The Republicans need to get back on track

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Balbus, Nov 14, 2018.

  1. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    You might ask why is Balbus saying this, isn’t he a leftie why does he care what happens to the Republican Party.

    Well yes I’m a proud leftie but I’m a democratic socialist type of leftie I believe in democracy and want it to work and what is happening in the US makes me worry.

    Although no one knows what will happen on current trends make me there are a couple of scenarios that I fear, an increase in terrorism and the other is the emergence of a one party state.

    The Republican Party and its constituency is dying out and in the case of many of its aging voter literally dying. The demographics are against them.

    They have been sustained through voter such things as gerrymandering and voter suppression but also because of the apathy of many of the Democratic voters, but that can’t last for ever. Even the RP knew this there was a Republican National Committee report made back before Trump that put it bluntly that the Party needed to diversify or face a slow death. It suggested that the RP reach out to these groups beyond their aging white base. It needed to change its image and policies or likely get locked out in future elections.

    GOP: Get Diverse or Go Extinct

    What happened when Trump hijacked the party was that it went the other way. So what the RNC feared back in 2012 is far worse now.
    scratcho likes this.
  2. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    More political terrorism?

    There seems to be a sense of grievance and entitlement amongst the mainly white people that are supporters of the Trump Republican Party. There seems to be a sense that they are under attack from ‘others’ culturally and even for some ethnically, that their way of life is been taken away from them by others, by the elite the establishment the deep state by the liberal and socialists.

    Even in victory, as Obama noted in a speech, these Republicans seem to be angry and up for a fight. I read recently a Trump supporter saying that if needs be he would have no problem shooting his politician opponents in the face (this was directed at his own sister who is a liberal).

    It should also be noted that high levels of domestic terrorism in the US is perpetrated by those that identify as right wingers. It should also be noted that in the US the majority of gun owners also identify as right wingers and many of those hint that they would be happy to use their guns to ‘defend’ the US against what they see as their political opponents. I remember seeing an interview with a gun owning tea party supporter saying that if Obama tried to bring ‘socialism’ into the US he would have to use his gun to stop it and the other tea party supporters around him all nodded. And in Nevada, it was reported that Sharron Angle who was a member of the Nevada assembly warned that if elections didn’t force Democrats like Harry Reid out of office, the people may be forced to turn to “Second Amendment remedies.”

    I’m not saying all Trump supporters are potential terrorists but hatred is already running high fuelled by right wing politicians and media and what happens when the fear of getting locked out of power and influence become a reality. What happens when the changes these people dread start coming true.
  3. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    One party state.

    What happens if the RP doesn’t change what happens if the base remains what it is now and only choose as candidates mini me Trumps or similar disreputable, politicians that get the party vote but can’t win in general elections?

    The US has a two party political system, could that be broken, it seems to me (and others) that the US has at least four major political groupings.

    If the RP is hijacked by the more extreme wing of the base and the moderate right wingers can bring themselves to vote for extremist candidates would they vote or could the right split into a moderate and extremist right wing party?

    The Democratic Party is moving (slightly) to the left but that seems in line with many of its Democratic voters and the demographic trend.

    In such a situation the US could become de facto a one party state. Which would not be good for the US and the Democratic Party.
  4. lode

    lode Banned

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    Yeah. The 2012 GOP autopsy was correct. They need to become a big tent party.

    They will not learn that lesson until after the absolute 2020 crushing they receive though. They'll assume 2018 was just a normal midterm flip, despite the fact that the electorate was older and whiter than the 2016 election ie: more demographically conservative. The 2020 senate map will be as brutal for republicans as the 2018 map was for senate, having to defend in Colorado and Maine, and the only way I could see the a candidate losing to Trump is if they put in Hillary Clinton in for a second round.

    But this is the forum where people predicted a red wave in 2018 12 to 6, so I doubt this lesson will be learned in the halls of hip forums.
  5. gentlesenior

    gentlesenior Members

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    One party states seldom last long. Once established they also self destruct. Look at the Dems in 2016, we should have won that election hands down. We beat ourselves.

    The republicans party is a mystery; as it has old school money folks, rednecks and evangelicals. The evangelicals piss me off the most. Seems hypocritical to me to be christian and vote for trump. At least the other 2 groups admit they (old school republicans) want money and they (rednecks) hate Mexicans, Muslims etc. The christians talk a good story but vote the other way????? Abortion, abortion abortion, and no birth control but once that baby is born you are on your own: no health care, no school breakfast programs, no maternity leave, no affordable housing and so it goes..............
  6. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    I would like to see a world without Republicans. Democrats could share the governing with Greens, Socialists, Communists, others? Why would we need Republicans?
    snowtiggernd and GuerrillaLorax like this.
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    This is one part of a polarized society speaking. You need to work with the rightleaning part of the country because they're just as much part of the country as you. You speak in Democrats and Republicans, as if there's nothing else and Democrats are the good left and Republicans the bad right and should be ignored. But the left and what is good (not always the same thing naturally) transcends the Democrat party. It has to work together with the reasonable right. Ideally without either of those 2 parties but yeah, that seems a stretch for Americans. But acting like its a good thing to ignore the other side will not get you guys anywhere.

