Do our brains craft the way our brains seem to us? Do we really see reality at all? Or does some chemical combination create an illusion of reality? Do the chemicals in our brains even give us an accurate perspective of what chemicals are? Are chemicals as they seem, or are they completely abstracted from how they truly are, due to their own inherent properties? Maybe everything we experience is a total illusion created by something we can't really understand, because we can't perceive it objectively. And everything we think we do perceive objectively is actually just weird abstract wave forms that whatever we're made out of construes as reality. I do believe we are of a substance that concocts a reality that appears differently to a human than it actually is in reality.
Mmmmm - we are all made of chemicals, but personally my chemicals contain a portion of this: Courvoisier VS Cognac
Well, my thought is, we know we have, for instance, DMT in our brains. And no one knows what its function is. So, my thought is, maybe it's helping to create the illusion of this reality. It is, by all reports, really great at creating illusions. We see in psychotropic substances how different chemicals affect perception, even how you perceive chemicals themselves. So who is to say that the so-called "chemicals" already present in your brain don't have the effect of creating a completely plausible reality. We grow accustomed to it, of course, but perhaps it is all very far out. I think so. I think every chemical in the brain is just some psychoactive substance causing us to perceive reality falsely.
There would be no thought process, and as such no reality, if we weren't tripping our brains out 24/7....