The Problem With Iskcon

Discussion in 'Hinduism' started by IMjustfishin, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    In my humble opinion, the major problem I am having with ISKCON is that they deny the moon landing even in the face of so much evidence. Without going into too much detail, how can this organization expect to survive and thrive if their official stance on the moon landing does not agree with our reality?

    This problem along with their other opinions of astronomy and evolution do not agree with reason and logic, which is a major cornerstone of their philosophy and what attracted me to the Hare Krishna movement in the first place. I am a devotee His Devine Grace Srila Prabhupada but cannot agree with what he says about the moon and his comments about our solar system, and ISKCON's stance on evolution.

    I believe that if this issue is not addressed, our movement will lose the ability to attract new and young followers who abide by the laws of logic and resoning.

    So my opinion: If we want to continue to propogate the idea of the Vedas and the values of our founder, His Devine Grace Srila Prabhupada, we must address the inconsistancies between our official stance on the moon landing, our solar system, evolution, and that of modern science and its abundant evidence.

    At the very least, lets change our stance on the moon landing which is literally scaring off many potential devotees.

    Hare Krishna!
  2. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I'm not involved with ISKCON, but I know a fair amount about them, and have met many devotees.

    I think part of the problem you have is that nobody in ISKCON today has the authority to challenge anything Prabhupada said.

    I'm sure you are aware of the whole 'Ritvik' controversy, where the ISKCON reform people want to downgrade ISKCON gurus to the staus of Ritviks, on the basis that Prabhupada intended this to be the way it would be after his departure. As we know, the people he appointed to be spiritual masters afterwards were generally no good, and some were actually criminals.

    Recently, a devotee gave me a small book entitled "100 Contradictions: The Life and teaching of HH Bhakti Charu Swami", produced by the ISKCON revival movement. What they've done in effect is to go through many of his statements over time which seem to contradict Prabhupada. And produced an entire book which is really a complete character assasination.

    So if anyone in ISKCON says that Prabhupada may have been wrong about things like evolution or the moon landings, or in fact anything else, they are not likely to get much of a hearing, and might end up expelled from the movement.

    Myself, I feel that ISKCON does have a future, because the chanting is such a powerful thing, but I'd like to see some changes.
  3. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Sometimes, a big fish can bite. It can break the line if you're not very careful. But every skilled angler knows how to play his fish. Reel him in slow, and then you'll get the fish.

    For example, if you ever say: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare with true love, true Bhava, your life may never be the same again. In the space of that moment it can all change.

    If that happens, the dogmas laid down by this or that tradition might seem superficial, contingent, and somewhat meaningless.
  4. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    I think you could replace those words with "divine now tao now divine now tao now divine now buddha buddha buddha" and it would have the same psychological effect. It's the technique which creates the sensorial experience of joy and elation, not the words themselves. Any sound which points to what you consider the ultimate, the highest, will do. It's essentially a kind of self-hypnosis or meditative mnemonic.
  5. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    You're right that you can say different words, divine names etc. Most religions have some sort of similar practice to Hindu mantra meditation or japa.

    The question posed in this thread though was not really about that, but about the specific teachings of ISKCON.
  6. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    i think the problem with iskcon is they raised money by selling drugs and arms out of laguna beach and that is where their money came from - then there's the being lying sacks of begging shit who used to hit you up on rodeo drive complaining about cars breaking down, begging like bums anywhere, and lying through their unscrubbed teeth. i think the fact that they have zero scruples and once i saw iskcon throwing rocks at a mongoloid iskcon child. you know i can't see anything right about iskcon

    then there's the simple fact tat prahupada lifted his entire teaching from the kaliasantaranana upanishad - he wasn't a rishi, nor a holy man - he was a peer of the materialistic gurus who starting with pr sarkar, yogananda, maharishi, osho, mukta, and about a hundred others were all rank materialists who flipped our lids through cultural schock.

    praahupada was the george wallace bush of the spiritual world. more like the dick cheney.

    those neovaishnava scuzz who used to troll schools everywhere in california were dirt suckers like vedic filled hoover vacuums

    no iskcon ever gave anyone anything beside the sugar diet of their brainwashiterias

    fuck iskcon
    fuck them fuck them
    and their mothers
  7. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    they gave me food and shelter when i was homeless and didn't ask anything in return, im thankful for that.
  8. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Salvation Army would do the same thing.

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