    So to put it in one sentence: you(r country) need the rightleaning representation in government because a significant part of your country is rightleaning.
  8. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    The world is never a better place in an echo chamber.
    mcme and Orison like this.
  9. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    We need republicans to remind the working/middle class voters exactly who is constantly governing against their interests. It's true now and true historically. I've lived it and with some research--this is easy to prove--if one actually gives a shit.
    stormountainman likes this.
  10. GuerrillaLorax

    GuerrillaLorax along the peripheries of civilization

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    Over the years as the republicans have moved further to the right, and so has the democrats in order to keep up. Now both parties are very far on the right and that right there is basically a one party state.
  11. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Not really. But a two party state isn't that much better. It could be (just like in theory a one party state could work for a while too :p ), and maybe it was great for the US in the past century. But that doesn't mean it will forever be working great for the american citizen.
    stormountainman likes this.
  12. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    Asmo, they've attacked our right to get paid when we work.
    they've attacked our right to worker compensation when we get hurt on the job.
    they've attacked our national forests.
    they've attacked our children's education.
    they've attacked our healthcare.
    they've attacked our elder care.
    they've attacked our endangered animals.
    they've attacked our Native American brothers and sisters' right to vote.
    they've attacked our clean air.
    they've attacked our elections.
    they've attacked our clean water.
    they've attacked our free internet.
    they've attacked our food safety inspections.
    and now they are sealing off our borders to colored people from countries Trump calls shit holes. Asmo,I'd rather resist!
    snowtiggernd and scratcho like this.
  13. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The GOP is almost exclusively white and you can change the name any damned way you want, but the studies all indicate that racism is the central issue driving the GOP today, and any claims to the contrary are nothing more than the usual political bullshit. The only way the GOP can possibly hope to become more diverse is if they disband, in which case, the Tea Party would take over. Technically, the Tea Party is already the tail wagging the dog and the problem is the American people don't want a civil war, but there is money to be made by promoting racism. Call for a vote, protest if you want, but you cannot possibly think for one moment that half the country embraces racism because they are willing to share power democratically.

    Donald Duck was a democrat who converted to Libertarianism, embraced Neo-Nazi political strategy, and was elected against the wishes of his own party members, because ideology and whatever the fuck is coming out of the mouths of the republican party these days is totally meaning garbage and threats to destroy the country if they don't get every fucking thing they demand. Fucking republicans need to pull their heads out of their asses and either buy more weapons and prepare for WWIII or shut the fuck up. The idea they have anything meaningful to say to anyone in America is a joke in bad taste.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2018
    scratcho and stormountainman like this.
  14. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    maybe...I do agree Democrats are too tolerant of the abusive tactics demonstrated so often by Republicans.
    scratcho likes this.
  15. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    God Bless H Rap Brown, Angela Davis, and Gill Scott Heron!
  16. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    Nose, please come to your senses! Trump and his Republicans just put a Republican in a position to supervise 8 southern states at the EPA. And he's signed off on a train loaded with about 100 million pounds of human poop. And the train is now parked in Birmingham Alabama...stinking up a mostly black neighborhood. That says Republicans don't listen to us poor ordinary people. Talking to them is like talking to the wall. The only thing they want is money. That Trump appointee took money from the poop train people.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2018
    scratcho likes this.
  17. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah, now the Duck wants to play golf on the moon, while Dr Strangelove is still planning to move to Mars to get away from all the other wealthy people destroying the earth. Denial is not the name of a river in Egypt according to the dictionary, and the US is in deep denial over attempting to create the next South African dictatorship and currently destroying the world and about to probably help billions suffer and die needlessly. The only thing that will stop the Neo-Nazis is if the whole world starts to fall apart, which looks like its about to happen within ten years or so. Two hundred years of slavery and racism and capitalist bullshit are about to meet instant karma, just like Hitler when he took cyanide.

    With any luck, the rest of the world will demand the US make fundamental changes. Idiots destroying the entire world economy repeatedly and dividing the world into black and white, while destroying the world ecology is not going to cut it in the long run.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2018
    scratcho likes this.
  18. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    Gill Scott Heron wrote a song about Whitey On The Moon.
    scratcho likes this.
  19. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Exactly, but he never talked about him playing golf.
    stormountainman likes this.
  20. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    The direction of which the golf ball on the moon actually went due to its "slice" shot indicates only that the aerodynamics of a slice shot played true in a land with no atmosphere. Ie. That shot couldn't have been played on the moon.

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