Have you experienced a hands free Prosate Orgasm? We started doing itfor health reasons and it became a regular fun way to play and had a really outrageous orgasm. It is difficult for my wife to do it to me but I can hit just the right spot to make me start pushing cum and then exploding with a really intense orgasm, all without touching my cock. If I do start stroking as I am cumming it's even better. When it generates from deep insides like that, it feels like my whole body is orgasming. What kind of toy works best for you?
I am jealous, I begged my hubby to let me try it while I suck him off. He was just too clenched up to relax and enjoy it. He didn't say it hurt, just didn't feel good. I thought if I did it while sucking he would relax, but no. I want to be a part of bringing on that level of orgasm.... and more yummy cum.
a prostate massager (or a hard cock) .....and even better if someone is sucking on my cock at the xame time - explosive deep inside orgasm. Simon
Nice image Si. I must have a little word with my wife and invest in a nice new toy. Prostate massage sounds amazing. (I may even print out your post and pop it in her handbag by means of a sledgehammer hint!) I will report back if and when it happens.
My wife began me on prostate orgasms with her fingers but since her fingers were not that long..... Yes please running man.....report back Simon
I have to admit that my wife and I acquired a prostate massager since I last read this particular forum. I have never in my life felt such a rush in my life! She began sucking my cock and balls and playing with my ass with her finger. She lubed me up and our new friend, and started to fuck my ass with the massager. She had me horny already and then she pushed it deep and I started to quiver and shake. I have never came so hard! I thought I was going to pass out from pleasure! I highly recommend this to any guy that wants to have an unbelievable orgasm!!
I often finger my ass while jerking or use a small toy. Let my wife strap on and fuck me once becuse thats what the movie YPF did to get closer
I have alot of guilt masturbating, so i try very hard to have an orgasm without touching myself. Only once did i ever acheive that. I keep coming so close, then can't attain it again. I still try. Would like to exchange ideas with anyone here.
I can't get there all the way hands free. I can get super close but not quite. I wish I knew what to do for it to work. Tried a bunch of different toys, and every single one is missing something for that extra push.
A vibrating dildo can be amazing. I can't get there hands free, but I once had a guy massage my prostate while blowing me. It ended in a very intense orgasm.
Try some of the Aneros massagers. they have done the research. I have had great success with the Progasm and the Vice.
A prostate orgasm is really intense, but for me it takes a lot of effort, edging, a vibe, and finally it. It's more of a full body orgasm, and the cum just kind of flows out instead of spurts. I save it for when want to spend a lot of time at it.
Is prostate orgasm that intense and grate because I still haven’t experienced one yet but Iv just bought a vibrating prostate massager to try and have a go, hopefully it will reach it with ease and make me swim in cum?
Does a prostate massager automatically direct to wards the prostate and what’s the deal with the peranium?
Yes it's a heat seeker directed towards your prostate and just smash that peranium until it feels grate and you are swimming in cum.
Why do I need to smash my peranium? Does it give extra pleasure or something because my massager vibrates it