The Rejection Experiment

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Fueled by Coffee, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    I'd like to share with y'all a video I found that provoked my curiosity. It shows the difference between young men and women on how they reject the opposite sex.

    DISCLAIMER: I'm not trying to start a gender war here in this thread. I'm looking for reasoning and possible answers to why this sort of behavior happens.

    The girls are a lot nastier and harsh about rejecting the guy who approaches them. The guys on the other hand are more polite and actually stop what they're doing and make small talk with the woman. Whereas the girls just keep on walking. Why might this be?

    Granted, the guy and girl who are doing the approaching in this video seem to lack basic game, by approaching on city streets. TBH I'm not bold enough to actually try to flirt with women on the street randomly like that, and it seems like that type of environment would give anyone a low success rate. But obviously the two stars in the film were trying to get rejected.

    What are your thoughts?
  2. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    sure shows the gentle side of some guys, lol

    i wonder if girls carry an attitude now...i dunno, surprised me tbh.

    but i have to say, i watched the next vid..and that was funny..just divorced!
  3. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    that would be tough. the girl was really cute, but i would probably assume she was trying to scam me. so i might end up rejecting her too.

    of course, if i didn't, then she would have no choice but to reject me, since picking up guys wasn't really the point. and this video proves that she would probably be a bitch about it.
  4. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    As a female I can tell ya if you stop and make small talk a lot of guys will never take that as a rejection.

    I also think women are generally approached more often than men so women are more likely to have their defenses up and also have less time to deal with being hit on.

    I'm polite to a fault so I can't really relate to being nasty to someone who is hitting on me, but being this way has never worked to my advantage as most guy take my politeness as interest.
  5. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I am willing to bet that the reactions in this video were cherry-picked to try and "prove" a point.

    That aside--women have a bit more at risk when they stop in a relatively secluded area to talk to a stranger. Or when they agree to go on a date/exchange numbers with someone they aren't familiar with (or unfortunately someone who they ARE familiar with).

    I'm not an impolite person, but I would react by keeping my head down and ignoring someone who approached me like that. In the past, when I have humored such people, they are often creepy or won't leave me alone, will follow you, won't take no for an answer, etc.
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  6. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    The short clip doesn't give us a lot to go on. I seem to remember a longer version that showed some women behaving really appallingly. I know all about "bitch defence theory". But it doesn't impress me. There are appropriate ways to deal with unwanted attention.

    I think each sex is more prone to certain shortcomings. Men are more likely to be violent criminals, powerlusting, bullshitters, greedy, outward bullies and the like. But women are far snider, gold-diggers, insincere, cowardly, bitchy, attention seekers and vain in other ways.

    I remember once when I was in a bar. There was this woman, tall blonde, short skirt obviously wanting lots of attention. Infact, the bar wasn't that full, and she drifted over to my area to gain some glances etc. I wasn't interested in her, after all I was meeting my gf later on. Anyway, I wanted to know what time the bar was open til, so I asked her.

    Anyway she looked back at me with a view of utter contempt and was just about to say something I knew wasn't going to be overly charming. "Oh fu..." was coming out. Well I really saw red. This conceited prick assumed I was trying to crack onto her. So I got in first "Go fuck yourself you jumped up ****. Go on fuck off".

    She looked at me. Firstly as if to say "You can't speak to me like that, I'm gorgeous, everyone kisses my ass" (She wasn't gorgeous, she was fairly attractive incidentally). Then her look turned less daggers a little, as if she was going to say something less hostile. I just looked at her and said "Go on, sling your hook". The fact a guy had told her to go away really had her shellshocked, type of thing.

    I find attention seeking and the related vanity in women to be a really ugly trait. Its rare to find men like that, they are usually ridiculed.

    EDIT:just saw the first "woman" in the video, hadn't seen it before. What an appalling excuse for a person. I'd laugh if she broke her leg 5 mins later and was begging him for help. Skank.
  7. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I would like to add that women have been conditioned since puberty to keep their heads down and keep walking because there are men out there, not a majority but enough to notice, who are angry with women. And you just never know if you're stopping and talking to the wrong man, so better safe than sorry. They may just call you a **** before you can choke a word out of your mouth, or they could do much worse. You just never know.
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  8. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    I considered the same possibility. The video was awfully short and only showed 3 different rejections from both women and men. Other social experiment videos show show 20 or more interactions between the star of the video and an unsuspecting stranger. The location and the pick-up line were the exact same as well.

    I totally understand. This is why I believe in the saying, "there is a time and a place for everything." As a male, I've learned there are certain times and places to try and talk to strangers (in this case attractive women) that will yield better results than others. On a side note I've also been approached and followed by odd characters who gave me a bad vibe and I just ignore them. Mostly it's drugged out panhandlers and transients on the streets of major cities; sometimes try to get me to shake their hand and I tell them "I don't know where your hand has been," and keep walking. If it were a different environment like a social gathering, I might have been more inclined to shake their hands. The same thing goes with males approaching females. I'm just not bold enough to flirt or start conversations with women just walking on the streets, because I know my success rate would be rather low and I don't want to risk damaging my ego if she gives me the cold shoulder. I tend to stick with parties, festivals, beaches, social circles, and more comfortably casual environments.

    Indeed. And it's a shame that enough of these bad men exist to ruin it for the rest of us non-threatening ones. It makes approaching women all that more difficult. Because we try really hard not to look like THAT guy, which often leads us to overthink our actions and set ourselves up for failure. I speak from some experience.
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  9. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    I know, right? The first woman was awful. He could have been a tourist asking for directions for all she knew.
  10. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    This story does not paint a very flattering picture of you, Kiprat. Most of what you talk about were things you think this girl was going to say or bad traits you imagined her to have. It's not like she even said anything to you...if a stranger initiated conversation with me, then turned around and called me a **** a few seconds later, without my even having said anything, you better believe I'd look daggers at them! And what you presumed she was thinking after your charming comment -- along the lines of "you can't speak to me like that"--she's right! No one should say that to someone they don't know, about something that was never even said! Come on now!

