The Republican Nazi Style Propaganda Machine

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rjhangover, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    So the con candidates are now saying that "thousands and thousands of Muslims in New Jersey were cheering on 9/11 when the towers came down. Well Trump says it was in New Jersey, Carson said he saw the video, but wasn't sure where they were. But nobody can produce the video. And the con supporters don't even care if it's true or not, because it's Trump's justification for bringing back torture.

    Don't be surprised if secret ovens start making Muslims in the U.S. start to disapear.
  2. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    It's very disturbing, that liberals on this forum care more about the size of their testicles and seeing a sex show, than having a right wing fascist takeover in this country. Then next year after the election, they get a ten year sentence for smoking a joint, bcause the fascists rule...Duh, what happened?
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    How do you know those people are liberals?
  4. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    you sound like a pot headed liberal
  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    2 people like this.
  6. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    trump's bringing back threads like this?
  7. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Sure they cheered. They were paid to do so by the same government that killed 3000 of its own citizens then went to war in Iraq over that same incident. A war that ultimately created ISIS.

    A lot of chumps vote for those motherfuckers.
  8. Jenny40

    Jenny40 Members

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    I live in Europe so a little protected from the US election media, but is Trump still leading the Republican charge for nomination? I hear he mocked a disabled person today - WTF. Is it really likely the Republican party will actually nominate this man to run for President? Or is it just silly season at the moment?
  9. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    The thing that sucks so much about the current press coverage is all the lies. On ALL sides. There's enough REAL outrageous shit happening to make lying unnecessary and yet, the lies still flow. If you don't read a dozen or two different news services, from all over the planet, it's nearly impossible to feel like you have any truth at all. But they have to sell ads and clicks are their tool for measuring views, so they tell far out shit about each other to draw attention. Look how often the reporters ARE the story, that's a big fat one right there.
  10. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    So are you saying that Trump really DIDN'T say that he's going to bring back water boarding? Are you saying that water boarding isn't torture? or are you saying that Trump didn't claim that there were thousands of Muslims cheering in New Jersey when 9/11 happened? Blaming the media for Trump's diarrhea of the mouth sounds just like what his supporters do.
  11. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    I said none of those things at all. As torture goes, waterboarding worked well for the Japanese in WW2. German interrogators during the same period found that garden hose enemas were effective for getting the truth out of people. While I find torture to be a revolting concept, we're fooling ourselves if we think legislation will ever bring an end to it. Same as addiction. As for cheering Muslims on 9/11, I saw some in Schenectady who had the nerve to do it at work. It wasn't thousands, but it was enough to piss a lot of people in the plant. They didn't return to work. The day after, 9/12, I went to Wal-Mart and there was a huge line wrapped through the store and outside. They were buying guns and ammunition, New Yorkers were totally freaking out. I saw a bunch of them yelling at Indian IT guys walking down Erie boulevard as well, pure xenophobia (and ignorance). I guess any foreigner would do after that.

    I also recall this was a long time ago and lots of facts have been distorted since then. As for Trump, when does he not exaggerate? He's a showman and a salesman, like most politicians. I don't trust any of them, so I won't focus on him alone. The only place where I do agree with him is that while we have Americans who can't find jobs, we do not need to be importing anyone. I've actually been called a "racist" for this opinion which is ridiculous. I would feel the same way about hoards of illegally invading Swedes. Illegal border crossers affect the Americans at the bottom of the income scale the most. Those happen to be black. So allowing unfettered illegal alien traffic into the US is hurting them the most. Why isn't that decried as racist? It's as if blacks are being replaced.

    As for the media, they do it to sell ads. It's about money so I trust them as little as I trust politicians. That's not news.
  12. Trump is still leading. It's always silly season in America, and it's as likely as not that he'll win the nomination. It's not like that would be a shocker to anyone who lives here and understands the maturity level of the people in this country. I think Trump realizes that he can basically tell his supporters anything and they'll believe it. Or if they don't believe it, they just equate his being exorbitantly wealthy with cleverness, and by following him, they are clever by proxy. They're having an ego crisis at the moment, having recently come down from the euphoria of the Bush years, only to wind up in Obama's "socialist" paradise. Nothing is going their way, and they'll stoop to any level of unreasonable stupidity to get their way. There is a certain strength in unabashed stupidity, because it can't be reasoned with. They don't really give a damn what is being said or done. All they care about is winning the election and having their egos bolstered. It's just a game to them.

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