So it imports 3rd Worlders who are more compliant and accept a lower standard of living.
  17. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    There is no intelligent design in evolutinary theory. Just the sum effect of millions of variables coming together, every single possible variable of an environment, often working in opposing ways.

    I dont know where people get this idea that when we get to a certain number of people on the planet that we will all suddenly agree to stop breeding, or turn gay
  18. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    Nobody's saying that. What alot of people are saying is that certain groups have an agenda to promote certain things that *they* benefit from.

    And when people aren't being given the full story, then that is sinister.

    Are you happy with gender and sexuality affecting chemicals that also cause cancers?
  19. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    Jesus Christ, thank you.

    Oh, the vast gay conspiracy.

    And...someone misses the point entirely with yet another brainless, nagging hippie platitude parroted whenever the going gets tough for good measure."]Dave Chappelle "Moe Monkey Pussy For Me!" - YouTube
  20. kokujin

    kokujin Senior Member

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    if ya believe it's strictly evolutionary, then it will always be proportional because nature will dictate it such way. If that makes sense to you.

    or this..

    I do think our minds our powerful, we are much more aware of how it works and we've evolved past our original course...

    and.. I also wonder if {really} horny people can just become bi-sexual - or at least in lifestyle. I've been straight me whole life, never bothered to really question it, so I would have no idea.

    "As a gay person...erm.... no."

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