    Your narrative is concerning and while some women might be seeking attention--so what--they're at a bar! The men there are often doing the same. I'm sorry if some vain woman wronged you in the past, but that hardly gives you the right to behave so poorly.
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  11. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    Sorry, but you didn't understand what I was saying.
    Well firstly, I was there. And you weren't. As an aside, the look was obviously a mannerism she'd taken time to perfect. Probably enhanced by some coke that had gone up her nose.

    I knew exactly what she was doing. As I knew would be, It wasn't going to be "Oh fuck, thats a lovely shirt you're wearing".
    It was going to be "Oh fuck off" or "oh fucks sake, fuck off". Or something very similar. No one in my position would see any need to wait beyond the "oh fu...". coming from her mouth+screwed up face. I wouldn't have said the story if I wasn't absolutely sure on what was happening. I knew she'd said "oh fu.." and I deduced what the rest would be ... more or less. And did anyone tell you about 70% of communication is non verbal? I suspect not.

    As it happened, by the time I was saying my words it was actually "oh fuCK OFF..." and then something I didn't pick up exactly, but probably "you twat". So I was right in deducing it wasn't "oh fuck I love dark hair"...! Maybe it was her coke, or her alcohol, or very likely she was a vile person the rest of the time too. BTW most people I know make a specific point of actually POLITE I am..! A friend of mine saw it all and later said "what an obnoxious bitch that was".

    If you asked someone "excuse me, what time does this bar shut" and were given a psychotic look/look of utter contempt and an "oh fu.." which DID turn into "oh fuck off", I'd bet my right leg, you'd be pretty disgusted. So if you can't see what I'm saying, I think the only one painting an unflattering picture of themselves is you!

    And I've got no problem with women looking for attention, none whatsoever. But something I do dislike is "attention whores" - women who manipulate gullible, naive usually young guys, basically using them. In England, an attention whore is also called an "attention seeker". Same thing. Not clever, not nice, rather pathetic I think. Altho that was completely irrelevant to the above.

    PS I went out last night. 2 guys got into a handbags type wrestle. Another one on coke kepting banging a gambling machine.
    But the most prevalent bad behaviour was drunk, very aggressive+argumentative women showing disrespect for various people including staff. Some of these women actually bullying the guys they were with. So politeness is a 2 way street.
  12. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    I suspect some round here would class her as a "poor oppressed princess" constantly hounded by evil would-be rapists and murderers...

    My view is, never try and deduce how good or obnoxious someone is by their clothes, their biceps, their looks... or ofcourse their gender!!
    I've seen murderers who look like angelic ballerinas. And virtual saints who look like they've spent the last 20 yrs running their local prison landing.
  13. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    putting his dick in the quarter slot?
  14. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    From that vid, I'll take it that men and women are fundamentally different and/or people are products of their culture. Personally I hope it's mostly the former and only a bit of the latter.
  15. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    pound coin slot actually.
    British perverts have bigger dicks ;)
  16. Sexfreakartist

    Sexfreakartist Members

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    Women are rude because they learned early on that if they try to politely turn down men the men take it as a sign that she just wants you to try harder and not appear to be easy. Also women get bombarded on a minute to minute basis by men hitting on them looking for sex. Men would be the same way. If men got offered sex by every woman they walked past they like women would be flattered and feel desired for a breif time while they were 13 years old then like everything else that is easyer to do than blink your eyes it gets boring fast. And soon guys would be going to the store with messy hair and spaghetti stained sweat pants hoping they can finally go out and not get hit on only to realize they get hit on even more because now they appear to be more approachable. Men whether they admit it or not are scared little girls who want the opposite of what they think. Men don't get rude to women when rejecting them and rejected the women out of fear and contradiction. Men were taught not to be mean to women and that they are emotionally fragile. So to be rude could scar them for life. Also when women approach men and of the bat talk about going on a date or sex. The man gets scared thinking they are trying to scam them or set them up to get robbed. Also men complain that women play games and rarely want sex. But then call women that are the opposite easy and sluts. So women play those games because if they don't the men that say they hate those games won't date them. I never call women that enjoy sex sluts. I call those women every chance I can.
  17. Sexfreakartist

    Sexfreakartist Members

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    Women are rude because they learned early on that if they try to politely turn down men the men take it as a sign that she just wants you to try harder and not appear to be easy. Also women get bombarded on a minute to minute basis by men hitting on them looking for sex. Men would be the same way. If men got offered sex by every woman they walked past they like women would be flattered and feel desired for a breif time while they were 13 years old then like everything else that is easyer to do than blink your eyes it gets boring fast. And soon guys would be going to the store with messy hair and spaghetti stained sweat pants hoping they can finally go out and not get hit on only to realize they get hit on even more because now they appear to be more approachable. Men whether they admit it or not are scared little girls who want the opposite of what they think. Men don't get rude to women when rejecting them and rejected the women out of fear and contradiction. Men were taught not to be mean to women and that they are emotionally fragile. So to be rude could scar them for life. Also when women approach men and of the bat talk about going on a date or sex. The man gets scared thinking they are trying to scam them or set them up to get robbed. Also men complain that women play games and rarely want sex. But then call women that are the opposite easy and sluts. So women play those games because if they don't the men that say they hate those games won't date them. I never call women that enjoy sex sluts. I call those women every chance I can.

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