Im all into guns, but I dont fall for this shit. The government already knows they cant take our guns, this isn't even an issue anymore.
i wouldn't call it a revolution. i'd call it a disintegration. i'm all for NOTHING being unlawful to possess, other then by a person who has used it to commit a crime. but i see no problem in forbidding some things, personal fire arms among them, to be bought, sold, mass produced or imported. and before anyone starts citing that much misunderstood and misconstrued constitutional amendment, permit me to point out, that laws and constitutions, are made by men, not gods. and that it is not at all unusual, for laws to violate morality, in any real sense.
I was under the impression that ISIS was created by the US among other nations... anything this well organized, and polarizing almost has to be the work of powerful men in suits smoking cigars
there is one problem with revolutions, of the kind implied, underway or not, and that is that its really a crap shoot, with the odds stacked against accomplishing their desired objective, while massive loss of life, is a very nearly absolute certainty. i don't mean that to discourage the necessary, if and when it ever actually is, but simply as a heads up, about some little thing, called reality. boycotting aggressiveness, with the use of logic and reason, may not always be entirely without risk either. however, the odds are somewhat better, on both counts. this applies to any side or motivation, contemplating extreme measures.
Unfortunately the gov't has a special operations command of 50 000 troops, a JSOC command of 8 000 elite direct action kill/kidnappers, 2200 drones and programs like ECHELON. We lose. However, we can join them, or we can move to the Balkans or Vietnam and have all the M4s and SASS12s we want
My guess is that most people who want to ban guns have never been a victim of or experienced an actual crime. When someone is trying to Break into our home, the gun banners tell us to dial 911 and wait 45 minutes for the cops to show up, then sit and fear and hope the person breaking into our home will show us mercy and not break any bones and furniture. I am not saying to shoot anyone if its a simple domestic dispute, but once they break into your home and they have a weapon they are violent and a danger and you have fallen into the danger zone and thanks to the gun banners and developmentally disabled Michael Moore you are now dead due to reverse natural selection.
We really do need an armed population to prevent government tyranny. History has kind of proven that. As it is they ignore peaceful protests half the time. We all know the sayings "When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
Or both? My biggest concern about a bloody revolution is that, even if it were successful, all the concentrated wealth remains concentrated at the end of it. And very, *very* few human beings would resist hanging on to that wealth if they came to possess it. Same shit, different day.
LOL, when the Pentagon starts flying drones right up into your faces and exploding them you might start to comprehend why they encouraged everyone to buy guns. Divide and conquer baby! Its what the Pentagon does all around the world selling all their outdated weapons to dictators like Saddam Hussein and then telling everyone else they need to cough up more money for weapons. The NSA now has guns with bullets that will follow you around the corner! Those are just two examples of the kind of crap they are prepared to unleash and congress has already given the military the legal authority to round people up like cattle. Its empire baby, and this train ain't stopping until she derails!
ever hear of making things yourself, if you want them so bad? i'm sure someone can lend a magnafying glass if it that hard to see the difference.