The most important part of having power to coerce is knowing to use it as little as possible. Trump is not that type. When he has power he wants to use it. He has asked the question "why not" with regard to using nukes. No one who has to ask that question is prepared to be president.
Trump doesn't push the button himself though. Although I'm really not sure, my gut instinct tells me that, just because Trump /might/ want to drop the bomb and lets face it everybody eats his words up like a good bacon breakfast, just because he might want to, doesn't mean it's going to happen at all. Hell we've watched what politicians want for years now. And they have to answer to someone for it, or it is decided by others, not the one in charge he's just a front man answering to general etc. Anyway I said at the start of the year, said it mid year, said it at election, said it after election and hell I'll say it again at years end. Nothing is going to happen.
You could get a thousand psychologists to all declare the man insane, but it would make no difference because there are no requirements for the position other than winning the election and being an American citizen. Note that if Trump is unfit for office then the average American citizen is unfit to vote and all you are arguing is that we require a dictatorship or something less representative.
In the OP what I'm arguing for is signing a petition..see link. But in a more general way what I'm arguing for is something MORE representative like a vote that isn't a gerymadered electoral college. A vetting process that does require some standard of sanity to become president wouldn't hurt either.
You might as well be spitting in the wind. In over ten years of my asking not a single person has been able to tell me the simple distinction between a lynch mob and a democracy. They are all convinced politics is about fighting and half the people I asked also admitted they were suspicious of the common dictionary and liked to make up their own definitions for some words despite being clueless the common dictionary merely contains popular definitions. Its Three Stooges slapstick and according to the National Science Foundation one in five insists the sun revolves around the earth. You simply can't have a democracy when nobody even knows the meaning of the damned word. What we have is mob rule which is why we have elected a reality TV star and huge professional wrestling fan to office who can talk smack with the best of them and why the American public has allowed congress to steadily disenfranchise them and created more of a police state run by the corporations. Its empire baby, and this train ain't stopping until she derails.